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Oncologists are Confused

Friday, August 26, 2011 by: Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
Tags: oncology, cancer, health news

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(NaturalNews) Let's just cut to the chase when it comes to defining cancer. It's a situation where everything is going wrong, where things are getting out of control. It's a condition of spoilage and decay that eventually leads to death if not brought under control. Also cancer is defined, diagnosed and treated by oncologists who bring their own spoilage and intellectual decay to the situation and it's really a big question if they are hurting many more people than they are helping.

Quite a few people make quite a lot of money by insisting on complicating the subject of cancer. Medical scientists continue to explore the far reaches of cell physiology in their still deeply frustrated attempt to understand cancer. As they explore further, the picture only becomes more complicated as a recent article in the New York Times demonstrates. It is just too hard for complicated minds to sum up cancer in simple terms -- as tissue rot -- that takes us quickly and painfully to our deaths if not resolved.

Gaia Health Site

Research is increasingly focused on the fact that a tumor is not a homogeneous mass of cancer cells.
George Johnson
The New York Times

For the last decade cancer research has been guided by a common vision of how a single cell, out competing its neighbors, evolves into a malignant tumor. Like ostriches with their heads cemented into the ground they have obsessed with their "common vision" no matter what evidence has been revealed. These mainstream medical scientists admit that, "new theories are still coming out that will possibly change how we treat the disease." "They just keep on getting deeper and deeper into the mire of all that DNA stuff...........needing more research money, never finding anything that makes any difference for anyone," writes Claudia French, RN.

What they forget to mention is that medical science already has a host of vital information accumulated that is not comprised of theories but, rather, hard data on causes. Just look up the research on how heavy metals like mercury, radiation from medical tests and medical procedures, and even chemicals like fluoride put in drinking water can cause cancer, and it will take you months if not years to wade through it all.

Vitamin C can help curb the growth of cancer cells,
according to New Zealand scientists who claim
breakthrough research to provide the first real evidence
of a connection between the vitamin and the

Professor Margreet Vissers
University of Otago's Free Radical Research Group

This research about vitamin C was in the Cancer Research journal in 2010. Much of the same can be said about magnesium, selenium, bicarbonate, and zinc! Oncologists never made it to first grade as far as knowledge of nutrition and its role in health and disease.

The article referred to in the first paragraph starts out with a video presenting cancer to dimwits and ends up saying, "Trying to outwit cancer might be much more complex than we imagined." Waiting for the mainstream of medical science to understand cancer is deadly to everyone who has or is about to have cancer.

How the Times medical editorial staff let this essay through is beyond me and how they could say, "Understanding how cancer starts with a single cell and then grows into a tumor is fundamental into one day preventing the disease," is ridiculous. When it dawns on you that the article mentions not one word about nutritional deficiencies or anything about increasing exposures to heavy metals, toxic chemicals or radiation, we can see that there are people who really don't want to understand cancer and how it can be avoided or cured.

The "reigning paradigm, a kind of Big Bang theory" for the cancer field, is just what they say it is -- a theory and a cherished chosen belief system that we already know is full of holes. Doctors and dentists and just about everyone we know eats up the cancer Big Bang theory with fanatic fervor. It is so much fun to be a part of the in crowd and who wants ones medical board breathing down ones neck? We have to have some empathy for the doctors too afraid to buck the lockstep but we can only go so far in sparing them the consequence of harming people.

We know cancer is caused in great part by poisons and by nutritional deficiencies. There is no doubt about that in the scientific literature so why are these factors not even given a perfunctory mention in the New York Times piece? Why is no mention made of the emotional component, the great conflicts and shocks that deeply upset our controlling brains, our endocrine system and thus our immune system's ability to deal with cancer cells? Some people smartly think that the answer to cancer is a strong immune system. Anything that depletes and disturbs the immune system will increase one's chances of contracting cancer.

