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Big Pharma

APA President urges cooperation with big pharma regardless of unethical advertising, bribery and suppression of scientific data

Friday, August 02, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant
Tags: Big Pharma, corruption, psychiatry

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(NaturalNews) In a recent message to subscribers, American Psychiatric Association President Jeffrey Lieberman urged members to support big pharma.

He did this while openly admitting that the pharmaceutical industry makes a practice of advertising unethically, paying off doctors, and suppressing critical scientific data as to the dangers of their drugs.

With calm and poise, President Lieberman reminded APA members that we need big pharma and they need us. In fact, he suggests we'd be lost without them.

What would we do without pharmaceuticals? Who would support scientific research? How would psychiatrists stay in business? Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman is asking these questions as if the answer obviously favors supporting and sustaining a criminal industry.

It would seem that, according to Lieberman, humanity would be lost and all medical advancement would come to a screeching halt if not for the scoundrels who run big pharma.

In fact, the answer is not so obvious.

What would we do without big pharma, really?

We'd be forced to heal ourselves the way nature intended. Here is what might happen:

1. Alternative medicine would become mainstream medicine.

2. Natural remedies that work would skyrocket to the forefront due to market forces.

3. Medical research would be free to tell the truth and not subject to suppression.

4. Funding for alternative medicine research would blossom.

5. The FDA might collapse, or at least be free to stop terrorizing natural products.

6. People would be encouraged to take much greater personal responsibility for their own health and not rely on pills.

7. Lifestyle medicine and prevention would become the mainstays of medical practice.

8. Consumers would stop getting hypnotic, televised messages filled with happy, successful and handsome people that make you feel good, while receiving subliminal messages that the drug being advertised might kill you (think about this one).

9. The organic food industry would become mainstream.

10. GMO's, artificial and chemical-laden synthetic foods would vanish.

11. We'd likely clean up the toxic environment.

12. Good psychotherapy would be on the rise and demand therapists with real skill, not those who merely talk to their patients about how their medication side effects.

13. My favorite: We'd be forced to learn about self-sabotage, the number one obstacle to health and happiness.

14. All in all, we'd value our health more by taking more personal responsibility for it, creating mass support for any company that promotes authentic natural products.

We could brainstorm at least 100 more GOOD things that might happen if big pharma collapsed.

Is there room for a pharmaceutical industry in a truly healthy society? I'll bet there is, but it would not the monster we have today.

As President Lieberman strengthens ties to his criminal cash cow, the rest of us shake our heads and dream about what might be if people like him were to wake up.

Stand up by sharing what you know about natural health.

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About the author:
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. Click here to watch the presentation that will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

Follow Mike on Facebook for daily personal development tips.

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