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MSG Now Used to Spray Crops

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by: Paul Fassa
Tags: MSG, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Just when many concerned, health conscious citizens have become aware of the dangers of MSG enough to avoid it, a large agricultural fertilizer and pesticide company, Emerald BioAgriculture, has an MSG tainted "growth enhancer," Auxigro, that has been used to spray on crops since the late 1990`s.

Emerald BioAgriclture`s sales and influence is spreading, and governmental protection agencies are simply stepping aside. Though the Emerald BioAgriculture`s PR promotes that their products are environmentally sound and safe, there is opposition and concern over that. Especially since a main ingredient is the essence of MSG itself.

So it seems to be another sneaky attempt at getting the human race dosed on MSG. Those sneaky attempts have included disguising MSG with labels on packaged foods that use terms like natural flavors, artificial flavorings, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, spices, plant protein, and several forms of hydrolyzed protein (to mention just a few of the forty or so euphemistic terms used to pass MSG our way).

According to labeling legislation, if any additive containing the essential active ingredient of MSG, glutamic acid or free glutamate, is less than 78%, it doesn`t have to be labeled MSG! This is a deceptive technicality, because the product known as MSG contains over 78% free glutamate. But free glutamate itself is the danger. Whether there is 70% or 80% glutamate in any given ingredient, one is consuming a dangerous chemical.

An MSG Summary of Horrors

Manufactured free glutamate, or glutamic acid, is a dangerous excitotoxin. Ironically, bound glutamate, which is still attached to protein, is benign in small quantities. But that benign glutamate is a minor byproduct of a body`s or plant`s metabolism. Synthetic glutamic acid or free glutamate is an excitotoxin that appears in larger, more difficult to metabolize quantities when used as a food additive. Additionally, sometimes carcinogenic chemicals are used in the process of manufacturing synthetic free glutamate.

According to Doctor Russel Blaylock MD, author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, excitotoxins literally excite brain cells to death! He has found that in addition to obesity, several neurological disorders come about as a result of long term aspartame or MSG excitotoxin consumption. The constant increase of MSG, or its essential active ingredient, over the past 60 years in our food chain has corresponded with the surge of type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s Disease, and other forms of neurological disorders. Even dementia, which is usually attributed to old age, can be traced to long term excitoxin exposure.

MSG is used liberally in all fast food places as well as in many better sit-down restaurants. All the snack foods and most packaged foods, even those found in health food stores, contain at least one form of disguised free glutamate - in other words, MSG with another name. So the wise, wary, and dedicated to preserving their health simply avoid processed foods and eating out too much. And they read labels carefully while buying organic vegetables, fruits, and bulk grains and beans as much as possible. Free at last from MSG? Not quite.

Spraying Crops With MSG

The agricultural and food industry has returned with another ploy to keep MSG in our food chain. And it`s completely sanctioned and endorsed by so-called protective governmental agencies. According to Truth In Labeling, an ambitious company called Auxein, now Emerald BioAgriculture, created the product called AuxiGro. It contains glutamate. It won`t go into processed and packaged foods. It simply goes into the plants that yield our fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It has been called a crop "growth enhancer" that increases plants` "natural defense systems" against insect infestation, according to Emerald BioAgriculture`s website.

AuxiGro is sprayed onto plants with excitotoxin glutamate or glutamic acid as a major ingredient. And Emerald BioAgriculture has managed to bully and buy its way. Beginning from the year 1999, it used AuxiGro on several types of vegetable, fruit, and nut crops. They are registered with the EPA for using AuxiGro in most states. They have even finagled their way into California crop spraying, a state that had originally restricted the use of AuxiGro on its crops. Oh those revolving big business/government doors!

And now it is beginning to get even worse. Emerald BioAgriculture is requesting permission to use AuxiGro on organic crops in all states! The fact that the USDA has lowered its standards for organic certification in the past few years gives Emerald BioAgriculture an opening to begin using AuxiGro on organic crops. USDA organic certification is already suspect. It may get worse. So trusting USDA certification as the sole criteria for organic foods may not be so wise.

There are other organic certifications to look for that have more integrity. Local farmers who are organic but not certified are worthy of health conscious consumer business. The Organic Consumers Association website has more information on true organic sources - www.organicconsumers.org. Truth In Labeling has challenged the EPA on several valid issues. But the EPA has been deceptive while avoiding the queries directly from Truth In Labeling . If you want to be active on this issue, start by visiting their website at www.truthinlabeling.org.

Excitotoxins - The Ultimate Brainslayer, by James South MA
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, by Russell Blaylock, M.D.
MSG, A Dangerous Excitotoxin, www.vitalearth.org
Truth In Labeling.org

About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

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