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Research officially 'discovers' that all cancers are the same - and misses almost the whole story

Sunday, May 12, 2013 by: Michael A. Bedar, MA
Tags: cancer, disease prevention, scientific findings

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(NaturalNews) Scientists are in "complete surprise" that cancers closely resemble each other across widely varying organs, according to Dr. Douglas Levine of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and the principal investigator on a new endometrial cancer study published Wednesday in the journal, Nature.

"The problem," leading to existing drug treatments performing at an unsatisfactory 10% death rate, was in "the traditional methods for categorizing the leukemia," said Dr. Timothy Ley of Washington University in St. Louis, who co-led a study simultaneously published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

"Cancer of the uterine lining closely resembles the worst ovarian and breast cancers... telling evidence that cancer will increasingly be seen as a disease defined primarily by its genetic fingerprint rather than just by the organ where it originated," says The New York Times' interpretation of these results.

A pattern linking carcinogenic conditions throughout the body

What conclusion did the mainstream reporters draw from this study that identifies common patterns in cancer throughout the whole body, dispelling the myth that cancer cells just "show up" and attack a particular organ?

Did they reach a holistic realization, since if cancers don't just pop up in the genes of an isolated organ, but share a pattern with the whole body, then maybe the whole body's terrain (the environment in which genes replicate and exhibit epigenetic patterns) is systemically involved in creating the cancerous conditions?

With such a reasonable interpretation of the scientific data, then the emphasis of treatment can turn to seeing the person holistically.

Or...the same old MSM story covering up the new study's revelations

However, seemingly on the cusp of peering into the whole-body nature of illness, The New York Times and mainstream media reported the research in a different way (passing this potential holistic realization like a ship in the night):

Reported the The New York Times, "Another surprise was that the worst endometrial tumors were so similar to the most lethal ovarian and breast cancers, raising the tantalizing possibility that the three deadly cancers might respond to the same drugs."

You read that correctly. Readers of The Times are supposed to be "tantalized" that the researchers' discovery will help them make more use of drugs for cancer. Aren't you tantalized?

Yes, millions of NY Times readers read of the discovery of patterns throughout the whole body, not gaining knowledge of the individual's power to change the patterns in their body which science now confirms we have, through meditation, exercise, nutrition, loving relationships, touch, outdoor elements, a pure home environment, and more, but with an announcement about the pharmaceutical exploitation of the unified patterns in our body.

For the record, there are other professional interpretations of what it means that the same pattern is found in many "different" cancers. Here are three:

1. Cancer emerges from a 16-stage systemic cascade into pleomorphism (Rife's theory)

Aggressive transformation of fungus like somatids found in normal blood into microcytes and their 15 stages of decay into cancer

According to a site promoting the theories of Royal Rife:

"Royal Rife, MD, in the 1930's discovered tiny living creatures within all plant and animal cells. He called them somatids, meaning "little bodies". He studied them extensively and wrote that in a healthy person, the somatids appear to be symbiotic organisms within cells and have a simple three stage life cycle (a simple viroid form, spores, and double spores). This he named the microcycle.

"However, when the body becomes unhealthy, as in all cases of cancer, the somatids shift into a more complicated, sixteen-stage macrocycle. In this cycle, the somatids literally transform in about 15 or 16 steps or stages into more and more aggressive bacteria-like and fungus-like structures that are parasitic. This means they slowly begin to destroy the body's cellular structures. This is associated with the development of all diseases, including cancer. Cancer is associated with the last stage of decay of the somatids. The ability of the somatids to alter their form depending upon the conditions they find themselves in is termed pleomorphism.

"The pleomorphism theory is the concept of tiny creatures living inside our cells that change form was not new in 1930. Bechamel, or Antoine Beauchamp, MD, wrote about them 100 years before and called them "microzymes".

"The terrain is all important. Dr. Rife found that the proper terrain or cellular environment (which is what we alter with nutritional balancing science ) in the cells contains inhibitors that keep the somatids in the healthy symbiotic microcycle. As health declines, these inhibitors are lost and our friends, the somatids, turn into opportunistic parasites.

