(NaturalNews) What if there weren't any real terrorists threatening America and the whole thing was just made up to justify a military agenda? A rational person might say that if we're all going to give up our rights, and our Fourth Amendment, and have U.S. troops in the streets running checkpoints, then logically there should at least be some
evidence that America has been infiltrated with terrorists, right? Or, more specifically,
evidence from a reliable source that has not already been caught lying about terrorism, which would exclude the federal government, of course.
Look around you today: Do you see any terrorists? Any "towel heads" aiming guns at your family? Anybody walking around with a vest full of explosives? Nope.
Have you
ever seen the TSA catch a terrorist at the airport? Ever read a news report of the TSA catching a terrorist? Ever heard of an Air Marshall stopping a terrorist in-flight? Nope.
Have you ever heard of the FBI halting a terrorist plot
that they didn't fabricate, plan and carry out themselves? (All the terror plots "stopped" by the FBI are, on the record, planned and carried out by the FBI itself.) (
Seriously. Clear the cobwebs out of your head for a moment and think logically: Where are all these "terrorists" that we're supposed to be afraid of and give up our rights for? Where are they?
Now, of course, the government can and will, from time to time, stage some sort of terrorist event to remind everyone to be afraid. That's a given. In classic Orwellian protocol,
any war that grants a government unlimited power will be indefinitely sustained.This is why the "War on Terror" was declared against
a tactic, not a nation or a person. That way, the so-called "war" can be carried out indefinitely. A war with no end. Perpetual tyranny. At first, if you remember, we were told we needed TSA agents at the airports because of Osama Bin Laden, remember? He was the "mastermind" who was going to cause airplanes to fall out of the sky. So what happened after he was killed and removed from the picture? The U.S. government announced the terror threat was now "even higher" because Bin Laden's loyal supporters would now seek revenge!
Do you see how, under this brand of sick logic, the
war on terror will go on indefinitely? They can always claim someone else is dangerous... there's always a new boogeyman when it serves the interests of the state. That's why it's now obvious that this war has been
entirely fabricated to achieve specific political and social agendas.
The war on terror is a hoax
The best article yet written on this subject was penned by none other than Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.
As Roberts explains: (
"The US government creates whatever new bogeymen and incidents are necessary to further the neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry."He goes on to provide details:
"If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find. Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government’s improbable conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative program at the University of California discovered that the domestic “terror plots” hyped in the media were plotted by FBI agents."
"As there apparently are no real terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by thinking up “terror plots” and finding some deranged individuals to ensnare. For example, the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York city subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents."Robert goes on to explain the real motivation behind the war on terror. It's not to fight terrorism, as has been publicly claimed, but rather
to scare Americans into a state of blind obedience to a police state government:
"When I observe the gullibility of my fellow citizens at the absurd “terror plots” that the US government manufactures, it causes me to realize that fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for advancing an undeclared agenda. Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that they suffer no remorse from “their” government’s murder and dislocation of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion “towel-heads” have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be exterminated."And commenting on the TSA's total thuggishness and criminality, Roberts writes:
"One of America’s finest moments is the case, documented on YouTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires special food, having her food thrown away by the Gestapo TSA despite the written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair left alone in the airport."A nation of gullible, paranoia-stricken slaves
What's really amazing in all this is how easily the American people are sucked into believing all the imaginary fairytale terrorists. These stilted beliefs are driving national decisions about security, defense spending, Presidential elections and even the Bill of Rights.
America needs to do right now is
wake from its dreamy slumber and realize
The Emperor Has No Clothes! The war on terror is a fabrication. The whole "if you see something, say something" campaign is a
hypnosis script for mass paranoia. The airport security checkpoints are not designed to make flying safer but to make the American people more terrified.
Every element of the so-called "war on terror" is a complete fabrication, just as the original war on Iraq was a total fabrication with its WMDs and fabricated yellowcake uranium claims which turned out to be utter falsehoods.
Of course, if the American people actually got close to waking up and realizing the whole war on terror was a complete fabrication, you can rest assured an event would be staged to instill fear in the minds of the people once again. All the FBI would have to do, for example, is
allow one of their many engineered terror plots to continue all the way. The FBI, as you probably know, already provides the terror plots, the weapons, the money, the grenades, ammunition, and anything else necessary for its chosen terror suspects to carry out these acts of violence. It then takes credit for halting these attacks, pretending to be protecting us from the very plots it engineered in the first place (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyAXrJ7LT1M) (
It obviously wouldn't take much for the FBI to simply
allow a mass shooting in a mall or a sports stadium, for example -- even as such acts were carried out with hardware supplied by the FBI itself! Here, crazy kid, take some antidepressant drugs, an AR-15 and some FBI ammunition, and go shoot up the local mall, they might say. And there are crazy enough youngsters in America who would carry it out, sadly.
