(NaturalNews) Government is not merely denying parents and families the right to consume healthful whole foods such as
raw milk; now rule-by-force government authorities are threatening a Michigan family with criminal prosecution if they do not
poison their child with chemotherapy chemicals -- even though their child shows no signs of cancer!
This latest gross violation of medical freedom by government goons has been reported by
World Net Daily in a story by Bob Unruh (
http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/state-demands-chi...). Other facts revealed in the story include:
• The case is being fought on behalf of Ken and Erin Stieler and their son Jacob by attorneys with the Home School Legal Defense Association (
• The
Michigan Department of Human Services has filed suit to force the parents to administer the chemicals to their son even though medical scans reveal him to be completely clear of cancer.
• The chemotherapy chemicals being mandated by the state include
ifosfamide, etoposide and doxorubicin. All of these chemicals are
carcinogens, meaning they
cause cancer. The FDA openly admits that these drugs have never been proven safe in children, stating, "safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established."
• Lower courts in Michigan have twice ruled against state officials and sided with the family to avoid their son being poisoned with
• The
Michigan Department of Human Services insists that state criminal prosecutors charge the parents with
medical negligence.Statement from the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)
http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/mi/201203130.a...the Michigan Department of Human Services continues to attempt to prosecute this family for medical neglect. If they succeed they will force Jacob to resume chemotherapy despite the fact that the drugs in question are not FDA approved (either for children in general or for this particular cancer). Moreover, these drugs do not promise anything close to a guaranteed cure. And, the FDA requires the drug manufacturers to disclose that these drugs cause new cancers to form, heart disease in children, failure to sexually mature, and many other serious side effects in some cases.
The Marquette County Probate Court has twice ruled against the Department. Yet, the department keeps on fighting against these parents.Big Brother medical insanity: Poison your child or go to jail!
For several years, I've warned NaturalNews readers about the rise of what I coined "Gunpoint Medicine." See other examples of gunpoint medicine at:
https://www.naturalnews.com/gunpoint_medicine...The term "gunpoint medicine" means medicine administered at gunpoint by the government, and it's exactly what Ken and Erin Stieler are facing right now. The origins of this bizarre use of government force against families stems from the twisted belief of government worshippers and power-tripping "authorities" that
the government owns your children, not you (the
You see this reflected in school lunch programs as well, where parents who pack brown bag lunches for their children are horrified to learn that their children are forced to ditch their home-made lunches and eat processed "pink slime" chicken nuggets at school. (
Due to this overreaching form of
government-sponsored medical terrorism, parents who do not agree to poison their children with
cancer-causing chemicals may be
criminally prosecuted, thrown in jail and have their
child taken away from them.
If you think about it, this is a fundamental human rights issue. Don't parents have the basic right to say "No" to a medical treatment that is openly admitted to cause cancer, brain damage and kidney damage? Isn't this a rational decision made by parents who wish to protect the health of their child?
But no; in today's profit-driven medical system, profits are far more important than human rights. That's why children are routinely used as
human guinea pigs by drug companies who murder those children during their vaccine experiments and drug trials (
https://www.naturalnews.com/023654.html). It's also why chemotherapy, vaccines and other potentially deadly medical "treatments" are being forced onto children all across America. Remember when Texas Governor Rick Perry announced that parents had to inject their teens with HPV vaccines? (
Only western medicine must be administered at gunpoint
Of all the systems of medicine that exist around the world (Ayurvedic medicine, Amazon rainforest medicine, Aboriginal medicine, Tibetan medicine, Chinese medicine, etc.),
conventional western medicine is the ONLY system so dangerous, deadly and unwelcomed that it must be administered under the threat of imprisonment.
Pause to think about that for a moment: Every other system of medicine in the world is
voluntary. But not western (pharmaceutical) medicine. It is a system of medicine found to be so offensive by rational people that the state itself must resort to using the threat of
arrest at gunpoint in order to coerce parents into reluctantly agreeing to the toxic treatments.
That's why I say:
"A system of medicine that requires enforcement at gunpoint is not medicine at all. It is coercion and torture."It's also a crime against humanity.
Chemotherapy drugs cause kidney damage, liver damage and brain damage
Even when chemotherapy drugs supposedly "work" to shrink a tumor (which, by itself, is no real measure of a cancer cure), they do so at a terrible price: The permanent damaging of kidneys, liver and brain.
Chemotherapy causes so much kidney failure that
kidney dialysis is one of the most common procedures following chemotherapy patients. Those patients also suffer from so-called "chemo brain" -- a permanent damaging of the brain that mimics dementia or Alzheimer's.
Liver function is also severely harmed by chemotherapy agents, sharply reducing the patient's ability to detoxify their body from future chemical assaults, thereby making them more susceptible to recurring cancer in the future. That's why cancer almost always comes back a year or two after chemotherapy.
Even worse than all this,
the No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is cancer! Yep, this is a treatment that admittedly causes the very condition it claims to treat. How's that for total medical quackery?