Over the last 30 years increasing evidence has been found for
the existence of complex links between the immune system,
the central nervous system and the endocrine system on
the one hand, and psychological phenomena...on the other.
Van Gent, et al.

The Times essay says, "All these processes are so tightly intertwined that it is difficult to tell where one leaves off and another begins. With so much internal machinery, malignant tumors are now being compared to renegade organs sprouting inside the body." They got it right that all the processes and causal factors involved in cancer being tightly intertwined. But it is a deliberate form of scientific terrorism that leaves out of the "processes" the main processes of poisons, malnutrition and weakened emotional stature emanating from unsupportable inner conflicts and depression.

Chronic stress can intensify inflammation and
increase a person's risk for developing central
nervous system infections, neurodegenerative
diseases, like multiple sclerosis (MS), and other
inflammatory diseases.
American Psychological Association

Given enough time, cancer will develop whenever there is a proliferation of damaged cells. When cells are damaged, when their cell wall permeability changes, when toxins and free radicals build up, when the mitochondria lose functionality in terms of energy ATP production, when pH shifts strongly to the acidic, and when essential nutrients are absent, cells eventually decline into a cancerous condition. We can see that when a person has cancer they are literally rotting inside and dying from the loss of function, gathering infectious forces, and losing strength from malnutrition as the cancer cells eat us out of house and home.

Genetic variations, which can predispose some
people to cancer, may interact with environmental
contaminants and produce an enhanced effect.

Any sign -- whether it's DNA, pH shifts to the acidic, cellular malnutrition, mitochondria dysfunction or cell toxicity -- will create an open invitation for microbes to attack these weakened cells. Sick cells cannot help but broadcast to the environment that they are decaying, rotting, and on the road to cell death.

Brain Cancer Cells

The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of
chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer.
This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless
doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.
Dr. Allen Levi
The Healing of Cancer, 1990

The Germ Cause of Cancer

Nobody likes to concentrate much on the germ cause -- or component -- of cancer because of the deep controversies in this area of microbiology and oncology. To its merit the Times essay does give credit to microbes and the part they play in cancer formation saying, "Each microbe has its own set of genes, which can interact with those in the human body by exchanging molecular signals, trading information with cells in another realm -- the micro-organisms in the mouth, skin, respiratory system, urogenital tract, stomach and digestive system." "The signaling these microbes do is dramatically complex," Dr. Nicholson said in an interview at Imperial College. "They send metabolic signals to each other -- and they are sending chemicals out constantly that are stimulating our biological processes."

Cancer -- always believed to be caused by genetic cell mutations -- can in reality be caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds and fungus parasites. "I believe that, conservatively, 15 to 20 percent of all cancer is caused by infections; however, the number could be larger -- maybe double," said Dr. Andrew Dannenberg, director of the Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Dannenberg made the remarks in a speech in December 2007 at the annual international conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.

The germ theory of cancer is quite legitimate though medical authorities continue to crucify Dr. Tullio Simoncini for his focus on fungus and yeast as a central part of the cancer paradigm. Long before Simoncini walked the earth we have had research connecting fungus to cancer. Fungus is a microbe, and many scientists believe viruses, fungi and bacteria are all different stages of the microbe life cycle. Neither Dr. Dannenberg nor Dr. Simoncini is a medical heretic but many subjects in our contemporary civilization are just too taboo.

A medical textbook used to educate Johns Hopkins
medical students in 1957, Clinical and Immunologic
Aspects of Fungous Diseases, declared that many
fungal conditions look exactly like cancer!
Doug A. Kaufmann
The Germ That Causes Cancer

A large and significant number of independent cancer researchers, scientists, microbiologists and prominent medical practitioners over the past 100 years have found overwhelming evidence supporting this cancer-fungus link or link between cancer and microbes in general. Microbes have always been found to be present in cancer/tumor cells. There is nothing unusual or new about this but don't try to talk to an ostrich about this -- I mean your oncologist -- for he doesn't want to know about it.

