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Steal someone's confusion with this Jedi mind trick

Monday, September 26, 2011 by: Mike Bundrant
Tags: confusion, Jedi mind trick, health news

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(NaturalNews) The Jedi understand that states of confusion (as well as other states) are malleable and transferable. Like a yawn, they can be passed on to others. Jedi Masters use this phenomenon to "steal" confusion so that the original carrier is freed from it. This Jedi mind trick is rarely shared, so pay attention and don't forget to try it when you can be of help to someone in need.

First, understand that we are all connected. To be in the presence of another person is to have some effect upon them and visa-versa. There is no way around this and no one has ever been immune from it. How do you want to impact others? How much choice do you want to have? How aware do you wish to become?

The Dark Side is a proponent of perceptual blindness in this matter. It wants the average person to have little awareness and choice in how they affect other people and how they are affected. The less you know about communication and your own inner workings, the more power the Dark Side has to intervene, encouraging reactive behaviors over proactive behaviors.

The Jedi advocate awareness, intention and choice. The more awareness you have about the nature of communication, the greater your opportunity to serve and make the world a better place.

With that, here is how to steal another person's confusion.

1. When someone is confused and engaged in conversation with you (assuming you have a nice rapport), listen politely and give them a chance to work it out on their own. If they don't need you to steal their confusion, don't attempt it.

2. If they remain stuck and can't seem to get clear, steal it! Here's how: Become confused at their confusion. Act as if they are confusing you. Better, allow yourself to truly become confused by their confusing situation! Get sucked in.

3. When this trick works, the other will respond to your confusion by popping out of their own confusion and explaining (often spilling the beans about something they were hiding from themselves) it all to you, thus helping you out.

Here is an example of an actual dialogue:

Fred: I don't get it. How did I get here? I don't have a dime to my name and, well, I frankly don't know what to do. Should I start my own business? Wait, I can't do that. How will I live? I am so messed up!

Jedi: You really don't have a dime? (Keeps the conversation going to allow Fred a chance to work out a productive direction on his own)

Fred: Huh? I don't know. No. I mean, sure, I have a dime, but...what the hell happened to my life? I just don't get it.

Jedi: You don't get what?

Fred: I honestly don't know. I'm confused. I wish I knew how to escape my own head sometimes, really. I don't know what's going on. I wish I had more money, but...(he looks off into the distance as if searching on the horizon, his brow furrowed and stuck in a deep, confused trance. He remains that way for 10 seconds or so before the Jedi intervenes).

Jedi: Hmm. I'm actually getting confused myself (He takes on a confused look, sinking into his chair and diminishing his posture). I'm not sure what to (He cocks his head to one side and furrows his brow)....I really don't get it. This IS confusing! How could....?

Fred: It's actually not that complicated. I don't track my expenses - at all. That's it! I have no idea how much money I spend every month and really should be on a budget, something I have been resisting for years, actually. Who can expect to spend so freely and not have financial troubles? God, I knew this day would come - I have to grow up and hold myself accountable to a budget. Then, if I can save some money, I'd like to make a break from my dead end job and start a business.

Jedi: Ah! Now that makes perfect sense.

Once the air is clear and the confusion has dissipated, the trick is done.

About the author:
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. Click here to watch the presentation that will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

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