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Physical fitness

Fit as a fiddle for summer

Sunday, June 30, 2013 by: Marlene Watson-Tara
Tags: physical fitness, summer, weight loss

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(NaturalNews) "Summertime and the livin' is easy". You may remember these words from the song 'Summertime', all about lazy days when everything seems to slow down. Summer is a good time to forget our worries and let our hair down. The flowers are in full bloom, the perfume from rose bushes waft in the air, the hanging baskets overflow with an abundance of colors bobbing about in the breeze; when playing in the sun, everyone seems happier than at any other time of the year. This makes sense when we understand more about the seasons. Summer is the season of high energy, joy and passion. It is when nature is at its full and glorious height.

General considerations

Summer is a time of openness and peace ... and the living is easy. The excitement of spring gives way to flowering and ripening of life. Summer is a time to let troubles drift away and enjoy life, a time to stop and smell the flowers.

This is the time of the greatest expansion of energy in the cycle; it is the most abundant time for growth. The foods that are most needed when the weather is warm are salads, fruits and green vegetables - and lighter cooking is required. Cooking needs to be subtle as well - so be sure not to overcook. This kind of food will help us to keep our cool.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the energy of summer nourishes the heart and the small intestines. It provides us with a good opportunity to lighten the diet, cut down on salty foods, eat more raw foods, enjoy fruits and generally relax the system. Sunny days and warmer weather call out for an orderly and relaxed way of being. This is a great time to get rid of the stress in your life; practice lying on the grass and watch the clouds like you did as a child.

You will find that this is the easiest time to cut the sugar, coffee, black tea or alcohol out of your diet. It is usually a good idea to increase the amount of pure water you drink (always at room temperature). When you rise in the morning, hydrate your cells with water. We lose approximately half a cup of water each night when we sleep, and the cells need hydrating when we awake. Remember that the brain is composed of 80 percent water so you will feel more alert when you give the body what it needs. You might also try dry skin brushing before having a shower (it's wonderful) - it will not only make your skin velvety smooth but also increase circulation, creating a healthy glow.

Something like summer

Diseases of the heart are provoked by eating too much meat and dairy food, causing the blood to thicken and the arteries to become clogged with excess fats. The light and simple foods of summer may be helpful for anyone having these problems at any time of year. Simplicity is the key - nothing fancy or complex. Raw vegetables and lightly cooked dishes help restore the balance and calm the system.

The healthy diet of summer uses less oil and oily foods and concentrates on the abundant variety of vegetables available. Foods that overheat the body are not good for the heart and therefore avoided, and salt is usually reduced. Use the summer approach when you want to do the heart a favor.

Sources for this article:

Macrobiotics for all Seasons by Marlene Watson-Tara www.marlenewatsontara.com

Natural Body - Natural Mind by Bill Tara www.billtara.net

Your Face Never Lies by bill Tara www.billtara.net

About the author:
For over 30 years Marlene has been actively teaching all aspects of health and wellness.
As a teacher of the chiball method, Marlene teaches and incorporates Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, Chi Ball, and deep relaxation into her daily life and has worked with thousands of clients seeking to revitalize their lives through the philosophy of a wholefoods diet and exercise.
In addition to her work as a Health Educator, Macrobiotic Counsellor and Cooking Teacher, Marlene has designed various successful programmes ?The Natural Woman? and ?Weight Loss Nature?s Way?.
Marlene has been teaching her ?Living with the Seasons? workshops in various parts of Europe, America and Australia over the last decade. She has a list of clients ranging from the movies and arts to members of royal families. In the last 3 years she has been teaching chef?s the arts and skills of macrobiotic cooking. Her dietary advice draws from the fields of macrobiotic nutrition, her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine and common sense. Marlene writes seasonal articles for Yoga & Health Magazine, Yoga Magazine and is a regular writer for many other health magazines and websites. As an international author, Marlene's latest book Macrobiotics for all Seasons contains over 200 recipes with detox and medicinal teas along with home remedies for each season.

Her favourite saying ?
?If you don?t look after your body, then where are you going to live?

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