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Daniel Vitalis

Become a super human being - ReWild yourself

Thursday, June 14, 2012 by: Jonathan Landsman
Tags: Daniel Vitalis, wilderness, super human

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(NaturalNews) Why do so many people suffer with disease? Clearly, "modern" lifestyles and medical "advances" have not improved our quality of life. Chronic stress, depression and the use of prescription drugs are all on the rise - is this our idea of super human strength and happiness?

By connecting to nature and living a more natural lifestyle ("ReWild") - we have the opportunity to reach our greatest potential. Discover a whole NEW way of achieving health and longevity with Daniel Vitalis on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

The myth surrounding natural diets

None of us believe that genetically-engineered soy or corn is natural. But, is it "natural" for humans to eat broccoli or collard greens? In other words, can we find most of the foods within a health food store in nature? (I don't think so)

According to Daniel Vitalis, "everything that we eat has been genetically modified to some degree. We see this in plants - it's called horticulture and in animals - we call it breeding." So, in the wild, domesticated animals and store bought food can NOT survive. It makes me wonder...is our modern lifestyle unhealthy?

Can we become "super human" beings in modern times

I believe the answer is yes! We may not have the cleanest air, water or food - but there is always a solution for every problem. Now, more than ever, we need to detoxify our body - on a daily basis. So, try oil pulling (for a clean mouth); colonics (for a healthy gut); a neti pot (for clear sinuses) and even eat some clay! (look up - "Geophagy")

In order to thrive (without any fear) in these challenging times - we must develop simple strategies to keep our immune system strong and maintain genetic integrity. One of the simplest detoxification techniques available is sweating. These ideas - plus much more - will be discussed on our next show with Daniel Vitalis.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Click this link - http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

This week's guest: Daniel Vitalis, a leading health expert

Learn how to strengthen your immunity and re-connecting with nature - Thu. June 14

Daniel Vitalis is a Leading Health, Nutrition and Personal Development Strategist as well as a Nature Based Philosopher. Teaching that our invincible health is a product of living in alignment with our biological design and our role in the ecosystem, Daniel incorporates the wisdom of traditional and indigenous peoples into our modern lives.

Daniel has dedicated his life and career to sharing the message of a new, emerging lifestyle that has been born out of the rampant pollution and disease that characterize the 20th century. He - along with many others - believes there are time-tested ways of being that can encourage humanity to thrive in the face of any obstacle.

By connecting to nature and living a more natural lifestyle - we have the opportunity to reach our greatest potential. Discover a whole NEW way of achieving health and longevity with Daniel Vitalis on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

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