"The somatid pattern can function as an indicator of serious disease. The somatid pattern associated with cancer, for instance, is usually observed in the blood up to two years before the manifestation of the disease. This could allow one to have an early warning system to detect when one is headed for trouble, and it could be helpful in tracking one's progress in healing. By monitoring the somatid phenomenon one can theoretically observe a patient's response to both orthodox and alternative treatments, lifestyle changes and any other approach to healing."

2. Acidity and low oxygenation causes normal cells to survive by becoming abnormal cells

A website dedicated to the study of pH (a factor that basic lifestyle changes can adjust) and cancer says:

"According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. This causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.

"Over time, he theorizes, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells.

"These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer. (Emphasis included in original.)

"As you can see, he is describing, from a different point of view, the link between pH and cancer, a process by which low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous.

"Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid, making it more difficult to raise pH levels."

3. Enzyme store depletion

On the website of Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, Dr. Gonzales writes:

"The embryologist Dr. John Beard proposed in 1906 that pancreatic proteolytic digestive enzymes represent the body's main defense against cancer, and that enzyme therapy would be useful as a treatment for all types of cancer. Particularly during the first two decades of the twentieth century, Dr. Beard's thesis attracted some attention in academic circles, and several case reports in the medical literature documented tumor regression and even remission in terminal cancer patients treated with proteolytic enzymes. In 1911, Dr. Beard published a monograph entitled The Enzyme Therapy of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis, which summarized his therapy and the supporting evidence. In my book The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer (co-authored with my colleague Dr. Linda L. Isaacs), I review Dr. Beard's work from the perspective of contemporary molecular biology.

"After Dr. Beard's death in 1923, the enzyme therapy was largely forgotten. Periodically, other practitioners have rediscovered Dr. Beard's work, and used pancreatic proteolytic enzymes as an alternative cancer treatment.

"Dr. Beard believed the enzymes had to be injected, to prevent destruction by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, recent evidence demonstrates that orally ingested pancreatic proteolytic enzymes are acid-stable, pass intact into the small intestine, and are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream as part of an enteropancreatic recycling process."

Stress, diet, and other factors deplete enzymes over time, according to Kelvin J. A. Davies, a professor at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, and many holistic health clinicians.

One body with coherent patterns

The scientists of the current Nature and NEJM studies are excited to see the commonalities of all cancers and that a system-wide pattern exists, which merely manifests in an organ susceptible. Albeit they see their discoveries within the worldview of the National Institutes of Health project meant to scrutinize DNA aberrations in common cancers.

The findings on the common patterns can be understood in an empowering way individual people, not just used to enrich the biosciences and pharmaceutical field. The individual's lifestyle and consciousness are able to reduce the stress load, keeping our patterns healthy and coherent throughout our whole body.

As the inhabitants of our own bodies, we have the power of diet, thought, and daily practices, to effect the patterns that unite every organ, nerve center, gland, and system of our body, every day.

It's scientifically proven.

Sources used in this article include:

1. http://www.nejm.org
2. Integrated genomic characterization of endometrial carcinoma
3. The New York Times
4. http://cancergenome.nih.gov/
5. http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/CANCER PIONEERS.htm
6. http://www.cancerfightingstrategies.com/ph-and-cancer.html
7. http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/history_of_treatment.htm
8. http://www.ibtimes.com/usc-links-enzyme-depletion-ageing-307870#

About the author:
Michael Bedar MA, BS, is a researcher, writer, and holistic wellness counselor. He is the associate producer with a founding role in the documentary, "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" and is the writer-director of "EcoParque." He now distributes approximately 50 film, ebook, and audio titles through YoelMedia.com. He manages a holistic health practice, facilitates local and online natural wellness and spiritual growth programs, and juices regularly. He helps people live in healthy homes, support their natural fertility, encourage their optimal nutrition, and come into their full presence. He is the Co-Director of Tree of Life - Bay Area, and he has an MA in Live-Food and Spiritual Nutrition from the Cousens School of Holistic Wellness. Bedar's BS from UCSD is an interdisciplinary concentration of Environmental Chemistry, Law and Society, and Design Anthropology.

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