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How to choose mycotoxin-free coffee

Saturday, November 05, 2011 by: Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru
Tags: mycotoxins, coffee, health news

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(NaturalNews) Mycotoxins are dangerous substances that are often found in coffee. Despite this fact, coffee has been shown to improve health, help enhance performance, and keep your mind focused. So, how can you continue to drink coffee without ingesting the harmful mycotoxins? By being very selective about the kind of coffee that you drink.

Why Are Mycotoxins so Bad?

A form of fungus, mycotoxins make their way into coffee by adhering to dried coffee beans. Once the mycotoxins have latched onto the dried coffee beans, they are incorporated into the process of grinding and roasting them down and, eventually, may end up in your cup.

Fungus is not something that you should always worry about, as certain forms of it (i.e. mushrooms) are healthy, accepted parts of a balanced diet. However, mycotoxins are a form of fungus that can cause several negative side effects.

First and foremost, you simply will not feel as good after drinking a cup of coffee with mycotoxins as you will after drinking one that is free of them. Additionally, these substances can cause diseases that affect your liver, kidneys, smooth muscles, and alimentary canal.

How Can You Find Mycotoxin-Free Coffee?

By following these tips, you can enjoy your cup of joe without having it ruin your health.

1. Drink coffee that has been made via wet processing. Because mycotoxins often form during the drying process, wet beans are much less likely to contain them than dry beans.

2. Do not drink decaffeinated coffee. Caffeine actually protects coffee beans from the growth of mold and can prevent large amounts of mycotoxins from growing.

3. Choose arabica beans over robusta beans. Though robusta varieties do have higher levels of caffeine, they also contain more mycotoxins.

4. Consider the environment in which your beans are grown. Because mold is less apt to grow at higher elevations, buying beans that have been harvested in the mountains of Central America is a great way to decrease the amount of toxins in your coffee.

5. Stay away from blends. Though blended coffees may taste good, there really is no way of telling where the different bean varieties have come from. Try to stick to single estate products rather than the major brand names.

6. Steam is an agent that can help break down toxins, so if all else fails, order an Americano.

Is Drinking Coffee Worth the Risk?

Yes, mycotoxins can have some adverse health effects, but the health benefits of coffee are certainly worth ensuring that you keep it in your daily diet. The trick is to find coffee that makes you feel great, rather than coffee that brings you down. It will take a bit of research on your part to pick the coffee beans and local coffee shop that are right for you, but the research will be more than worth it when you notice a difference in how you feel.

To many people, drinking coffee is something that is an important part of the day, for a variety of reasons. From boosting health to sparking energy, coffee can be a key component of their daily routine. But as explained above, organic coffee doesn't necessarily mean the healthiest coffee. By drinking coffee low in mycotoxins, you can be sure that your coffee habit is one that enhances, rather than detracts from, your health.

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About the author:
Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru is an award winning chef and one of the leading experts in the field of raw food. He started to learn about raw foods at the early at of 15. After 10 years on the raw food diet he continues to be on the cutting edge of nutritional research and product development. Visit Alex's website at: www.RawGuru.com for more information.

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