"Although bacteria can be identified in cancer, there are obviously other well-known factors that can induce cancer, such as sunlight in skin cancer, smoking in lung cancer, radiation-induced cancer, etc. But in each case it may require these ever-present bacteria to induce the cellular changes of cancer. The demonstration that these microbes are found within the cell and even within the nucleus (as shown by Irene Diller) indicates that these agents may access the genetic material of the cell, thereby transforming the cell to a cancerous state," writes Dr. Alan Cantwell who insists that Cancer Is An Infection Caused By Tuberculosis-Type Bacteria.

According to the Mayo Clinic, cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. This is a fact that does not depend on the various theories.

Heavy metals clog up receptor sites, break and
bend sulfur bonds in important enzymes like insulin,
and anything to do with healthy biological life.

Heavy metals create contaminated environments both inside and outside the cells. These environments attract all kinds of pathogens -- viruses, bacteria and fungi. Many cancers are caused by infections, which are themselves caused by heavy metal contamination.

According to the observations made by the internationally
recognized medical researcher, Dr. Yoshiaki Omura,
all cancer cells have mercury in them.

Mercury vapors in the mouth which spreads mercury to all points in the body, increased use of antibiotics, periodontal disease, inappropriate oral care, yeast and fungal overgrowth, and decreasing immune strength are all colliding and reinforcing each other in a downward spiral that leads to chronic diseases and cancer. Each year in the U.S. an estimated 40 tons of mercury are used to prepare mercury-amalgam dental restorations. Scientific studies have concluded that the amalgam is the source for more than two thirds of the mercury in our human population. On a daily basis each amalgam releases on the order of 10 micrograms of mercury into the body. This mercury either accumulates in the body or is excreted via urine and feces into our wastewater systems.

Mercury from amalgam fillings has been shown to
be neurotoxic, embryotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic,
immunotoxic and clastogenic. It is capable of causing
immune dysfunction and autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Robert Gammal

It really is hard to understand how the New York Times piece failed to mention any of these other important factors about cancer. We all have reason to distrust the field of oncology and medical science itself. Both consistently demonstrate criminal ignorance when it comes to cancer, what causes it, how to prevent it, and what to do about it when one gets it.

For all the references, sources and more articles, please visit Dr. Mark Sircus blog.

About the author:
About the author:
Mark A. Sircus, Ac., OMD, is director of the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) http://www.imva.info/.

Dr. Sircus was trained in acupuncture and oriental medicine at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Sante Fe, N.M., and at the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla in Mexico, and was awarded the title of doctor of oriental medicine for his work. He was one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the United States. Dr. Sircus's IMVA is dedicated to unifying the various disciplines in medicine with the goal of creating a new dawn in healthcare.

He is particularly concerned about the effect vaccinations have on vulnerable infants and is identifying the common thread of many toxic agents that are dramatically threatening present and future generations of children. His book, The Terror of Pediatric Medicine, is a free e-book offered on his web site. Humane Pediatrics will be an e-book available early in 2011 and then quickly as possible put into print.

Dr. Sircus is a most prolific and courageous writer and one can read through hundreds of pages on his various web sites.

He has recently released a number of e-books including Winning the War Against Cancer, Survival Medicine for the 21st Century, Sodium Bicarbonate, Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment, New Paradigms in Diabetic Care and Bringing Back the Universal Medicine: IODINE.

Dr. Sircus is a pioneer in the area of natural detoxification and chelation of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. He is also a champion of the medicinal value of minerals and seawater.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, his first published work, offers a stunning breakthrough in medicine, an entirely new way to supplement magnesium that naturally increases DHEA levels, brings cellular magnesium levels up quickly, relieves pain, brings down blood pressure and pushes cell physiology in a positive direction. Magnesium chloride delivered transdermally brings a quick release from a broad range of conditions. His second edition of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy will be out shortly. In addition he writes critically about the political and financial crises occurring around us.

International Medical Veritas Association: http://www.imva.info/

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