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How to eat GMO, use the Affordable Care Act, and die before you collect Social Security

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 by: S. D. Wells
Tags: GMOs, biotechnology, social security

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(NaturalNews) Millions of Americans are being forced to buy conventional health insurance that directly benefits the pharmaceutical industry, which in turn fuels the biotech food "modification" industry, and that is the simple but evil math calculation being done by the big three: Congress, Big Food and Big Pharma. It's just a simple math formula, like adding two plus two, and it's not difficult to fall in the trap, either. Americans create patterns and stay in them until catastrophe hits, and sometimes beyond that. How is that? Just eat food mutagens day in and day out and get sick, then use your forced health care "card" to purchase chronic, toxic "med-care," and you will get worse slowly and die young. This is the new world order of cursed economics. The average American is just too lazy to research the damage they take on when they eat GMO, pesticide-laden, "lazy" food, and when they take GMOs, synthetic medication to quell the symptoms. The result is cancer attacking different organs and body tissue systematically and quicker than ever before.

The biotechnology thugs of 2013

The overwhelming majority of Americans voted for either Obama or Romney (a double edged sword), both of whose administrations side with Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer, and the whole "thug" biotech industry, thus propagating the insertion of BUG KILLER AND WEED KILLER into the most popular seeds of the conventional food supply in the country, with especially high ratios of GMOs in the corn, soy, canola and cottonseed. Spray on EXTRA HIGH DOSES of pesticide and what have you got? (https://www.naturalnews.com/037327_Romney_Monsanto_Bain.html)

The restaurants, the superstores, the fast food chains and conventional over-the-counter drugs and medicine are bogged down with pesticides, and then politicians force feed the people health care, which mainly involves quack MD's prescribing lab made toxic prescriptions to induce more sickness; thus, more heavy metals and other synthetics get trapped in the body, leading to more brain cell death. Nervous disorders are just the beginning of what GMOs do to the whole system to break it down, so if you just ignore the labels and turn your back on research done by the best nutritionists in the world, you'll probably wind up in a hospital bed, financially drained, wondering where you went wrong. Bad things happen to nice, ignorant people all the time.

It is all simple mathematics, and now MORE toxins are being funneled through Washington D.C. right onto your breakfast, lunch and dinner plate. Lobbyists and scientists are working right now, finding new ways to feed and fuel the addiction suffered by at least 75 percent of Americans, where the non-organic world of mutagenic food and carcinogenic medicine reigns supreme, and over 80 percent will never live to see one cent of their social security money, which they earned their whole lives and cannot pass on to anyone. (http://www.organicconsumers.org/monsanto/)

It's just a cold, hard fact that MORE lethal toxins are being infused into food now than ever before, where highly paid "Big Ag" scientists inject chemicals into fruit and vegetable seeds - the same chemicals that kill bugs and kill weeds simply "weaken the people" into resistance and breed chronic, costly sickness. Much like the fluoride in tap water, affordable care is just more toxins for the masses, more allopathic dope, more screenings, more "scammograms" and unnecessary lab "diagnostics," more exposure to radiation, to x-rays, and to "emotion" controlling medications, which take away free will, central nervous system balance, and healthy cell production. Thanks to new legislation passed by Obama, a new form of GMO is infesting the huge farms of the Midwest, so you better start doing more research about your new organic regimen when it comes to food and medicine. (https://www.naturalnews.com/028631_Komen_for_the_cure_pinkwashing.html)

GMO and sick care

Over the next decade, most Americans will incur very expensive "Un-Affordable Care" including cancer "treatments" at just 40 or 50 years of age. More childhood cancer victims will check into hospitals and their parents will be lied to. Welcome to the country of sick kids in need of chronic care "coverage," and coverage is exactly what you get. Western meds are prescribed right and left, to cover up the symptoms of the toxic food and skin care. Coverage is what the masses get, to cover up the root of the problem, which is toxic food and medicine the FDA allows to be sold and prescribed. The price of "Chronic Care Western Medicine" is going up, way up. The cost will be endless and the cure "just around the corner." What's really around the corner is a bigger bill for the lazy shoppers and the pharmaceutical-led zombies. It's just simple arithmetic that leads to an early grave, and Big Food and Big Pharma like it that way.

Monsanto's Affordable Care Act: Health care costs likely to triple in the next five years

Get out before you drown. Let us, the organic truth seekers, reveal not only the hoaxes but the real "domestic," political terror that is "blitzkrieging" America. You can avoid the health "cliff" and Monsanto's Affordable Care Act. Stop buying into the "affordable death" philosophy and protect your life, your health and your livelihood. If you want the best solution to the whole problem, check out the Health Ranger's "10 solutions for real health care in America."


Let your voice be heard, so the government of the United States will label GMOs! (http://www.organicconsumers.org/monsanto/oca-gmo-labeling-petition.pdf)

In the meantime, get the new smart phone app "fooducate" and help end the reign of GMOs. Read the labels of everything you consider buying and research the ingredients to find out if they're GMOs, right there at your favorite stores, when you simply scan the bar codes. (http://www.fooducate.com/)

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