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Immigration reform

Immigration reform hiding a plan requiring biometric national ID card for all US workers

Monday, July 01, 2013 by: Lance Johnson
Tags: immigration reform, biometrics, national ID card

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(NaturalNews) As the Senate passes sweeping immigration reform, many have been caught up in the surface debate about whether undocumented workers should be granted amnesty.

But everyone is being distracted. The amnesty argument has concealed the sinister, rotten core of this sweeping new legislation. A little known provision embedded in the bill is set to require all American workers to possess a biometric ID card. According to the New York Times, driver's licenses, photographs, and biometric information of most Americans "would be accessible through an expanded Department of Homeland Security nationwide computer network."

What does biometric information entail?

Fingerprints, DNA, eye scans - all logged into a database, retrievable by the federal government's Homeland of "Security."

The new legislation lays out more than a path to citizenship. The bill calls for implementing "photo tools." It lays the groundwork for a sweeping new database, cataloging people, learning every last detail about everyone... Is this how ordinary Americans must be treated to accommodate illegal immigrants? Should everyone's privacy be stripped and stored all for the sake of this?

There must be a better way.

This out of control nationwide computer network is nothing more than a plan to centralize government power to monitor and manipulate people. Under the guise of "cracking down on illegal immigration," this new system strips Americans of their individual privacy and turns them into a traceable data in a federal information bank.

The Department of Homeland Security database will essentially expand upon the E-verify system that's already being used by seven percent of the workforce. Over the next four years, little by little, US employers will be required to "submit information on new employees," including regular citizens, to confirm worker eligibility.

Big government assures that your information is safe

As the tracking database is set up, government officials are affirming that the stored biometric information will not be used for any other purpose than employment verification. Most people know that big government's safety rhetoric like this is a lie. It's obvious what will happen with personal information. Just look at how the National Security Administration handles everyone's metadata. They collect it in droves and listen in on emails, phone calls, and track credit card purchases.

Could you imagine what a national "photo tool" could be used for, as described in the more than 800 page immigration bill? People would be required to "check in" to the system to get a job and could even be "carded" at polling places, or be required to show their ID for other things like renting a house, buying a gun, opening a bank account, or boarding a plane.

In hindsight, that's what the Social Security card has evolved into. Initially designed to track personal government retirement benefits, now the social security card is used to require health insurance under the new Affordable Care Act. This proves that the expansion of government control is inevitable when ideas such as the National ID Card and massive database systems are erected.

Temptation to control

More than ever, Americans must shrug off the temptation to control and manipulate one another. All the government coercion, tracking, snooping, harassment, breaches of privacy, and targeting is beyond fathomable, but it can be stopped. It starts with virtues, by re-establishing the golden rule.

Sign Campaign for Liberty's petition to say no to these controlling databases: http://www.chooseliberty.org/nationalidcard.aspx

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About the author:
Passionate about holistic wellness, Lance Johnson and his wife invite you to www.allnaturalfreespirit.com, where you can buy clean, chemical-free body care products.

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