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TSA's latest stunt? Running around the airport testing everybody's drinks that they bought after passing through security!

Thursday, September 06, 2012 by: J. D. Heyes
Tags: TSA, privacy violations, security theater

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(NaturalNews) Just when you thought the Transportation Security Administration's actions could not get any more outrageous or egregious, a new policy and procedure comes down the pike to prove you wrong.

This time, the TSA seems to have truly outdone itself.

According to this video, TSA agents are now checking drinks for "explosives" - drinks purchased by travelers who have already gone through the TSA-manned airport security checkpoint.

The video clip, which was reportedly shot at the Columbus, Ohio airport shows TSA agents wandering around a passenger lounge area asking to test travelers' drinks for explosive residues by holding a swab with a detection chemical over the drink container.

"Now remember that this is inside the terminal, well beyond the security check and purchased inside the terminal...just people waiting to get on the plane," says the YouTube user who apparently shot and posted the video.

Check passengers at home - before they travel?

The poster continues:

My wife and son came back from a coffee shop just around the corner, then we were approached. I asked them what they were doing. One of the TSA ladies said that they were checking for explosive chemicals (as we are drinking them). I said "really - inside the terminal? You have got to be kidding me." I asked them if they wanted to swab us all. She responded with something like, 'yes sometimes we need to do that'. I then asked if she wanted a urine sample...nonetheless, the TSA is way out of control.

He went on to joke that before you know it, the TSA will demand to visit travelers in their homes before they even leave for the airport. Given the agency's out-of-control nature, nothing would surprise us at this point.

The TSA implemented its drink-testing policy earlier this summer, without sufficient explanation and under dubious circumstances.

"Passengers say their problem is not with the rules at the airport. They understand why drinks are not allowed through security, but when they buy one while they wait for their flight, they say the TSA should not ask to test it," said a local television report in Grand Junction, Colo., adding that officials from the Leviathan's new pet agency did not explain their reasoning (and obviously felt no need to do so).

Instead, the agency told the local media, "TSA employees have many layers of security throughout airports. Passengers may be randomly selected for additional screening measures at the checkpoint or in the gate at any time."

What is the point of all of this nonsense?

Consider that the notorious liquid airline bomb plot of 2006, on which such idiotic rules are based, completely fell apart in court, with none of the suspects punished for it.

"Seven men admitted plotting to cause a public nuisance. An eighth man was cleared at Woolwich Crown Court," the BBC reported at the time.

What is going on?

Despite the verdict, calls to continue the pointless, inane procedure have continued.


It's beginning to become obvious: The powers that be at the TSA don't seem to be as interested in security as it is in control, (http://www.infowars.com) said a TSA supervisor-turned-whistleblower in June, during an interview with "The Alex Jones Show."

"We're doing patrols in the parking lot with dogs, we're even going as far out to the train station because the train station is connected to the airport here and we have guys walking around the train station, walking around the rental cars, we're inspecting cars coming into the parking garage, I mean we've fully expanded - we're no longer just at the gate and just at the security checkpoint," said the whistleblower.

Since no one at TSA can reasonably justify checking drinks for explosives - especially those bought in areas beyond the checkpoints - getting the public used to tyranny makes the most sense.






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