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DNA damage

Understand DNA Damage and Repair

Friday, May 07, 2010 by: Kim Evans
Tags: DNA damage, repair, health news

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(NewsTarget) Most people today are consistently exposed to substances that are known to damage our DNA. Radiation, plastics, cigarette smoke, chemicals in soft drinks, pesticides, and many more common substances have all been found to damage our DNA. It's unfortunate because when our DNA is damaged, we subject ourselves to numerous health problems. Our cells become inhibited in producing what our bodies need and our bodies become challenged in re-growing healthy cells. Worse, the effects of our chemical habits and lifestyles are passed to our children - and our children's children. Fortunately though, our DNA has the ability to repair itself and below are a few easy ways to start your DNA on the road to repair.

Consume Chlorella
Chlorella is a chlorophyll-rich algae and it's known to help the body remove harmful substances like heavy metals, dioxins and pesticides. This is an obvious benefit because some of these substances are causing the damage in the first place. Numerous studies have found that chlorella helps our DNA repair itself - and packed with chlorophyll, chlorella adds an alkaline kick that comes in a structure that's similar to the hemoglobin of healthy blood. To add chlorella to your diet, try adding a teaspoon to fresh apple juice or a fruit smoothie each day.

Use Cat's Claw
Peruvian cat's claw is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used for arthritis. In Peru, cat's claw is used for cancer and it's known to help cleanse the intestinal track. Cat's claw has been repeatedly shown to help our DNA repair itself and also to prevent further damage. In one human trial, participants taking the herb for just eight weeks showed significant improvements in DNA repair.

Enjoy Enzyme-Rich Raw Foods
Gabriel Cousens, M.D., N.D. tells us that the enzymes in raw foods help our DNA repair themselves. But, because enzymes are needed for digestion and they're routinely destroyed when foods are heated, eating cooked foods robs your body of enzymes. Therefore, the more cooked foods that you eat during your lifetime, the fewer enzymes you'll have available to repair your DNA from common threats. Conversely, the more raw foods you consume, the better your body will be able to repair your DNA - as well as heal, nourish and repair your other tissues and organs.

Eat Cabbage and other Cruciferous Vegetables
Raw cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are key for DNA repair for several reasons. First, they contain large amounts of folate - which plays an important role in cell division and DNA repair. In 2006, researchers also found that the indole-3s in cruciferous vegetables increase our body's production of BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins - which are proteins that repair damaged DNA. These proteins are also widely acknowledged to be tumor suppressing. To boot, cruciferous vegetables contain a substance called sulforaphane which has been shown to increase our production of phase-2 detoxification enzymes. These enzymes help the body render harmless and eliminate many chemicals and toxins - so really, they help your body remove what is so often causing the problem.


About the author

Kim Evans is a natural health writer and author of Cleaning Up! The Ultimate Body Cleanse. Cleaning Up! offers deep cleansing and using methods in this book, people have gotten rid of dozens of different types of health problems, as well as just losing excess weight, thinking more clearly, and feeling better.

Kim's next book chronicles events in her life that happen to match patterns in the Bible. She's also found three places in the Bible that tell us its about these patterns and even asking you to match them.
Here's a little from the upcoming book...
In Isaiah 22:20, it says, "And it must occur in that day that I will call my servant, namely Eliakim." But, because these prophecies are cryptic and they aren't meant to be understood until they are understood, it's only the last three letters.
A few lines later, it says, "From the land of Kittim it has been revealed to them."
Here, you just take out any three middle letters, and again, it's the name of the person bringing you this message, or the sacred secret of the prophecy. Actually, if you take those two passages, Kim is about the only name you can get from both of them.
In Numbers 1:1 – 1:18, it's talking about "the family" and mentions Pagiel. It also twice mentions February 1st, (Kim's birthday) and then says that the youngest is 20 years old. Kim's little sister Paige is currently 20 years old.
In Chronicles 1 11:20 it mentions the brother of Joab and then in the same sentence uses the word brandishing. Kim's middle name is Jo and her older sister's name is Brandi. There are other patterns to her sisters too but these sort of mention them by name.
Of course, it helps if you know that there is a magical spiritual reality available that comes deep cleansing and often major dietary upgrades. It's also why Jesus was teaching the same thing, if you find his teachings in the Essene Gospel of Peace. In this text, he even says things like, "You'll never see the father unless you clean your colon." But, this is paraphrased...
In the Bible Jesus says things more like, happy are those who wash their robes, as they can enter the tree of life. The tree of life is elsewhere explained as God's paradise. He also said, first clean the inside of the cup and then the outside will also be clean.
Kim's book Cleaning Up! is here http://www.cleaningupcleanse.com. You can also preorder The Sacred Prophecies Have Been Fulfilled
here. It shouldn't be long.

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