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Liquid zeolites provide cellular detox

Thursday, March 24, 2011 by: Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru
Tags: zeolites, detox, health news

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(NewsTarget) Liquid Zeolites, for detoxification of the body, have been used for over 800 years by Asians to restore overall health and well-being. Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes liquid zeolites on their generally recognized as safe (GRAS) list. Liquid Zeolites, short for di-cyclo, disilico, dimagnesium, dialumino, oxyo, trihydrate, are naturally occurring minerals fused from lava and ocean water, which eliminate toxins from the human body, improve liver function, increase serotonin production, and boost mental clarity.

Toxins cause disease. Since the Environmental Protection Agency reports that over 65,000 chemicals used in commercial processes can be potentially hazardous to the general health and welfare of the public at large, more research is being conducted on the effects of liquid zeolites as a detoxification system to eliminate cancer-causing agents, heavy metals and other toxic substances, bacteria, viruses, and fungi from the human body.

Liquid zeolites have been found to remove metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium from biological systems. These heavy metals, as well as others, have the potential to cause cancers, neurological diseases such as dementia, autism and Alzheimer's, and other disorders.

The liver is an organ that has as one of its functions detoxification. For many reasons, the liver may not function at optimal levels, and liquid zeolites have been found to improve liver function, further improving the detoxification of the body by removing pesticides and herbicides.

Within many research circles, liquid zeolites have been touted as providing miraculous detoxifying effects not only on a physical level. On emotional and hormonal levels, liquid zeolites have been proven to restore mental clarity and even happiness. When toxins are eliminated from the body, human beings experience a natural increase in the production of serotonin, a neurological chemical in the brain which affects mood. A research study found that liquid zeolites helped to relieve depression.

When taking liquid zeolites, consumers should increase their water consumption to half ounce per pound of body weight, i.e. a 180-lb. man should drink 90 ounces, or about 11 cups of water, to prevent hydration issues and promote removal of toxins from the body by urination. Since liquid zeolites remain in the circulatory system between five and seven hours, dosing schedules suggest six-hour time intervals. Consumers are directed to place liquid zeolites on the tongue; however, many mix the drops in a glass of water to prevent dehydration. Note: It is not the liquid zeolites which cause dehydration; it is the combination of heavy metal toxins and zeolites which can cause insufficient hydration.

Some research indicates that liquid zeolites are safe for adults, children and even pregnant women. Adult dosing for detoxification purposes is 10 to 15 drops three times per day for six weeks to two months. Typically, one bottle of liquid zeolites lasts between seven to 10 days. During maintenance dosing, users ingest three to five drops three times per day. Since one bottle has 300 drops, it lasts one month during maintenance.


About the author

Alex Malinsky aka RawGuru is an award winning chef and one of the leading experts in the field of raw food. He started to learn about raw foods at the early at of 15. After 10 years on the raw food diet he continues to be on the cutting edge of nutritional research and product development. Visit Alex's website at: www.RawGuru.com for more information.

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