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Viktoras Kulvinskas Part III: Learning Longevity and Nutrition from Cultures around the World

Friday, September 18, 2009 by: Kevin Gianni
Tags: raw foods, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon, which can be found at http://www.Rawkathon.com. In this excerpt, Viktoras Kulvinskas shares on what we can learn about longevity and living nutrition from other cultures around the world.

Rawkathon with Viktoras Kulvinskas. Viktoras Kulvininskas refers to himself as a "Lithuanian raw mystic." He is an author and researcher interested in life foods and living nutrition.

Kevin: What does it take to extend the life span?

Viktoras: The work has been done, it's very interesting enough. First of all, the potential of life extension was clearly marked out by Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Prize recipient. He's written many books on man's higher consciousness. In the book, he refers to his classic experience with chicken heart tissues. In the experiments, he was able to eliminate waste on a regular basis and provide superior nutrition for the tissues, optimal nutrition. Twenty five years later, the chicken's heart tissues were still alive and going and reproducing. They had allowed it to grow to a full capacity where it filled up the room in terms of tissue development so that indicates the possibilities of tissue development are ad infinitum if the there is detoxification an optimal nutrient availability.

The current research in the longevity field basically states that we're capable of about 80 to 100 cellular reproductions. That is really what it is with optimal nutrition that is propagated by our traditionally oriented research community. However as soon as you add an extra nutrient, extra vitamin E, C, all of a sudden it starts going up to a 150, and 200. So basically the question is, is there such an optimal optimization. Yes, and primarily the work was done with Dr. Julian Huxley, who was a very noted Biologist at the University of Chicago, and Dr. Chihal, who was a noble prize recipient; they work with basically worms. In a sense we are a kind of a worm, gastrointestinal, that's what the worm is with skinning. Well we got a little you know extrusions like hands and feet; overall, it's kind of similar in nature. The key things was letting the worms eat what is natural for the worms, mainly going to high quality dirt with all kind of organic matter in there, and then fasting them periodically. That was the whole thing, fasting and optimal nutrition. So that they found 17 generations later that the ones that were fasted were still young and vital.

The studies that are published in longevity all emphasize that by reducing the caloric content by 60 percent and the protein intake by 60 percent you will create 3-400% increase in longevity. A classic study of human subject is the situation were if you were to look at, first of all looking at example of raw foodism, mainly the Eskimos, though it was not vegan oriented. It was actually animal oriented, but they ate everything in the raw, and that's what they basically means Eskimo. Eskimo the word means one who eats raw. As long as they ate raw their civilization had no doctors, no medicine man, there was no disease, no colds even, as long as they remained enzymatically active. Then civilization came in; pioneers came in, missionaries and they taught them the way of the stove. Well those who adapted to it within one generation the longevity went from 90 to around 45, and cancer, heart diseases, rheumatism, developed as being the killing forces. Otherwise they died in their 90s due to acidification and over exposure to the natural environment. But they lived right into their 90s with their full lock of hair, with their teeth and everything else like that and never being sick and being very mystical.

Now growing up to little more humane environment is the situation of the study which was published... Then the next is in January of 1973; National Geographic put out expedition teams to three locations which had been noted for extreme longevity, to our standards of individuals, many of them a 120, 150, riding horses, and well attested records of their birth, OK? So they brought in nutritionists and doctors to study them. They found interesting enough their protein intake was around 32-35 grams per day, which is very low; in the USA we're more like 200 grams of protein on a daily basis, and heat treated protein. The studies that were done by Dr. Sumner of the Institute of Traumatology shows there's an inverse relationship between longevity and heat-treated protein consumption, the more you consume the shorter you live. So basically their work showed a low protein and low calorie, around 1500 calories and low fat, about one fifth of what is consumed in USA and technologically advanced countries, and they were very fit, agricultural people. They had their Stairmaster which was everyday; they were forced to climb mountains in the most pure air; they drank the water; they ran out of food usually enduring the end of the winter and the beginning of spring. So what did they do? They fasted. So they were forced in a yearly cyclic pattern. But you take a look at the photo essays of their children, they had triple chins; they were now trading their Hunza apricots for Twinkies with the tourists. They were not going to live like their grandparents who were very vital.

