(NaturalNews) Zyklon B is a very effective chemical for killing humans. The trick is getting the victims to inhale it. Since most people won't voluntarily inhale Zyklon B gas, you have to use some means of force to march them into chambers where the gas is released. Hence the use of guns in the hands of governments, the rise of the SS (known as "TSA" in modern America), and the rounding up of innocent citizens to be gassed to death during the Nazi regime. "Nazi," by the way, is shorthand for "national socialist party."
The Nazi approach to killing people was very effective in 1944, but it wouldn't fly today in the age of instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook and other social media. It's hard to keep a concentration camp a secret these days, especially if millions of people are being processed through them. If the Nazis had cell phone cameras in 1944, somebody would have snapped some photos, uploaded them to "NaziTube.com" and the whole cover would have been blown. (Or YouTube would have censored the videos and protected the Nazis from being outed, because YouTube routinely censors videos that expose bad government.)
Fast forward six decades or so, and you've got our modern world. All the same types of psychopathic killers still run the world's most powerful governments and corporations, but they've figured out that in order to kill people, they've got to do it a little more covertly.
Specifically, there needed to be a way to get people
to voluntarily kill themselves.How to convince people to "genocide" themselves
Rounding people up at gunpoint is a messy business. It's so much easier when you can just get people to take care of the act of killing themselves.

This image, from
EnlightenedRedneck.com, shows people voluntarily lining up for vaccine injections. They've been convinced, through a steady stream of propaganda, that vaccine shots
reduce the risk of catching the flu.
What they're not told is that
flu shots increase the risk of catching influenza. They actually promote the very thing they claim to prevent, thereby causing
more people to catch the flu and subsequently believe they need flu shots.
But the real genius of flu shots is that they contain chemicals that
cause infertility and spontaneous abortions. Chemical adjuvants. Mercury-derived preservatives. Live viral strains of stealth cancer viruses. (
This is the new Zyklon B. Except you don't need to round people up at gunpoint and stuff them into gas chambers. All you have to do is put a sign in front of a building and make sure it reads, "FLU SHOTS HERE" and
people will literally line up to not only be injected with deadly poisons, but to even
pay for it as well! (So there's actually PROFIT to be made from getting people to kill themselves.)
Eating death
Another weapon in the soft-kill arsenal is, of course, genetically modified organisms (GMO).

GMOs are engineered with a toxic pesticide chemical that grows right inside the kernels of the corn. So when you eat the corn, you ingest the same poison that kills insects that feed on corn.
What does this poison do to humans? We're about to find out in the years ahead, but in rats fed a lifetime of GM corn, they develop
grotesque, deadly cancer tumors at an alarming rate.
Here are the pictures of rats fed genetically modified corn in a recent scientific experiment:

The evil genius of GMOs is that if you can hide them in the
food supply,
people will eat themselves to death and never know what caused their death. After all, the USDA and FDA say GMOs are safe, so it must be true, right?
GMOs are sort of like a "friendly" version of
Zyklon B that you can use in pancake batter and muffins. It's in your breakfast cereal and lunch boxes. GMOs deliver a little bit of death in every bite, and while they don't kill you right away, the effects build up quietly, cumulatively, until you're a walking time bomb of cancer and death.
If Hitler had GMO technology, he would have fed GM corn to the Jews and not even bothered with the trouble of constructing gas chambers. He could have disguised it as a "government assistance" program, offering free food to all those of Jewish ancestry. Oh yes, and free vaccines, too. The combination of vaccine chemicals and GMO toxins would have accomplished much the same thing as Zyklon B, but instead of being perceived as an evil monster, Hitler could have been heralded as the hero of the Jewish people for giving them "free food and medicine!"

You ever notice that when governments and non-profits like the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation send "aid" to Africa, they never send food? They never teach sustainable farming? They never provide knowledge of local medicinal herbs so that the people can grow their own medicine?
Nope, it's always "medicine" in the form of vaccines. The goal, of course, is
to sterilize African men and women and thereby drastically lower the birth rate. This is perceived by the globalists as a "humane" way to ease their suffering. But it's all done by deception. Instead of admitting they're sterilizing the population, they pretend it's "medicine" and that they're "saving lives."
The mass vaccination of African children is cheered by ignorant American "progressives" who have been tricked into thinking that Africa's problems could only be solved if we could inject everyone there with yet more viral strains and mercury preservatives. The insanity of the whole scheme never seems to cross the minds of those who blindly support it.
Death disguised as nourishment
When death is sufficiently disguised as nourishment or medicine, people will actually line up to kill themselves. Look at the example of ant bait:

When you want to kill ants, you use "ant bait." Described as a "syrup-like insecticide bait," this bait is
poisoned disguised as food.
The ants line up to eat it, just like humans lining up to eat GM corn and take vaccine shots. They think it's nourishment, but it ends up causing
This particular ant bait, by the way, is made by none other than
BAYER, the same company that makes your children's aspirin. The same company whose chairman, Fritz ter Meer, was convicted of
Nazi war crimes. Bayer is the offshoot of the evil pharmaceutical giant IG Farben which used Jewish prisoners for
heinous vaccine medical experiments.
In fact, modern-day vaccines have their roots in
Nazi medical experiments.
Today's death chemicals, you see, are all disguised as something that claims to be beneficial: Food, vaccines and pharmaceuticals.
When you take a vaccine shot, swallow a pharmaceutical, or eat genetically modified food, you are, knowingly or not, metaphorically walking into a Nazi gas chamber and gassing yourself with Zyklon B. But the brilliance of the system is that people no longer have to be forced to do this... they will voluntarily do it to themselves and their children. Most parents will literally enforce the globalist genocidal agenda against their own children.
How to stop killing yourself one meal at a time
In contrast to 1944, today you have a choice.
You have the power to stop poisoning yourself with GMOs, vaccines and medications.
It only takes a simple choice on your part... a choice to stop participating in the "culture of death" that's being pushed on you by your doctor, television shows, the news media and government authorities.
The culture of death is steeped in GMOs, vaccines, medications, pesticides and chemical intervention. It leads to only one place:
Genetic annihilation and premature death.
In contrast, the
culture of LIFE celebrates the following things:
• Eating organics
• Growing your own food (or buying local)
• Naturally strengthening your immune system
• Using herbs and food as medicine, not pharmaceuticals
• Frequent exposure to healing sunlight
• Consumption of superfoods and nutritional supplements
• Overcoming nutritional deficiencies with trace minerals supplements
• Exercising in nature
• Raising children without toxic chemicals
• Honoring and respecting life and nature
• Living with humility and virtue
• Sharing wisdom with others
This is the culture that we espouse here at Natural News. This is what promises sustainable human life on our planet. And this is what is threatened by GMOs and the corporate monsters that push them on the population.
If you love life, STOP buying and eating GMOs. Support life, not death, in every meal you feed yourself or your children. Fight for
food justice in our world. Do not allow yourself to become a victim of "food as a weapon."
Don't be like the ants eating BAYER ant bait -- death weapons disguised as food. Be wary of what you consume, what you inject and what you put on your skin. Protect yourself from chemicals and you and your children will have a future of health and abundance.
The modern holocaust has already begun. It's a silent, slow, "scientific" holocaust that delivers death in the form of food and medicine.
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