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Flu season

CDC begins hyping flu season early to push more useless vaccines

Sunday, December 09, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: flu season, CDC, vaccines

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(NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is off to an early start this year creating panic and hysteria about the upcoming flu season, which the pharma-backed agency claims is arriving much earlier than normal. According to a recent Associated Press (AP) announcement, suspected flu cases are already starting to emerge, primarily in southeastern states, and the CDC is urging everyone to get their flu shots now to avoid contracting the disease.

We have heard it all before. A few people are starting to get sick in a handful of states, so get your flu shot right away to avoid becoming one of the 24,000 Americans who will allegedly die this year as a result of the flu. Or is it 36,000 Americans? This number changes so often and so drastically, depending on who you ask and what their agenda entails, that it is hard to say for sure. But forget about the details -- just go get your flu shot to avoid dying.

This; of course, is the essence of the CDC's fear-based approach to pushing the flu shot. The agency's only apparent goal in all this flu shot madness is to get as many people vaccinated for the flu as possible, which it hopes to accomplish most effectively this year by warning people that the circulating flu strain is the most deadly it has been in a decade, and that the flu shot being administered just so happens to be a perfect match.

What an amazing coincidence. The flu strain circulating this year could kill more people than ever, according to the government, and the government's vaccine of choice just so happens to be a perfect match for targeting the strain in question. One might think the CDC had to hire skilled clairvoyants to make such an accurate and amazingly convenient prediction, especially at a time when the safety and effectiveness of flu vaccines is on the forefront of many people's minds.

CDC manufacturing lies to generate fear-based compliance with flu shot agenda

In truth, the CDC possesses no special psychic abilities, nor can the agency truly say for sure whether or not getting the flu vaccine will protect people from this supposedly "very deadly" flu strain. The only thing the CDC can do, it turns out, is scare people into getting the flu shot by claiming this year's flu will be more severe than normal, and that the vaccine is the only remedy. But you can only cry wolf so many times before people start ignoring you (remember the failed swine flu "pandemic?").

Then, there is the inconvenient fact that flu shots do not even work, a fact that was revealed in a 2011 study published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet. Besides allowing their muscles to be injected with high levels of aluminum, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mercury (Thimerosal) and other toxins, people who get flu shots only derive a 1.5 percent decreased risk of contracting the flu in a best case scenario, the study found. (http://www.naturalnews.com)

This landmark study and many others that have arrived at unfavorable outcomes for flu vaccines are widely available online these days, and more Americans than ever are aware of them. Simply telling people to get flu shots for their own protection, in other words, is no longer a viable tactic for the CDC, which is why the agency is now resorting to even more fear, lies and pseudoscientific nonsense to convince people to get flu shots, regardless of their failed track record of safety and effectiveness.

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