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Taking aspirin regularly causes severe degenerative eye disorders

Friday, March 01, 2013 by: PF Louis
Tags: aspirin, eye disease, long term side effects

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(NaturalNews) Off and on over the past few decades, the push for using aspirin as a preventative against arterial clogging and heart attacks has helped Bayer increase its sales.

Interestingly, this allopathic myth seemed to gather momentum around the same time that other pain relieving NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen, and acetaminophen drugs such as Tylenol began flooding the market enough to take a big bite out of Bayer's Aspirin sales.

Now aspirin is marketed as a wonder drug. With all the problems it actually causes, it's a wonder that there are so many doctors assisting Bayer's sales by prescribing aspirin as a daily medication for heart patients.

Adverse effects of long term aspirin use

Although temporary aspirin reactions can occur to diabetics, those with ulcers and others who are allergic to aspirin, long term frequent use can negatively affect anyone.

Perhaps the most recent long term adverse aspirin adverse effect study, recorded in JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association)was reported by the NY Times in late 2012. [1]

The findings dovetail with a study conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands a year earlier called Associations between aspirin use and aging macula disorder: the European Eye Study. [2]

Both studies concluded that regular use of aspirin doubles the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of blindness among senior citizens. But this is the tip of an iceberg that is mostly not visible to the public because it's ignored by Big Pharma's government agency and media vassals.

Isolated and mostly ignored medical studies have linked regular aspirin use to liver failure and a kidney disease known as analgesic nephropathy, which leads to dialysis or death. In addition to eye issues, some experience tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and possible hearing problems that resolve soon after not taking aspirin anymore.

Frequent aspirin use is the the second most common cause of bleeding and perforated ulcers or GI (gastrointestinal)wall damage. This is known among doctors who may still prescribe low-dose daily aspirin as a heart attack deterrent.

The irony is that although daily low-dose aspirin does reduce heart attacks somewhat, the risk of hemorrhagic stroke is almost doubled. The constant blood thinning without moderation, can cause brain hemorrhaging. Also, when heart attacks do occur among low-dose aspirin consumers, they are fatal more often than heart attacks occurring to those who don't use aspirin.

Perhaps the most dramatic adverse effect occurs when young children suffering with fevers from viral infections are given aspirin. This can result in Reyes Syndrome, where the child's vital organs fail suddenly, killing the child. [3]

Aspirin or any other drug should not be used to "kill a fever." A fever that is not dangerously stratospheric indicates that the immune system is working well. Fevers kill viruses with the body's increased heat (https://www.naturalnews.com/027149_fever_virus_flu.html).

It's also been determined by various medical scientists that aspirin damages the body's natural healing compounds, such as vitamin C, folic acid, sodium, potassium, and iron. Quite a trade-off for dubious heart health insurance. There are safer alternatives. [4]

Natural alternatives

White Willow Bark is the herb that Bayer borrowed from to synthesize a chemical cousin, ASA (acetyl-salicylic acid), so it could be patented in the late 19th Century as Aspirin. Willow bark relieves pain without side effects. Curcumin from turmeric not only relieves inflammation, it's "side effects" inhibit cancer growth. There's also ginger, MSM supplements, bromelain, and wobenzym N. [3] [5]

The natural herb hawthorn berry is an effective and safe anti-coagulant that only acts as a blood thinner where and when needed, rather than constantly keeping the blood dangerously thin for potential hemorrhaging. And there are others (https://www.naturalnews.com/033866_aspiring_heart_attacks.html).

Sources for this article include:

[1] http://well.blogs.nytimes.com

[2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21920607

[3] http://www.draxe.com/an-aspirin-a-day-causes-more-harm-than-good/

[4] http://thepeopleschemist.com/hidden-truth-aspirin/

[5] https://www.naturalnews.com/036030_back_pain_muscles_remedies.html

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