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Beating insomnia: Eight surprisingly simple tips

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 by: Sandeep Godiyal
Tags: insomnia, home remedies, improved sleep

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(NaturalNews) Insomnia is one of the leading causes of unnecessary stress. Because it limits a person's ability to get good-quality rest, it can lead to some really detrimental effects on a person's well-being. Some of the leading causes of this condition are depression and - somewhat surprisingly - stress. What are you going to do if you are suffering from insomnia? Here are some of the things you can do to counter insomnia.

Eight home remedies for insomnia

1. Improve the comfort of your bed - Where you sleep on can have an effect on how effective your sleep will be. Oftentimes, the reason why you can't sleep is either because the bed is too hard or too soft. Get a bedding material that possesses just the right amount of firmness.

2. Try to sleep in a quieter place - Noise can have a bad effect on one's ability to sleep. When there's too much noise present, there's simply no way for you to sleep properly. If your room is not located in a quiet place, it's best to invest in a pair of earplugs.

3. Reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol - These two ingredients, which are staples in a lot of people's favorite foods, can compromise one's ability to sleep. Alcohol can potentially cause aches, and other forms of discomfort while sleeping. Caffeine, meanwhile, can make it significantly harder for you to sleep.

4. Have a consistent schedule - Humans are known as creatures of rhythm. Once you establish that rhythm, many physiological functions normalize, and that includes our sleep patterns. By establishing a consistent sleep rhythm, you can eliminate the symptoms of insomnia.

5. Establishing a bedtime ritual - As said earlier, humans are creatures of rhythm. Make a habit that reinforces the thought that it's time to sleep. Think of it as the direct equivalent of reading bedtime stories for children. Reading and bathing are two of the most popular pre-sleep rituals. As a rule of thumb, go for an activity that relaxes you.

6. Eat light during the night - A heavy night meal can make it difficult for you to sleep for different reasons. It forces your digestive system to work overtime and it provides your body with elevated amounts of energy. Eat light and you shall be able to sleep better.

7. Eat sedative foods - Particular foods have a sedative effect when consumed, especially in the hours before bedtime. Milk, honey, and just a little bit of sugar are known to have a sedative effect which helps you fall asleep much easier.

8. Eliminate stress - Stress can make it hard for you to sleep well. Stress points such as anger must be minimized. Not only does it help you sleep properly, but it helps you keep your sanity intact too.

Even if you have successfully beaten insomnia and you are once again enjoying quality sleep every night, there's no reason for you not to continue doing the aforementioned tips. These are beneficial not just for your sleep but also for your health and well-being. These remedies - especially those that involve having a proper diet and a consistent schedule - will ensure that you don't get stressed out as often as before. When you are better prepared to take swings at life's many curve balls, sleep will come easily and naturally to you.

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About the author:
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. He currently writing for insurancetips4u.co.

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