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WHO Investigation of H1N1 Pandemic Proves a Whitewash

Monday, April 19, 2010 by: Aaron Turpen
Tags: H1N1, pandemic, health news

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(NewsTarget) The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that it will be appointing an "independent" committee to investigate the conduct of WHO in the H1N1 swine flu panic of 2009. The investigation is meant to decide whether the actions of WHO were warranted - specifically the declaration of a pandemic. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, called for a "frank, critical, transparent, credible and independent review" (emphasis added) and then proceeded to a closed-door meeting to begin proceedings.1

It is what will obviously be yet another whitewash where a governmental organization investigates itself and eventually comes to a foregone conclusion. In this case, just looking at the appointees tells you what the ultimate outcome of this "independent" investigation will be.

One of the committee members is Dr. John Mackenzie. Mackenzie has direct links with various vaccine and pharmaceutical companies and was influential in the WHO declaration of a level 6 pandemic in 2009.2 No conflicts of interest there.

Of course, Dr. Mackenzie will not have any foregone conclusions in his part in the investigation of WHO's actions. That is, unless you think he lied in Der Spiegel3 last month when he said "I think we did everything right."

Others aren't quite as sure as Mackenzie is. The Council of Europe criticized the way WHO handled the swine flu pandemic. Paul Flynn (United Kingdom representative) declared that "A pandemic cannot be whatever the WHO declares it is. If it turns out that former PACE [Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] member Wolfgang Wodarg was right when he said the pandemic was decided to help the pharmaceutical industry make bigger profits, this might well turn out to be one of the biggest health scandals ever."4

This is no small accusation. Not only did WHO change the definition of a "pandemic" just before declaring H1N1 to be one,5 but also this new internal investigation happens right as the Council of Europe is in the middle of close hearings on their own investigation into WHO and how the pandemic was conducted.

Of course, Natural News and Mike Adams were quick to inform readers of the swine flu lie and make it clear that the pandemic was just another hoax to sell vaccines and pharmaceuticals. While WHO estimated that there would be two billion infections of H1N1 and millions of deaths, in reality the 2009 flu season was milder than normal with few infections and very few deaths.

The WHO whitewash will undoubtedly conclude that they did nothing wrong and were merely incorrect in their estimations. They'll likely pat themselves on the back for getting the word out and doing their part to convince so many millions of people to take the experimental vaccines their friends in Big Pharma cooked up for the event.

1 - WHO chief wants 'frank and critical' review of its handling of swine flu outbreak, The Canadian Press, April 12, 2010.

2 - Head of Key WHO Emergency Committee Has Links to Big Pharma, Reports Information by TheFluCase.com

3 - The Swine Flu Panic of 2009, Der Spiegel, March 12, 2010.

4 - Swine Flu: 'the next time someone cries wolf on a pandemic, it will not be taken seriously, Council of Europe, March 29, 2010.

5 - WHO pandemic definition before changes (web.archive.org) and after the changes (WHO site today)

6 - The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed, PACE, March 23, 2010

About the author

Aaron Turpen is a professional writer living in Wyoming in the USA. His blogs cover organic/sustainable living and environmental considerations (AaronsEnvironMental.com) and the science debunking mainstream medical and proving alternatives (HiddenHealthScience.com).

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