(NaturalNews) As reports of injury and death related to the Gardasil HPV Vaccine continue to rise, a documentary is being developed to tell the story from the eyes of the victims and the parents. The truth about Gardasil will soon be revealed.
There are now over 15,000 signatures on the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! You can view the petition here:
The goal is to reach 30,000 signatures and to send a strong message to President Barack Obama, his Administration, Congress and the world "to investigate the expedited licensing and universal use recommendation by federal health agencies that all girls aged 11-12 years old and young women up to age 26 receive three doses of Gardasil. The petition on behalf of families is urging the President and Congress to take action to minimize the human and economic costs of Gardasil vaccination for individuals and the public in order to protect the lives of Americans who trust the government to ensure that vaccines licensed for public use are safe, effective and necessary."
SANEVax is reporting that as of January 15, there are now 21,171 adverse reactions and 91 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This is an estimated 1 to 10 percent of injuries and deaths reported. The United States government needs to know that medical consumers are demanding that an independent study be conducted on the safety and efficacy of Gardasil before the
vaccine damages one more adolescent girl or boy.
Signing the petition "does not cost anything but your time" and your time is needed now. Once you read through the signatures and comments on the petition, you will begin to understand the global travesty unfolding before our very eyes. These are just a few of the comments that have been posted to the petition over the last week.
# 14,989
04:01, Jan .14, Joellen Leary, New York
My niece has experienced many seizures with damages done to her brain.
# 14,980
03:37, Jan .13, Jocelyne Gervais, Canada
A daughter's friend on FB died from
# 14,979
16:33, Jan. 12, Michael G. White, South Carolina
Our 13 yr old daughter had a major uticaria outbreak 5 weeks after her 3rd Gardasil shot. She now has had 3 major outbreaks in total. We are treating with Prednisone. This is a daily nightmare. We MUST get some help from Merck and our FDA/CDC agencies.
# 14,976
09:05, Jan. 11, Cheryl Koehn, California
My daughter had all three shots and 5 weeks after her second shot she was hospitalized and diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, rare but still a side effect. She is 15 now and that was over two years ago and she is still in pain and has to endure giving herself two shots a week and taking other medications.
# 14,969
21:19, Jan 08, Jen Shawley, Pennsylvania
Daughter has epilepsy now. Had shot when she was 14. Is 16 now and cannot drive. Just had another grand mal 2 weeks ago. Seizures don't run in our family, but funny how doc keeps blaming family history??? She is on high doses of meds 4500mg plus 2500 mg of another and she's still having seizures. God is her only answer to help her through this because these doctors don't know what there doing & meds are not working. Gardasil IS NOT SAFE!!!!! I cry every night because she didn't want this shot and I was pressured into doing the right thing for her by these stupid idiots that turn the other cheek to these side effects!!! God help us and heal these children. Make the families aware of the truth and keep are children safe. In your Holy name I pray, Amen....
The "One Less Girl" campaign has turned into ONE MORE GIRL adversely injured.
When you get angry - and the SANE Vax Team hopes you become furious over this medical experiment injuring thousands of innocent girls and harming thousands of families - we are asking that you take the time to sign the petition in support of these families, and then, donate whatever you can to the production of the most important
documentary of the 21st century, One More Girl:
This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines - giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out - share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughters to get the vaccine - and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter's illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes - raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world's health regulatory agencies.
ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, ( and SANE Vax, Inc. ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization's global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S. In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.
The preview of "
One More Girl" can be viewed at:
There are 15,000 reasons to sign the NVIC Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! petition and to donate the to the production of the "One More Girl" documentary. Let us show the world that medical consumers are standing together on this issue.
Most importantly, the girls adversely injured by Gardasil want to tell their stories, to prevent others from being injured, and to be remembered as the victims of a vaccination program gone bad.
Sign the petition and donate today.
On behalf of the 21,000 adversely injured and the families of the 91 girls who have died, we thank you.
Please visit our site at SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
About the author:THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.
We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the market until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are committing our efforts to an educational media campaign to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV vaccines.
SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking production of the One More Girl Documentary which will premier in 2012. Please join our cause by contributing to this project by contacting Ryan Richardson, Producer at
For more information, please visit our site at
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