(NewsTarget) Amputations, especially from diabetes, are on the rise. What if there was a simple solution that would reduce the number of amputations by 50% or more - something simple, safe and inexpensive? This article is intended to open the doorway and shed the light on stopping needless amputations. It is intended to challenge insurance companies to encourage research that will satisfy the reluctances of the medical profession. It is intended to save limbs and significantly lower health care related costs from needless amputations.
- More than 60% of nontraumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes.
- In 2004, about 71,000 nontraumatic lower-limb amputations were performed in people with diabetes.
- The rate of amputation for people with diabetes is 10 times higher than for people without diabetes. [1] American Diabetes Association Statistics.
The increasing rate of diabetes diagnoses in the United States is cause for alarm. Related healthcare costs are staggering, as data shows the total annual cost of diabetes treatment in 2002 (including direct and indirect costs) was estimated at $132 billion, or one out of every 10 healthcare dollars spent in the United States. [2] Other studies have suggested that diabetes-related amputations cost approximately three billion dollars per year ($38,077 per amputation procedure). [3]
So what is this simple solution? It is a topical treatment with Bentonite Clay. This clay is strong enough to draw, bind with and pull infections, gangrene and diseased tissue from the body and to stimulate blood flow and oxygen to the area for the rebuilding of healthy tissue.
The potential of this
clay as a healing catalyst has been so remarkable that more and more people are turning to this natural alternative and away from traditional western medicine. The rise in public awareness to this safe alternative is quickly spreading by word of mouth. The beat goes on as successful story after successful story are shared with friends and relatives.
It is time for clay to be taken seriously and recognized as a major healing agent and to be recommended by doctors? It is time to put the spotlight on Clay, more specifically on Calcium Bentonite Clay.
Used internally or externally, clay`s strong ability to draw and bind with toxins, viruses, and pathogens make it a healing catalyst that works with the whole organism to
heal itself. It cuts healing time in half at a minimum. Clays are not new as a healing agent. Even the Bible references clay for healing. Animals in the wild instinctively are drawn to Clay Wallows and Clay Licks when sick and for minerals their body needs. Charles A. Munn, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Tropical Nature, documented the Macaw Parrots of South America eating clay from cliffs to detoxify from their diet of poisonous seeds.
So what is it about this "dirt" that makes miracles? First of all it is far from dirt. It is highly negative charged trace minerals, tightly bound together, acting as whole. These electromagnetic nano-crystals were formed from volcanic ash that landed in inland seas, lake beds and rivers and streams. In short, the thermodynamic heat from the volcano burnt out all impurities leaving super charged, tightly bound, inert trace minerals. Over millions of years it evolved into veins of clay with highly charged electromagnetic negative ionic charged particles with an alkaline pH. In the rock or powder form clay is dormant. Clay is a sleeping giant with great healing properties and benefits. When clay absorbs water it takes on life force energy.
This electromagnetic energy stimulates circulation and blood flow thereby revitalizing dormant cell energy and speeding up the healing process.
There are seven different families of clay depending on the mineral makeup, location and the maturity of the clay. All clay deposits are different. Some are strictly for industrial use. Bentonite clays are rapidly and widely being recognized as safe and effective detox, cleansing and healing agents in the alternative health care field. The green Bentonite clays from the Smectite Family of clays are considered the most popular healing clays. These Smectites have the ability to absorb as well as adsorb. It is the absorption that sets them apart from other clays. The Smectites have an extremely large specific surface area, cation exchange capacity with an affinity to absorb water. [4] They form reactive clays also referred to as Living Clay. Living Clay or reactive clays have the ability to transform through interactive exchanges of elements and energy.
"When Bentonite clay absorbs water and swells, it is stretched open like a highly porous sponge; the toxins are drawn into these spaces by electrical attraction and bound fast. In fact Bentonites can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin (a mold), and pesticides and herbicides including Paraquat and Roundup. The clay is eventually eliminated from the body with the toxins bound to its multiple surfaces." Canadian Journal of Microbiology [5]
Though clays have been used successfully by indigenous tribes around the world for centuries, modern day doctors are slow to accept putting "dirt" in a wound or taking clay internally for gastrointestinal disorders. A pure vein of clay is far from dirt. Dirt decomposes where as clays are inert trace minerals. Bentonites are listed as FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). Under sections 201(s) and 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excluded from the definition of a food additive. [6]
That being said it is important to do your due diligence when selecting your clay. Going back even 1,000 years ago, clays were not exposed to modern day environmental elements, industrial toxins, acid rain, agents of nuclear warfare, pesticides and the chemical sprays that contribute to the pollution of our earth`s soils. For more information on types of clays and criteria to look for in a quality clay go to
' target='_blank'> time has come for clay therapy be taken seriously and recognized as a major healing alternative to be recommended by doctors.
Clay therapy is safe, inexpensive and it works. It helps the body by detoxing, cleansing and balancing the pH to support a strong immune system. Reduce your need for expensive health care. Cut doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy to a minimum. Return to your natural state of wellbeing with a little help from Mother Earth`s clay. Put the spotlight on clay therapy and stop needless>... and other unnecessary medical procedures. To sum it up, Bentonite clay is the simple solution to stopping needless amputations.
[1] American Diabetes Association
[2] Paul Hogan, et al, "Economic Costs of Diabetes in the U.S. in 2002,"
Diabetes Care 26 (2003): 917-32.<1>
[3] Arran Shearer, et al, "Predicted Costs and Outcomes from Reduced Vibration Detection in People with Diabetes in the U.S.," Diabetes Care 26 (2003): 2305-10; and Adam Gordois, et al, "The Health Care Costs of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in the U.S.,"
Diabetes Care 26 (2003): 1790-95.
[4] Clay Mineralogy N. Sivakugan
[5] Canadian Journal of Microbiology (31 [1985], 50-53) Specificity of virus adsorption to clay minerals. Steven M. Lipson, G. Stotzky
[6] U.S. Food and Drug Administration
About the author
Perry A~ is the author of
Living Clay: Nature’s Own Miracle Cure and is a frequent contributor to Natural News and other health publications. She has been a student in the study of Bentonite Clays since the early 1990’s, and is the founder of the Living Clay Co." target="_blank"> For more educational information on Bentonite Clays go to' target='_blank'>"> or
' target='_blank'>"> Perry A~ is available for radio interviews and for questions about clay. She can be reached at 1-866-262-5611 or
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