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Five Reasons You Can Thank Yoga for Better Sex

Thursday, April 23, 2009 by: Elizabeth Walling
Tags: yoga, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Go ahead and trade in all your scented candles, lacy red nighties and silk sheets for the latest gadget that will ramp up your sex life: a yoga mat. The exercise we often connect to meditation and inner enlightenment is also linked to improved bedtime fun. A study published in the December 2008 edition of The Journal of Sexual Medicine showed women who were not satisfied with their sex life experienced heightened arousal and better orgasms when they practiced yoga. And this isn't just for ladies: another study published in the same journal in 2007 showed yoga was the most effective solution for men dealing with premature ejaculation in comparison to Prozac and non-prescription drugs.

So, how does this understated activity lead to better sex? Here are the top five benefits your sex life can take away from yoga:

1. Heightened Awareness and Concentration

Yoga teaches people to be more aware of their breathing and their bodies while letting go of mental distractions. This translates directly to better sex. When you're able to concentrate on what your body is feeling instead of a sink full of dirty dishes, for instance, you can undeniably enjoy sexual activities much more.

2. Greater Flexibility and Strength

Nothing can bring more fun to the bed than a body that's ready to rock. Yoga is an excellent fitness tool that not only conditions and strengthens the muscles, but also improves your flexibility range and joint health. Just imagine all the daring positions you can try out after a few weeks of yoga practice! Improving your muscle strength and fitness level will raise your energy and stamina during sex, too.

3. A New Kind of Foreplay

If your partner is up to it, add in several minutes of couples yoga before sex as a kind of foreplay. A few yoga moves can relax your nerves and get your circulation going: just what you need to get you in the mood after a long day. Plus, practicing yoga together helps you connect in a new way.

4. Acceptance and Confidence

One of the priceless benefits yoga offers is a new sense of confidence in one's self. Yoga promotes being aware of your body and accepting it. When you realize what you appreciate about yourself, it gives you the freedom to offer more in the bedroom. Sexual confidence is incredibly freeing and can really open the door to better sex.

5. An Awesome Finale

Well, it all adds up to one thing: better orgasms. Between improved circulation, heightened awareness and more energy, you are primed for a great climax. Plus, positions that strengthen your pelvic core can give your orgasms a definite "wow" factor.

Okay, so maybe you don't exactly want to throw out your sexy lingerie, but yoga is certainly a great way to spice things up in the bedroom in addition to its health benefits. Better sex is just one more (very fun) reason to appreciate this amazing form of exercise.





About the author

Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent modern disease. She enjoys thinking outside of the box and challenging common myths about health and wellness. You can visit her blog to learn more:

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