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Bee stings

Use Natural Remedies for Bee Stings

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 by: Sheryl Walters
Tags: bee stings, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Along with summer, comes pretty flowers. We all know how much bees are attracted to flowers. If you've ever experienced getting stung by a bee, you know how badly it can hurt. There are even certain people who are highly allergic to a bee's venom and could be seriously affected if left untreated. These people should seek medical attention immediately. However, for those of us who aren't affected in a life threatening way, here is what you should do when encountering the sting of a pesky bothersome bee.

Once you have been stung, remain calm. You will need to remove the stinger. Be careful that you do not break the stinger off in your skin as this can add more of the bee's poison to the area. If you are unable to get all of the stinger out, make a bread and milk poultice. Use stale bread mixed with a little milk, and place it on your sting. This may be held on with a clean soft cloth to give it time to pull the stinger out. Reapply a new poultice if necessary. Another type of poultice which may be applied is a wet tea bag. The tannic acid in tea helps with the swelling of a bee sting and the swelling may be what is causing the stinger to stay embedded. Black tea is the most effective type to use.

Once the stinger has been completely removed, wash the area with warm water and a natural soap. If the area is causing pain, you may place ice on it. Slice a piece of potato, cucumber or an onion and place it directly on the sting area. Within a few hours, the bite will feel much better and a salve made of comfrey made be applied.

Another choice for overcoming the pain and swelling from the sting of a bee is a mixture of straight natural apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Apply this to the affected area. If you are able to collect a sample of rich soil, add water and turn it into a clay paste mixture. This can help to draw out the venom. If you happen to have any lavender or eucalyptus oil on hand, these may also be used to bring comfort.

Taking a natural supplement daily of B1, garlic or zinc, will make you less desirable to a bee. Certain dyes and perfumes as well as bright colors will attract bees so do all you can to experience a safe and happy summer.


About the author

Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous. You can also find some of the most powerful super foods on the planet including raw chocolate, purple corn, and many others.

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