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Nature's Baby Organics, an industry leader in organic personal care products

Saturday, June 12, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: organics, baby, health news

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(NaturalNews) Finding safe, natural personal care products is something for which every parent should be conscious. But in a world full of products claiming to be safe and natural, how does one figure out which brands deliver on their claims and which ones are merely peddling marketing hype?

One company, Nature's Baby Organics, produces organic care products of the highest quality and purity. Founded by Adena Surabian, president and mother of two, Nature's Baby Organics got its start when Adena realized that her daughter was allergic to the synthetic chemicals commonly used in personal care products. After performing some investigative research into the hard-to-pronounce ingredients on product labels, this concerned mother began to lament about the lack of natural, safe and pure products.

"I wanted a natural product that had clean, healthy ingredients that would also perform well, so I could use it too," she states on her company's website. Because she was unable to find suitable products already on the market, Adena decided to start formulating her own in order to meet her high standards.

Today, her company produces five certified organic personal care products, including diaper ointment, skin soother, chest rub, baby oil and dusting powder. All of her products contain between 70 and 95 percent organic ingredients, depending on the specific formula.

The reason why not all of Nature's Baby Organics products are certified organic, meaning they have at least 95 percent organic ingredients, is because Adena believes the National Organic Program (NOP) preservative guidelines are not entirely acceptable.

"A baby product cannot be 100 percent USDA certified organic, in our opinion. We do see companies that are making lotions, shampoos and conditioners, and we just don't agree with that process. The NOP stipulates that the only approved preservative is alcohol. Alcohol to us is too astringent and can be processed through the skin; it is the one ingredient that passes into the bloodstream. Some alcohols can't even be processed by the liver. So for us, we think it is an irresponsible process for people to be coming out with USDA certified organic under the current standards for children and infants." she explained in an interview.

A valid position, Adena has chosen instead to use naturally-sourced alternatives like sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate to preserve her products. This brings up another interesting fact about many organic products that Adena finds disturbing.

"We're seeing companies that aren't even properly preserving, and might even have an anhydrous product without an antioxidant, so those products are going to become rancid. The other thing is that products that have organic content have a higher microbial count, so the need for preservation or an antioxidant is greater. And lots of companies are not even micro-challenging their products to see if they're going to grow mold or bacteria or even be safe for children."

In other words, companies that produce all-organic personal care products are either using alcohol as a preservative, which can be harmful, or they are not properly preserving their products. This is what sets Nature's Baby Organics apart from other organic personal care products on the market.

Nature's Baby Organics is a truth-in-labeling company that lists all of its ingredients right on its product labels. None of its products contain parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), phthalates, propylene glycol, or 1,4-dioxane. The bottles are also BPA-free.

For more information about Nature's Baby Organics, please visit www.naturesbabyproducts.com.

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