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Dieting disasters

Summertime fun can become dieting disasters

Thursday, August 08, 2013 by: Yanjun
Tags: dieting disasters, summertime fun, nutrition

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(NaturalNews) Summer can be a time of relaxing, fun activities, laid back schedules, and vacations. Unfortunately, with all that fun comes many chances to face dieting disasters. It is easy to enjoy the fatty foods of summer, thinking you will cut back elsewhere, exercise more, or not even realize the amount of calories and fat you are eating. With so many people around you enjoying the high calorie, fatty foods available at every turn, it may be hard to make the smarter decisions. But for someone who plans ahead and has other options available, the temptation to give in to the decadent food delights of summer can be easier to face.

If you and your family are planning summer fun activities, such as a local fair, a barbecue, an amusement park, the ballpark, or a friends cook out, plan ahead to avoid the dieting pitfalls that you will be facing.

Here are the top summer foods that can have you packing on the pounds.

High-fat Barbecue Meats

Beef or pork ribs on the grill can sound delicious, but the ribs are the fattiest part of the animal to eat. A steak marbled with fat can be just as bad. Even burgers can load up on the calories when you add in the cheese, the toppings, and the bun.

Hot Dogs, Sausages, and Bratwurst

A favorite for summertime meals, ballpark fare, and other summer activities, these dogs not only have a lot of calories and fat, but sodium as well.

Salads with Mayonnaise

What would summer be without potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw and other mayonnaise covered salads? But these summer delights are high calorie concoctions that are loaded with both fat and calories.


From beer to the sweet cocktails that people love to sip during the heat of summer, many people aren't aware of how many calories they are consuming. Many of the sweet drinks with umbrellas that people love to drink can have as many calories as an entire meal. And having just a couple of beers can be just as bad.

Frozen Treats

Summer can be a time of ice cream, popsicles, and other frozen treats. Whether you are indulging in a scoop, a cone, or a treat on a stick, these frozen treats can add the calories quickly. With so many toppings, add-ins and selections, it makes it easy to turn a sweet treat into a dieting disaster. Making smarter selections can be possible, even in this situation.

Fried Foods

Walking along the boardwalk or at your local fair can bring the smells of just about any fried food you can think of. Many of those options come on a stick so you can munch as you walk; you can find it hard to avoid these deep-fried don't s.

Making smarter decisions may be harder in the summer with temptations all around, but it is possible to choose smarter options, even in the summertime. Opting for lower fat meats, smaller portions, and healthier choices can help you avoid the pitfalls of fatty summer foods.

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About the author:
Sofiya has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments,health insurance, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

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