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Flu shots

Grocery stores give food discounts to customers who agree to receive flu shot vaccines

Saturday, October 15, 2011 by: Christina Luisa
Tags: flu shots, grocery stores, health news

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(NaturalNews) Have you read the NaturalNews report just published about Walgreens customers feeling verbally harassed by Walgreens employees at the checkout counter over flu shots? Multiple accounts from NaturalNews readers have continued to describe aggressive verbal harassment by Walgreens employees who appear to be "over the top" in pushing flu shots (even onto pregnant women!)

Read more here: https://www.naturalnews.com/033859_flu_shots_...

More quotes from some of our exasperated Facebook fans: "I was just in Walgreens or CVS recently, buying batteries no less, when the cashier tried to talk me into having my flu shot. When I refused, I was greeted with a huge eye roll. I guess I didn't help her quota."

"At the Walgreens by my work they harass you RIGHT at the front door asking if you've had yours yet. GET OFF MY BACK!!"

The oppressive promotion of a fraud

Walgreens, CVS and other pharmacies all over have been "harassing customers" with their vaccine push. But that's just the beginning.

Other food retail companies with pharmacies such as Randalls, Safeway, Winn Dixie, and the huge retail food chain Kroger have been offering customers incentives and rewards for agreeing to receive flu shots.

Last month customers who got a flu shot at Winn-Dixie stores using their reward card saved $5 on the vaccine and also were given free merchandise including apples, juice, facial tissues and disinfecting wipes. Both Safeway and Randall's stores are giving their customers vouchers for 10 percent off their grocery purchases if they get their flu shot in their pharmacies.

This from Safeway's website: "And, if you get your flu shot at Safeway, you'll get an award for 10 percent off your next grocery purchase. Since you're already there picking up groceries, why not save yourself a trip and get yourself a professionally-administered flu shot, in a hygienic and friendly environment. Take care of yourself AND save money on groceries too!"

That's right, folks -- why not save money on groceries AND get yourself injected with a poison that causes convulsions and diseases like Guillain-Barre Syndrome and protects you from nothing, all in the same trip!

"Stay well and save," Safeway writes in promotional materials. Referring to staying well through the injection of a flu shot is absurd and completely false. Flu shots are not only ineffective but dangerous and a huge fraud to begin with. Read more in my article (here.)

And as for the attraction of saving 10 percent on groceries for getting injected with poison, customers certainly won't be told by these greedy corporate chains that the real purpose of these so-called savings is the tremendous extra profit vaccines bring in -- plus, their employees may even take home an IPad or other bonus as a result of meeting the vaccine quota that's been forced on them!

At least one Walgreens has been reported to be rewarding its employees with iPads if they meet a quota "goal" of pushing vaccines onto customers. In fact, several readers who say they are Walgreens employees have also reported to NaturalNews -- and requested anonymity out of fear of losing their jobs -- that they were being rewarded with incentives if they met a predetermined "goal" of pushing a certain number of customers into getting flu shots. They were also threatened with reprimands if they fail to meet this goal.

Read more: https://www.naturalnews.com/033859_flu_shots_...

This was the experience of a Walgreens customer recently: "I stopped at my local Walgreens last night and after the cashier rang me up she asked if I was interested in getting a flu shot tonight. It was 10:30 pm. I was taken aback and actually laughed while I said no thanks. Then I asked how that even works if she does them and she said that they just send people to the pharmacy. I used to work at a Walgreens so I know how they do suggestive promotions and use incentives for having [employees] sell the most [of a certain product] and I thought it was such an odd promotion to be pushing on customers."

Last year the Walgreens marketing team introduced a $29.99 flu shot gift card just in time for the coming fall flu scare. After all, what gift says "I love you" better than a poke in the arm and the possibility of neurological damage or seizures?

What's in it for them?

Keep in mind that Walgreens is the nation's largest pharmacy by number of stores. A couple of years ago when the great swine flu scare started to spread unwarranted panic, seasonal flu shots alone added more than a 2.4 percent increase to same-store Walgreens sales. Forty percent of flu-shot patients were new to Walgreens stores that same year -- so clearly, all of the outrageous promotional flu shot is successfully making these Big Pharma lackeys some extra cash.

