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Aspirin is Dangerous and Should Not Be Used

Tuesday, February 02, 2010 by: Dr. Jay Davidson
Tags: aspirin, health hazards, health news

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(NewsTarget) Most people have heard that an aspirin a day is good for the heart and health. However, according to the British Medical Journal, aspirin "should not be routinely initiated," especially for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, and for patients already taking aspirin, its use should be reviewed.(1) This publication confirms the negative effects that medication has on the human body, including aspirin.

The conventional medical system has unfortunately supported taking aspirin for improving the cardiovascular system along with recommending aspirin for pain relief and other symptoms. Aspirin was originally patented in 1900 to originally treat arthritis symptoms.(2)

Research in the last decade however has shown that taking an aspirin a day in those without a history of heart disease increased the risk of heart disease by 60%. Those with a history of heart disease had a 10-fold increase in the risk of congestive heart failure.(3) If that's not enough, taking an aspirin a day also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 86 percent.(4) The risk of breast cancer is increased by 50% for those taking an aspirin a day.(5)

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), an aspirin a day increases the risk for a hemorrhagic stroke by 84%!(6)

A common question asked after reading that research is who told us that taking aspirin was safe? Most would answer their doctor did. Let's take this to the next level. Who told your doctor? The pharmaceutical industry! The pharmaceutical companies have a massive influence on the medical community and the medical schools in America to dictate conventional medical treatments.

Aspirin penetrated the medical community for its published benefits of helping the heart and relieving pain. Many people make the mistake assuming aspirin is a supplement rather than a medication! For more than a decade people have swallowed the pills every day in the misguided belief that they were safeguarding their cardiac health.(6) Aspirin is a toxic substance and has negative effects on the body.

Some may want to argue the physiological response that aspirin thins the blood! There is no argument; it does thin the blood, yet the issue is that the body needs to maintain what is called homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. If the blood is thinned artificially with an aspirin, guess how the body maintains homeostasis? Yes, it THICKENS it!! The body does not improve health through over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs!

(1)Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 2009;47: 122-125
(3)Archives of Internal Medicine June 2000; 160: 777-784.
(4)Yahoo News October 27, 2003.
(5)Journal of the National Cancer Institute June 1, 2005, Vol. 97, No. 11: 805-812.
(6)The Journal of the American Medical Association, Dec. 9, 1998.

About the author

Dr. Jay Davidson has a passion for health and healing. His purpose is to release America from the shackles of medicine. Dr. Jay Davidson owns and operates Davidson Family Chiropractic in Waukesha, WI (Milwaukee area), which specializes in structural correction chiropractic. He also can be heard on a local radio station. For more information go to www.MaxHealthRadio.com

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