Take action: Protest this medical insanity being pushed by the Michigan Department of (In)Human Services
Protest this medical insanity! Here's some contact information for the director of the Michigan Department of Human Services:
Maura D. CorriganP.O. Box 30037
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Telephone: (517) 373-2035
Fax: (517) 335-6101
dhsweb@michigan.govWarning to parents: STOP taking your children to drug-pushing pediatricians!
The lesson in this case of medical coercion is to AVOID taking your children to conventional pediatricians!
Parents: You may not realize this, but a pediatrician has the power to throw you in prison for dismissing their medical demands!
If that pediatrician says "Your child needs chemotherapy" and you say, "I prefer not to poison my child with cancer-causing chemicals," that pediatrician simply picks up the phone, calls state authorities and has you arrested. In other cases reported by NaturalNews, we've even seen
pediatricians call state troopers and SWAT teams on parents who refused to comply with their demands. (
Pediatricians are the new medical terrorists in America, you see. And if you do not follow their demands, they have the power to have your children taken away from you while you are arrested and prosecuted for criminal "medical negligence."
I'm not making this up. Such is the dangerous power of police state medicine in America today.
The solution to all this is obvious, and I'll say it again:
Do NOT take your children to conventional pediatricians! If you don't take your child to see a pediatrician, you deny them the opportunity to diagnose your child with something and then demand your compliance with their high-profit treatments. You refuse to submit to their false authority.
Instead, take your children to naturopaths or other practitioners who are not ego-tripping medical maniacs who get off on punishing parents for refusing their medical services.
Buy our chemicals or go to jail
There's another angle in all this, too: Many of these pediatricians are
pediatric oncologists, meaning they specialize in cancer treatments for children. The dirty little secret of the cancer industry is that
oncologists earn most of their profits from selling chemotherapy drugs to patients.
So at the same time they are "diagnosing" you with cancer, they're also selling you a load of (chemical) bunk and hoping you're stupid enough to buy into it. Once you sign the "treatment" line, your insurance company pays them big bucks. Huge profits margins are generated from chemotherapy drugs.
If you say "no" to an oncologist -- who is very much like a car salesman in the sense that he has a financial stake in your decision -- you are costing him a loss in profits. He doesn't like that. His BMW needs an upgrade, you see, and he's hoping to fly to Hawaii to catch another golf game next week, and to do that, he needs another $20,000 in health insurance reimbursements from your policy. So if you say no, he might just be so angry that he calls the police on you. "You dare to say NO to ME? You'll see who has the power NOW!"
You can almost hear the "Muah ha ha ha!" following the whole scene.
Yes, these pediatric oncologists are some of the most evil, unethical, and downright criminal minds you will find in the medical system today. Far from helping children, they are engaged in
mass poisoning crimes that rival the gassing of Jews in Nazi Germany. In fact, some of the chemicals come from the very same sources -- drug companies that were once part of IG Farben, the Nazi war crimes chemical conglomerate that was found guilty of crimes against humanity. Today's Bayer company is an offshoot of IG Farben, in fact, and the former chairperson of Bayer, Fritz ter Meer, was found guilty of war crimes in the Nuremberg trials.
As NaturalNews reported in 2008: (
"At the Nuremberg Trials, 24 of the IG Farben directors and other industrialists were charged with genocide, slavery, and other crimes against humanity. Many of these unscrupulous villains would later play a key role in reinstating several IG Farben companies as huge players in the pharmaceutical/chemical industry not only in Germany but also throughout Europe and the United States. And several of these former Nazis would be pivotal in devising a pan-European trade association which has now evolved into the European Union.
Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a director of IG Farben who was directly involved in developing the nerve gas, Zyklon-B, which killed millions of Jews, was sentenced to seven years in prison but was released after four years through the intervention of Rockefeller and J.J. McCloy, then U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. An unrepentant Fritz ter Meer, guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, returned to work in Bayer where he served as Chairman for more than 10 years, until 1961.
This same ter Meer, a convicted Nazi war criminal, went on to become one of the initiators of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1962, an organization that was nurtured by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and latterly the World Trade Organization (WTO)."Protect your children from poison-pushing pediatricians
So the next time you see a pediatrician pushing chemotherapy, just think to yourself, "Nazi war criminal!" Just because they have a medical license doesn't mean they aren't committing crimes against children. Hitler made it the law that Jews should be exterminated, but just because something is the law doesn't make it right, obviously. And just because someone who claims to be a doctor prances around in a white lab coat and claims your child needs their (profitable) chemicals doesn't mean he's telling you the truth. If he's a pediatric oncologist,
he's probably lying to you as part of his fear-based sales pitch to coerce you into buying chemotherapy treatments.
Remember: The No. 1 sales tool of the cancer industry is FEAR. And if fear doesn't work, they simply call the police and resort to using INTIMIDATION and coercion instead.
Gee, and they wonder why people are increasingly ditching conventional medicine, chemotherapy, pharmaceuticals and surgery? Maybe it's because parents and families are tired of being treated like criminals by a class of
arrogant medical scumbags who believe their power is more important than your freedom.
Protect your children (and your freedom). Say NO to (poison-pushing) pediatricians.
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