Such an act would immediately be heralded by the corrupt mainstream media as yet more evidence that we're "losing" the war on terror and therefore we need police checkpoints at every street corner; we need military personnel strip-searching everyone in U.S. cities; and we need to eliminate cash from society so that we can track everybody's purchases via electronic instruments. Heck, we need to just end the entire Bill of Rights! Who needs "rights" when all these police are everywhere to protect us, right?
So you can expect such acts of violence to be engineered and unleashed upon America in the very near future by the very institutions that claim to be protecting us from terror. In reality, they are the real terrorists in the classic sense of the word. "Terrorism" means, by definition, the use of fear tactics to achieve a political or social goal. There is no better example that fits the definition perfectly than the Department of Homeland Security itself, which is far more interested in figuring out how to INFECT people with fear rather than to PROTECT them from real terrorism.
America's government owes the Arab-American community a huge apology
What is especially insidious in all this is how these government elements who fabricate all these terror plots specifically work to
entrap Arab Americans and others who "look" like terrorists because they are of Middle Eastern descent.
Through these actions, the U.S. government has unleashed a generation of hatred against Arab-Americans, Iranian-Americans and other groups of completely innocent people who are now subjected to social shunning, ridicule and suspicion by the rest of American society. People of Middle Eastern descent are looked at in America today with the kind of condescending disdain that blacks once suffered under just a few generations ago (and in some areas, even today). Some of the demeaning vocabulary has even been grafted onto the new victims, who are viciously called "sand ni...ers" as if that somehow justifies marginalizing their very existence.
On this historical point, by the way, at least when African Americans were held as slaves,
they knew they were enslaved! But all the delusional white people running around America today dialing 911 because they saw some guy using CASH -- OMG! -- still don't realize that they are far more enslaved than the plantation workers ever were. All these CNN-watching, clock-punching, government-worshipping morons are slaving away 60 hours a week to feed their money into a system that has already plotted to destroy them (and steal their wealth, too). They are the "mindlessly enslaved masses" of our modern world, and they have no clue they are enslaved at all.
Government is guilty of hate crimes
Getting back to the condemnation of Arab-Americans and others of Middle Eastern descent, that the government has specifically targeted these people to be entrapped in terror plot crimes is one of the most outrageous examples of a
hate crime against an entire society. It is shameful beyond belief that a government which wants to make it illegal for citizens to engage in "hate crimes" against other citizens has effectively unleashed the greatest hate crime in history by demonizing huge swaths of American citizens whose parents happened to be Persian, or Kuwaiti, or Iraqi, or Saudi.
You know who is carrying out the real terror in America today? It's not the "towel heads" to borrow a vulgar a highly inappropriate phrase from those who push this agenda. No, it's the
beer-bellied, white-faced, ego-driven, child-molesting TSA agents who terrorize tens of thousands of innocent air passengers every single day by stripping them down in those secret little rooms behind the security checkpoint naked body scanners -- which are themselves another form of
electronic strip searches that violate fundamental human rights.
And all the people out there who acquiesce to the tyranny, the in-your-pants searches by the TSA, the restrictions of free speech protests, and the coming "secret detainment" provisions just passed by the U.S. Senate (
you are all fools and suckers who have been brainwashed into a state of
irrational paranoia.
Those who foolishly believe the fabricated war on terror are the ultimate pessimists
You who have bought into all this fabricated terror nonsense are the worst "doom-and-gloomers" of our time, living your lives in a constant state of fear and despair, fretting about invisible imaginary terrorists who you think are going to magically leap out of your luggage and blow up an airplane. You've been indoctrinated by the "if you see something, say something" paranoia, and you've been hoodwinked by a bunch of social engineers who know how to manipulate fear to achieve their desired political (and military) agendas.
It's pathetic. And it's the oldest trick in the government book, of course: Use the fear of terror to manipulate the public into supporting a police state agenda which concentrates power in the hands of the executive branch, which quickly becomes a military dictatorship. Read your history, folks, or you will stupidly repeat it.
It might also be worth your time to read George Orwell's
1984 novel, as it's very nearly a blueprint for the Department of Homeland Security's "perpetual war" fraud.
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