In fact, about 30 percent of a vaccine's price is pure profit, meaning that Walgreens profits roughly $10 from every single vaccine sold.

These companies are clearly not as concerned about the health of their customers as they pretend to be -- they're so aggressive at pushing flu shots because it makes them a ton of money. As I mentioned in my first article on this topic (read it here), the business of selling flu shots is extremely profitable. This will especially be the case when the CDC and the WHO conspire with Big Pharma to scare up another phony story about some deadly new pandemic that they claim is going to kill us all.

One anonymous blog post said: "It's not just Walgreens, it's everywhere. I've never seen the flu shot pushed like this year, plus it started months ago. I guess at $29 a hit the profits add up fast. The only two times in my life I got the flu was when I got the flu shot."

Employers push flu shots to earn financial kickbacks

NaturalNews has also learned that many employers receive kickbacks from vaccine retailers for "recruiting" their employees for flu shots.

One employee at a car dealership claims his employer received a $5 kickback for every employee who agreed to take a flu shot:

"Eventually I was confronted by the Assistant Manager of our department as to why I never participated [in getting a flu shot]. I explained to him that I don't do flu vaccines due to health reasons. He got very offensive and pushy about making me do it. [Apparently] it was the General Manager that sent him in to ask me why because he noted that I never participated. It turns out that the dealership got a $5 kickback for every employee that participated."

Makes you wonder exactly how much Walgreens and all these other corporations are making on us, doesn't it? I'll give you a hint -- it's more than a pretty penny.

Let's not forget who REALLY profits from this excessive flu shot promotion

Walgreen says it administered 7.5 million H1N1 and seasonal flu shots in 2009, up from 1.2 million the year before. Walgreen's figures represent about HALF of all the retailer-administered flu shots.

This was the same year the World Health Organization teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governments around the world to scheme up a global health pandemic called swine flu. The public was thrown into a panic over the possibility of hundreds of thousands of deaths and worldwide catastrophe while those advising the WHO and CDC laughed all the way to the bank.

Those same advisers received huge kickbacks from the H1N1 vaccine manufacturers. Big Pharma, who raked in billions of government-sponsored endowment, rewarded the CDC and WHO handsomely. We covered a story on this last year: https://www.naturalnews.com/028936_WHO_vaccin...

Enough is enough

My point in bringing this to your attention again: Vaccines have always been nothing but a big fat hoax. These deadly poisons that are so forcefully being peddled by money-hungry corporations are founded on complete fraud.

Don't buy into all the hype. Flu vaccines contain highly dangerous and toxic agents and DNA fragments that cause neurological disorders, kill children and contain live measles viruses. Read more: https://www.naturalnews.com/033447_Institute_...

They supposedly "protect" you from last year's flu but are really strictly Big Pharma hocus-pocus aimed at taking your money -- either directly from your pocket or through your government -- and keeping you sick so they get your repeated business.

If you want to protect yourself from colds and flu, the best thing you can do is take good quality Vitamin D supplements: https://www.naturalnews.com/029760_vitamin_D_...

Vaccines are consistently sold as "science." But they aren't science -- they're just for-profit propaganda. People are sick and tired of this propaganda being forcefully pushed on them, and that's why we just launched our public complaint campaign called Stop the Walgreens Flu Shot Harassment!

Read more here: https://www.naturalnews.com/033859_flu_shots_...

We're urging everyone to stop spending their hard-earned money at retail establishments like Walgreens, CVS and Safeway that promote vaccines and push them on customers.

We need your help in this. Boycott Walgreens and CVS. Boycott the Safeway stores with pharmacies inside. Boycott the Wal-Marts. Boycott the Winn Dixies and Randalls. Send a message through your lack of purchases at these places that you will not contribute to the economical enrichment of the corporations engaged in selling dangerous and fraudulent products that kill little children.

Also, please share this story with friends, loved ones, neighbors and others so they, too, can join in filing complaints against Walgreens and CVS pharmacies about the way they aggressively push flu shots onto customers. At the very least, boycott these stores altogether and shop somewhere where you won't have to worry about being bombarded with pressure to be vaccinated.

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