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Presidential candidates

Presidential candidates debate while Rome burns

Friday, October 05, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
Tags: Presidential candidates, debates, economic collapse

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(NaturalNews) Since these two guys are actors, can't they get better actors to debate? Since these two guys are gangsters, can't they get Tony Soprano to square off against Sonny Corleone? That would give us some fabulous TV viewing.

I tried watching the debate. I got so bogged down in numbers I gave up.

"No, it's not the 600 percent added on to the rebate on the other tax, it's the minus 40 percent, and then you divide by 2, not 3. And that's what I've been saying since day one."

"Well, if you divide by 2, the figures don't match up to what happened to my grandmother."

The postmortem media reaction was, of course, all about performance. The pundits were schoolteachers in a public speaking class.

"You looked down at the podium. You didn't stand straight. You were slumping. You have to keep your shoulders back and your head level. Try to smile more. Never look at your hands. The moderator is your friend. Don't interrupt him..."

The country is falling apart, the economy is taking hits from all sides, the food supply is brimming with GMOs, the US is fighting covert wars all over the Middle East, crime in the streets is spreading, the surveillance state is recording everything that moves, the Fed is printing money like it's toilet paper, but...Obama kept looking down at the podium, that's the takeaway from the debate.

The stretch I watched was two accountants trying to figure out how to cook the books.

I would have preferred matching clips of Romney water-skiing versus Obama shooting hoops on the White House lawn.

Here are a couple of the incisive after-debate poll questions from CBS and CNN: how do you feel now about (candidate) caring about your needs and problems; did (candidate) perform better than you expected.

Caring about my needs and problems? What the hell does the president have to do with my needs and problems? I need the dissolution of the two American political parties. My problem is they're actually one party with two heads.

Perform better than I expected? I expected both of them would be mind-numbing, and they exceeded even Dr. Phil.

The psychology of elections boils down to something simple. If people see two guys in suits disagreeing about something, people think what they're disagreeing about must be important. That's it. That's all you have to know.

That's how you stage politics. The real issues and the real crimes are buried, because the candidates agree on what they're supposed to argue about up front.

They won't take questions on the obscene number of medically caused deaths, on GMO destruction, on the explosion of surveillance, on the phony war on terror or drugs, on the patent crime of stock manipulation, on black budgets, on the encroaching forces of Globalism, on the fake science behind global warming, on chemtrails, on the massive failure of public education, on US-government empire building, on corporate statism, on the bureaucratic army of unelected regulators who run federal agencies and illegally make laws, on Agenda 21, and on a host of other issues.

They'll skirt all that.

They'll fiddle while Rome burns.

You want a Monsanto president? Elect either Obama or Romney. Facts show both men are in the pocket of that heinous corporation.

CBS, NBC, and ABC accentuate "performance" in the debates. FOX slams Obama; MSNBC slams Romney. CNN tries to look neutral while supporting Obama. It's all for show. Nobody dares say both candidates (and thus both political parties) are disasters. That would derail the ratings of the stage play. That would blow the ongoing cover-up.

During the run-up to every presidential election since 1980, I have heard people say that THAT ELECTION was the most important in history, and a failure to vote would be treasonous. That's because engendering fear is the primary way to keep the population locked into two-party electoral politics. In every election season, there is always some "overriding issue" that demands picking sides. There is always a new disaster, a new crisis.

In that sense, the purpose of the election is not to solve the crisis; the crisis is generated to make the election seem vital.

The best after-debate comment of the night was delivered by Al Gore. Obama coming to Denver at the last moment, Al opined, could have created, at that altitude, a brain oxygen deficit. On this basis alone, if Obama is reelected, Al should win the directorship of the Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Speaking of brain cells, any American with at least two functioning cells should realize that the road to the presidency, coming up through the two-party system, means any puppet who gains the job is a lowest common denominator. It's not just about party, either. It's about the men who control the parties. The Rockefeller types who run the whole show delight in superficial presidential thinkers who can't separate the real wheat from the phony chaff.

These presidents actually believe their own "secret agendas" have a chance of success. They refuse to understand that what they want is just a minor flea on the body of the true Plan: global takeover by Globalist elites.

This isn't conspiracy, this is history going back at least as far as 1913.

Why don't people want to see it? Because they've struggled to assert and cement in a picture of reality by the time they've reached the age of consent. And having done that, they can't face the idea that what they've begged, borrowed, and stolen might be completely wrong.

During my life, I've met two significant politicians. Norman Thomas, who for years ran for president on the Socialist ticket, came to our house for dinner. He was a bore. Nothing I heard or saw reflected a vigorous mind at work. As far as I could tell, he was just going over old cliches for the thousandth time.

The other politician was Senator Hubert Humphrey. My parents dragged me to a lecture of his when I was 16. I listened to the Hump talk for close to three hours, and at the end of it, I was convinced he was the greatest man in the world. At that time, he was at the height of his oratorical powers. He was something to see.

A week later, I couldn't recall a single thing he'd said. It was then I began to wonder what politics was all about.

Last night, I watched two sold-out specimens take their show on the road in Denver. It was so, so tired. I waited for the water-skiing and the hoops, but they never came.

Democrat-Republican politics in America is a walking dead man. We who know this are trending, as they say. We need to expand our ranks. Two pernicious book-end gargoyles aren't going to save the day.

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

About the author:
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon
was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of
California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon
has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic,
and creative power to audiences around the world.

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