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Hawaii's genetically modified politicians strike again (opinion)

Sunday, March 24, 2013 by: Hesh Goldstein
Tags: Hawaii, GMOs, politicians

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(NaturalNews) On March 21, 2013, Hawaii had their largest hearing on a GMO lableing bill since fluoridation got defeated in 2003. Unfortunately, due to the genetic modification of our politicians, the bill got "deferred", which is euphemism for 'flushed down the toilet'.

Here's how their genetic modification works: every two years they run for re-election; every two years they receive $500 campaign contributions from Monsatan, DuPont, Syngenta, and Pioneer. That's $2,000 every two years. If the person is in office for 20 years they have amassed $20,000 just for being a GMO hooker. Nice, huh?

Senator Clarence Nishihara, who can be contacted at [email protected], said the bill was flawed (which it was designed to be so it would fail), and would go to several unnamed state groups to "study the issue in more detail and report back". Usually, these groups are under the influence of the biotech industry anyway so it's just lip service.

Well, roughly about 300 people showed up with about 130 testifying. What was interesting was that more than 150 biotech employees showed up about an hour before the doors opened and occupied most of the seats. All the rest had to wait outside the hearing room. I wonder of their being told that their jobs were in jeopardy had anything to do with their turnout? They were never there like this in the past. Talk about scare tactics.

In a recent Letter To The Editor, Fred Perlak, who is Monsatan's chief hooker, said, "For the record, we support voluntary labeling, akin to the program proposed by Whole Foods. Voluntary labeling can provide information to those customers who want it, and avoid the constitutional, economic and cost problems of mandatory labeling. Our, 1,000 employees and their families are concerned about such a "crazy" attitude because it is their futures that are being jeopardized by such an irresponsible opinion".

Okay, let's put that in everyday language. We really don't give a s&%t if Whole Foods or other natural food stores don't carry our poisons because they make up a small part of the shopping population. Besides, those stores carry different products that the supermarket chains and local grocery stores don't carry anyway, so there will be hardly any loss to us". Now, that makes more sense.

The fight is far from over. We will continue to tell people about Monsatan's corruption where they have sold seeds as non-GMO when they actually were GMO.

We will continue to inform people that industrial chemicals, plastic and drugs can be grown in plants like corn, and there is a strong likelihood you have already consumed them.

We will continue to inform people that due to cross pollination, their diet is already comprised to 75 percent GMO.

We will continue to inform people that GMO are created by injecting viruses and/or bacteria into a plant or animal cell, along with the DNA of life forms that would never mate in nature like dogs and ants.
We will continue to inform people that the USDA co-owns a patent, with Monsatan, on a gene that can destroy food and be used as a bio-weapon.

We will continue to inform people that the FDA only requires safety testing on GMOs from the biotech industry.

We will continue to inform people that President Bush, in 1992, mandated the Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence, which require no health or safety testing has to be done before a GMO product is thrust upon the people.

We will continue to inform people that the USDA and Monsatan are business partners. This means that out tax dollars are paying for our government to poison us.

We will continue to inform people that the bee colony collapse and the insect decimation is due to the heavily sprayed pesticides on GMO crops.

We will continue to inform people that Monsatan will pay off whoever necessary to keep their scam going. And, in the process, if lying, lobbying, bribing, deception, and pressure is necessary, so be it.

We will continue to inform people that despite Monsatan saying they want to feed the world, they are actually, due to the poisons they thrust upon the population, contributing to the eugenics program and will likely open the first "Soylent Green" plant. What could be heartwarming than neighbor eating neighbor?

This fight is far from over. With more and more people becoming aware of the deadly GMO ramifications, it's just a matter of time before people power will have a profound effect on the corruption that has been thrust upon us.

As Ronnie Cummins just pointed out, Congress voted to allow Monsanto to grow GMO crops that could be harmful to human health and the environment, even if a federal court or a regulatory agency rules that the planting of those crops is illegal. This means that no one can stop Monsatan from introducing any new poisonous GMO crop into our food supply.

When election time comes around and someone wants your vote, ask them their position on GMOs. If they say, "Whaaaaat", do your best to make sure they do not get elected. With history being what it is, vote for change. Re-elect none of them!

In the meantime, organic follows the laws of nature. Monsatan's intervention has caused irreparable harm to the environment, humans, and the lower species.

In Hawaii, and the rest of the USA, GMOs must become a major health issue. The Criigen Study is the only long term study on the GMO health impacts on animal models, where innumerable cancerous tumors manifested from GMO ingestion.

We should apologize to the animals and not let this be swept under the rug or be minimized by the biotech industry and their hookers - the politicians, the scientists, and the University "experts".

Rather than waste money on the so-called representatives of the people and attempting to change their non-thinking minds and their "show-me-the-money" attitude, we can take a stand by buying organic and local, and avoid the eventual adverse health ramifications to ourselves and our loved ones.

One either pays a little more now for organics or pays a lot more later for doctor and hospital bills.

Fact: third generation gerbils in one study on the disastrous ill effects of GMOs saw a 50% new born death rate at birth and those that survived had hair growing on their teeth.

Remember back when all the denials prevailed about smoking? Don't wait 30 years for the truth to come out!


P.S. The devil got really upset over Monsanto being called Monsatan because he felt that he could never be that bad.

About the author:
I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called "Health Talk". In 2007 I was "forced" to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of all the doctors that would call in asking for my credentials. They do not call in anymore. Going to www.healthtalkhawaii.com enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. I am an activist. In addition to espousing an organic vegan diet for optimum health, I am strongly opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation and everything else that the pimps (Big Pharma, Monsanto and the large food companies) and the hookers (the doctors, the government agencies, the public health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the tricks.
After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child I developed asthma. After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 4 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it's only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids. You can find out more about this incredible nutrient also on my website - www.healthtalkhawaii.com -.
My book, "a Sane Diet For An Insane World", has been published. It can be viewed at

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