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Varicella vaccine

High-risk kindergartener with immunodeficiency disease kicked out of school for not getting dangerous chicken pox vaccine

Friday, May 17, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Tags: varicella vaccine, medical exemption, schoolchildren

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(NaturalNews) A kindergartener from New York's Staten Island is being refused public education for not getting a vaccine that could put her and her newborn sister's life in danger, according to new reports. Five-year-old Frankie Elizabeth Wagner's pediatrician refuses to administer the varicella vaccine for chicken pox to the young girl because he says it could be dangerous, but the local public school district, PS 36 in Annadale, has denied the child's medical exemption, which has essentially barred Frankie Elizabeth from attending classes and rendered her indefinitely truant.

Frankie Elizabeth has a somewhat rare immunodeficiency condition called hypogammaglobulinemia, which results in lower than normal levels of immunoglobulins, or antibodies, circulating throughout her bloodstream. The condition is hereditary, which means Frankie Elizabeth's newborn sister may also have it. Because the disease is marked by decreased immunity caused by a lack of antibodies, both girls are considered to be high risk, which is why their family pediatrician is concerned about administering a vaccine to Frankie Elizabeth that could potentially endanger her younger sister.

School officials in Frankie Elizabeth's district, however, are insisting that the girl receive the chicken pox vaccine anyway in order to allegedly protect all the other students at her school who have already been vaccinated for chicken pox. This deranged line of reasoning makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, of course, as the other students who have been vaccinated for chicken pox are presumably already protected from chicken pox. But it is nonetheless the excuse the PS 36 school district has chosen to use to deny Frankie Elizabeth access to public education.

"It's a live virus and I'm not willing to take that chance with my newborn," Frankie Elizabeth's mother Elizabeth is quoted as saying to the Staten Island Advance about the potential dangers of the varicella vaccine, which contains live chicken pox virus. "I don't care if it's a one in three million chance (of side effects). What happens if my baby is the one in three million?"

Wagner family denied their vaccine exemption rights by rogue public education bureaucracy

Frankie Elizabeth's pediatrician agrees. In fact, he reportedly refuses to administer any vaccines to any of his patients who have newborn siblings because of the immense dangers these vaccines pose to young children. He has also taken special care to protect Frankie Elizabeth and her sister from the chicken pox vaccine because it could interact negatively with their pre-existing health conditions, an honorable position to take in light of the fact that many pediatricians routinely fail to consider individual circumstances when delivering vaccine jabs to young children.

But a vaccine exemption for medical reasons filed by this pediatrician was recently rejected by the New York Department of Education, even though the vaccine itself could potentially kill young Frankie Elizabeth and her sister. As reported by the Staten Island Advance, the district not only denied the request, but also told Frankie Elizabeth's mother that the girl could no longer attend classes until she complied with its egregious vaccine policy. The district also made it clear that Frankie Elizabeth would continue to be marked absent for school days missed, even though she no longer has a choice in the matter of whether or not to attend classes.

"It's a nonstop battle, and I've been brought to tears I can't tell you how many times," says Frankie Elizabeth's mother, noting that she is now considering homeschooling her daughter. "What happens next? I wait for a truant officer to arrest me because my child's not going to school?"

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