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Why vegan (Opinion)

Sunday, February 20, 2011 by: Hesh Goldstein
Tags: vegan, diet, health news

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(NaturalNews) Thanks to millions of dollars in advertising, we have been brainwashed to believe we need meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk as the staples of our diet. Due to this, these high fat, high cholesterol, artery clogging "foods" have been accepted as an essential part of the American diet. Ever present is the fact that poultry has been accepted as a "safer" option.

But poultry is filthier than meat and pork. After the chicken or turkey is slaughtered and skinned it is soaked in a bath for cleansing. The problem is that the bath is full of urine, pus, doo-doo and other contaminants from all the others that preceded it.

But fear not. The USDA has said that as long as you cannot see the doo-doo through the clear wrap it is safe to buy and eat. If that's the case why do they then say that whatever that chicken or turkey has touched must be boiled to prevent the spread of contamination?

In addition to this profit-driven advertising, federal laws mandate that all schools provide children with milk and flesh at each meal or lose federal funding. This done despite the fact that 95 percent of Asians, 90 percent of Blacks and Hispanics, and 75 percent of White kids suffer from lactose intolerance and cannot digest milk products.

Ignoring these stats because money is more important than health, we find that half of all dairy consumption, approximately 300 pounds a year, comes from cheese, which is nothing more than a super concentrated form of health-destroying saturated fat and salt.

Also, we are the only creatures that regularly consume the milk products of other species. Rat's milk, anyone? From ingesting flesh, eggs and milk, there are no other components in the "modern" diet that causes more pain and suffering, including death and disability, than these products.

Milk proteins are prone to rampant bacterial contamination such as salmonella, listeria, E-coli, staph and the cause of most dairy product recalls. Dairy products, as with all flesh foods, hold various poisons, including pesticides and other environmental contaminants.

Yes, while pasteurization (cooking it 180 degrees F) might kill a lot of these contaminants, it also kills any traces of any beneficial, if any, nutrients. Let's not forget that in order to increase milk production, dairy cows are injected with artificial growth hormones. With this comes the increase of insulin-like growth factors that have been shown to promote the growth of cancer cells as well as making a person so big that they can blot out the sun and when they walk down the street. It's as if you can hear someone singing, "I feel the earth move under my feet!"

Then there's the fact that 80 percent of the antibiotics produced are fed to animals to keep them healthy. The down side to that is that this overload to us of the antibiotics we ingest through the flesh and milk, tends to make us more resistant to the combating of various strains of bacteria when we get hit by them.

What about the environment? Does it matter that the process of raising cattle for milk and meat is a leading contributor to both water and air pollution and very hard on the environment? We seemingly are opposed to the slavery of people but what about the slavery of cows, chickens, pigs, and turkeys ? That is a question that only you can answer for yourself.

Everyone thinks that the consumption of fish is good and that fish is a "health food." I beg to differ. Fish is the muscle of a cold-blooded animal with fins and gills. The major components of fish are fat, with 60 percent of their calories coming from fat, and protein. There are no carbohydrates, no dietary fiber, or no vitamin C.

Because many fish are high on the food chain, they are highly contaminated with environmental chemicals like PCB's and mercury. Fish fat is known to inhibit the actions of insulin and increase the tendency for high blood sugars and eventually diabetes. Eskimos are among the highest consumers of fish on the planet and also have the highest rates of osteoporosis of any people on the planet.

What's happening right now is that Monsanto paid off the Obama administration to approve the genetic modification of alfalfa. Alfalfa is one of the heaviest consumed products by animals. This means that in the very near future all foods that had a face or a mother will contain genetically modified ingredients and enormous amounts of "Monsatan's" RoundUp Ready pesticides.

Let's look at other startling realities:

The pharmaceutical industry, as all publically traded corporations do, need to increase their bottom line to increase their earnings per share to keep their shareholders happy.
To do that they must keep you sick.

The large food corporations, also publically traded corporations, basically need you to eat more of their foods to keep their shareholders happy. Whether or not their foods are health promoting or health destroying is irrelevant to them.

When we talk about Monsatan, we already know that they have paid off presidents to keep from having their products labeled as GMOs. Why? Because they know if they were labeled you would not buy them.

Then there's the medical profession or I should say the medical business. What is the success key of any business? Repeat customers! You staying sick is good for business.

The government agencies have made comfortable beds for themselves by being the chamber-maids for the food and drug corporations. These agencies, like The Fraud and Drug Administration, The Centers for Deceit Control and Procrastination, The Environmental Pollution Agency and The Federal Treachery Commission have already constructed a massive revolving door between the large corporations and their agencies.

For example take a look at the CDC. Julie Gerberding, who was the Head of the CDC for the past eight years is now the CEO of Merck Pharmaceutical's vaccine division. Also, let's not forget about former Monsanto higher ups like Michael Taylor and Tom Vilsack.

Last, but not least, is the mainstream media. Remember, the success of a business requires repeat customers. Look at the bulk of their ads and the Letters to the Editor that they print and tell me the last time you say anything espousing a vegan diet centered around organics.

Yet, despite all these facts, we continue to force these disease- and obesity-causing, if you'll pardon the expression, "foods" upon innocent children in the schools and on ourselves. If it were truly about health it wouldn't happen. If it were about money, well, let history speak for itself.

Change can only come from those that know they are being exploited and decide to do something about it. Are you ready to do that or do you need to develop cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, constipation or obesity before you do?


About the author:
I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called "Health Talk". In 2007 I was "forced" to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of all the doctors that would call in asking for my credentials. They do not call in anymore. Going to www.healthtalkhawaii.com enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. I am an activist. In addition to espousing an organic vegan diet for optimum health, I am strongly opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation and everything else that the pimps (Big Pharma, Monsanto and the large food companies) and the hookers (the doctors, the government agencies, the public health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the tricks.
After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child I developed asthma. After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 4 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it's only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids. You can find out more about this incredible nutrient also on my website - www.healthtalkhawaii.com -.
My book, "a Sane Diet For An Insane World", has been published. It can be viewed at

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