I had the good fortune of being in Ecuador. I saw a whole bunch of these people who were 120. They were kind of lonely, disoriented individuals, drinking a lot, entertaining themselves and flirting and chasing girls and stuff like that. Still very healthy, radiant skin but it's a good photo essay of extreme longevity. Basically in longevity if you were to do live foods, fast weekly, as they advocate at Hippocrates Institute, one day a week, stay on liquid juices and also basically couple times a week go on a longer fast. You want to detoxify yourself so that your iris, like I started off with a black iris with four circular lines, which are called stress rings, it was black iris right now as you can see it is blue iris. Detoxification, your iris will go through changes. For American, Mediterranean and Asiatics will have a light brown but clean iris when they detox. You will not have any of the markings of leftover meat, leftover starches, leftover garbage. Enzymes will clean you out, clean out the interior; it will build up your immune system functions. Dr. Kovar, Elias Kovar, K-O-V-A-R, showed in his research published in medical journal, orally administer enzymes increases your natural killer cells by 1300 percent, macrophages by 700 percent, which says basically most doctors will agree if you could jump start the immune system you could cure any disease. Well hey, get enzymized.

And then of course on Oprah Dr. Oz, who's a cardiologist, he says if you want to prevent all diseases you've got to stay alkalized. How are you going to stay alkalized every day? You've got to have a green soup, raw green soup. It's happening. Oprah herself did a week of vegan detox. Look, the most popular diet right now is raw veganism among the Hollywood set. And more and more athletes are fueling themselves with plant-based enzymatic nutrition. All the Olympic stars, Olympic coaches have their competitors on enzymes because it improves performance, reduces energy loss associated with digestive stress, allows rapid recovery from injuries. Practically 85 percent when injuries occurs and as much as 60 to 80 percent reduction in overall injuries. One of the major culprits in success in athletics and Olympics, you have injuries that can easily occur due to over exertion, and as a result you can be backsliding for a whole month, two months in recovery time. This does not happen with enzymatic therapies.

Kevin: Yeah. What about blue-green algae? I know that you're a big proponent of blue-green algae. What are some of the specific benefits of it as a protein source and as a nutritional source in terms of minerals?

Viktoras: Yeah. In terms of minerals. And they're extremely important; you have a full spectrum of minerals because the lake of the blue-green algae referred to as alpha or alphonazoma plus aqua which is the scientific term which is algae that grows in extremely alkaline, around 9.5 lake, and very nutrient dense. It is many ocean you might say all these minerals springs, hot and cold pour into it. Five thousand acres that surround it, a natural wonder and it's basically a very Eco friendly reserve. So you have a place where very nutrient dense and result, it has much higher nutrient profile, especially in reference to minerals. And the minerals really drive the concentration of, in particular, of the protein structuring. Basically algae fixate the nitrogen from the air, hooking it up to hydrogen, oxygen, and carbons to create the high 65 percent or so protein profile with a very high enzymatic makeup. Depending on how you harvest and how you dry it you're going to have it enzymatically active or not.

I know we are enzymatically active with an extremely high chlorophyll profile, about five times higher than in wheat grass. Also the high mineral, the presence of the protein in a form of, predominately in a form of peptides, polypeptides and small chain amino acids, which act as precursors to neuropeptides, which facilitates clear mental faculty of functioning. We took a group.. this is in terms of profile; like if you were to take the blue-green algae and put it in a quart size, maybe four inch in diameter glass container, and put in about a half a teaspoon of blue-green algae into this water tower about, you know, twelve inches high, four inches across, mix it in, let it sit for about twenty minutes, and then look at it with high intensity light from the top. The top will be purple, magenta purple, then about eighty percent of it will be blue, and about ten to fifteen, twenty percent will be green. There's no other food that will have that kind of a color signature. The blue pigments are an indication of a high metallic influence on the brain activity, and this is the place where it has the most outstanding influence. Spirulina does not; chlorella does not have that kind of spectrum neither does it have a major influence on the brain. It's a good source of many nutrients.

But the blue-green algae if you've done research, our company pioneered research in the blue- green algae, and we're the only ones that have spent all the money in terms of research associated with blue-green algae. So we've got a study that was done in Nicaragua; we took 2,000 children which had the lowest academic performance in all of Nicaragua, took a quarter of a teaspoon twice a day, the morning and evening, of blue-green algae, and then they were tested again at the end of school year. They were shown not to be...they went up by two grades and to be the highest academic performance in all of Nicaragua.

For more from this excerpt of the Rawkathon, plus 14 other amazing raw food interviews, please visit http://www.Rawkathon.com.

About the author

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit www.LiveAwesome.com.

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