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Health and the Holidays: Follow These Easy Tips

Tuesday, December 01, 2009 by: Kim Evans
Tags: holidays, health, health news

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(NewsTarget) The holidays are the notorious time of year for indulging and eating far too much junk, sugared and processed foods. It starts with Halloween and often continues through the New Year. Yet, many people disconnect these annual eating habits with the fact that many people are sick and depressed during this time of year. But unfortunately, they`re all too connected. Fortunately, however, with a few easy tips you can avoid many holiday eating disasters.

If your friends and family aren`t health conscious, socializing around the holidays can be a challenge and some common advice applies. Do your best to avoid sweets, processed foods and pastries as much as possible. If your friends and family aren`t buying organic, you`ll also want to avoid corn or soy dishes to avoid consuming genetically tainted foods. If you`re headed to a party where healthy options will be scarce, just bring a healthy dish of your own to share and enjoy. Others are bound to appreciate it too.

Another easy tip to add health to your holidays is to simply start using coconut oil as your primary cooking oil, and consume coconut oil liberally each day. Coconut oil is a delicious and healthy oil. It`s been shown to protect against or eliminate numerous diseases, including heart disease - a problem it once had an undeserved reputation for creating.

Coconut oil is known to reduce threats to our immune system and aid in detoxification - which are two important keys to health. Because let`s face it, if you are going to succumb to eating junk or processed foods on occasion during the holidays, don`t you want to be sure your body can effectively remove the residues?

Coconut oil is unique in that it has fewer calories per gram than other oils, and it`s been found to keep us full longer than other fats. And if you`re full from the healthy fats in coconut oil, it will curb that temptation to eat other junk - which is all too often in our faces around the holidays.

Coconut oil also speeds our metabolism and many people drop excess weight just by switching to coconut oil exclusively. In fact, coconut oil has been shown to increase metabolism, which is measured by energy expenditure, by up to 48 percent in normal weight individuals. It increases energy expenditure in obese individuals up to 65 percent. This increase in metabolism lasts for 24 hours after coconut oil is consumed.

All the while, coconut oil provides you and your family with medium-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to be highly effective antibacterial (antibiotic), antiviral, and anti-fungal agents. Especially this year, having stores of powerful antiviral substances in your body isn`t a bad idea.

Coconut oil is easy to add to your diet. You can use it anywhere you`d otherwise use another oil, with the exception of some salad dressings. Coconut oil can also replace butter on breads, potatoes, popcorn and pasta, and you can add a couple tablespoons to any warm soup. All of this adds the immune-building, detoxification-oriented, metabolism-speeding, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal benefits of coconut oil to any holiday meal. Most people experience the disease-fighting, health-building benefits of coconut oil by having three or four tablespoons per day.


Coconut Cures, Bruce Fife, N.D.
The Coconut Oil Miracle, Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1991 1;53:1130-1133

About the author

Kim Evans is a natural health writer and author of Cleaning Up! The Ultimate Body Cleanse. Cleaning Up! offers deep cleansing and using methods in this book, people have gotten rid of dozens of different types of health problems, as well as just losing excess weight, thinking more clearly, and feeling better.

Kim's next book chronicles events in her life that happen to match patterns in the Bible. She's also found three places in the Bible that tell us its about these patterns and even asking you to match them.
Here's a little from the upcoming book...
In Isaiah 22:20, it says, "And it must occur in that day that I will call my servant, namely Eliakim." But, because these prophecies are cryptic and they aren't meant to be understood until they are understood, it's only the last three letters.
A few lines later, it says, "From the land of Kittim it has been revealed to them."
Here, you just take out any three middle letters, and again, it's the name of the person bringing you this message, or the sacred secret of the prophecy. Actually, if you take those two passages, Kim is about the only name you can get from both of them.
In Numbers 1:1 – 1:18, it's talking about "the family" and mentions Pagiel. It also twice mentions February 1st, (Kim's birthday) and then says that the youngest is 20 years old. Kim's little sister Paige is currently 20 years old.
In Chronicles 1 11:20 it mentions the brother of Joab and then in the same sentence uses the word brandishing. Kim's middle name is Jo and her older sister's name is Brandi. There are other patterns to her sisters too but these sort of mention them by name.
Of course, it helps if you know that there is a magical spiritual reality available that comes deep cleansing and often major dietary upgrades. It's also why Jesus was teaching the same thing, if you find his teachings in the Essene Gospel of Peace. In this text, he even says things like, "You'll never see the father unless you clean your colon." But, this is paraphrased...
In the Bible Jesus says things more like, happy are those who wash their robes, as they can enter the tree of life. The tree of life is elsewhere explained as God's paradise. He also said, first clean the inside of the cup and then the outside will also be clean.
Kim's book Cleaning Up! is here http://www.cleaningupcleanse.com. You can also preorder The Sacred Prophecies Have Been Fulfilled
here. It shouldn't be long.

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