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Sore throats

Carrot Poultice Treats Sore Throats

Saturday, March 14, 2009 by: Melanie Grimes
Tags: sore throats, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) A carrot poultice is a compress made from carrots. It is used to draw toxins from the body, usually the neck area. Carrots have a cleaning action on the lymph glands and a poultice is an easy way to focus that healing energy to the glands in the neck. A carrot poultice can speed recovery from a sore throat or swollen glands. Children love carrot poultices, as they are non-invasive and they are very soothing.

Carrot poultices can be used to treat sore throats, colds, the flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis, swollen glands, or any time cleansing of the lymph is needed. You can use them as often as necessary. You will need some carrots and a grater to get started. This recipe was originally from Dr. John Bastyr.

Function: Filtering the Blood
When you are sick, your body manufactures many white blood cells. These blood cells surround the bacteria and viruses in your blood, gobble them up, and then die. The dead cells are filtered through the lymph system, which acts like cheesecloth, or a filter, catching the non-useful stuff from your blood and sending it to the bladder or colon for excretion. If there is too much "junk" in your lymph, it can get stagnant, slow down, and the filtering, which is so important to health, can decrease. Some of that achy feeling when you have a flu is from stagnant lymph. A carrot poultice is very stimulating to the lymph system and gets it moving again.

Use this poultice to treat swollen glands, sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, cold or flu, laryngitis, or fever. Its use is to cleanse and purify. It is a good aid for any cough or cold that settles in the glands of the neck. During a cold or flu, stimulating the flow of lymph is helpful.

Gather two large fresh carrots, one sheet of cheesecloth or paper towel or muslin and a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger (optional). You will need a grater, blender of food processor.

Grate carrots finely-- food processor is good for this or use a hand grater. Collect the grated carrots, juice and all, and place them in the center of the cloth or paper towel. Wrap the paper in thirds, and then fold in the edges to seal and secure the bundle. This can be a little messy but you will get better with practice. The finished size is four inches wide by eight inches long.

Wrap cloth around your neck and lie down. Place an old towel or cloth around it to prevent staining bed sheets. The cloth will become hot, drawing heat from your neck. Rest for at least a half an hour or longer, as you wish. Discard the carrots when done. This can be repeated as often as necessary. You can reuse the poultice for 12-24 hours if you refrigerate between uses.

Option: Ginger/Carrot Poultice
Add a few slices of grated fresh ginger to the grated carrot. This increases the heat and stimulates the lymph. This poultice is stronger and has more "bite".

Carrot poultices are an old folk remedy that continues to provide relief from symptoms of colds and sore throats. Use whenever needed to soothe a sore throat. You can enjoy the healing benefits of carrots for health, both internally and externally.


About the author

Melanie Grimes is a writer, award-winning screenwriter, medical journal editor, and adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University. She also teaches homeopathy at the Seattle School of Homeopathy and the American Homeopathic Medical College.
A trained homeopath, she is the editor of the homeopathic journal, Simillimum, and has edited alternative and integrative medical journals for 15 years. She has taught creative writing, founded the first Birkenstock store in the USA and authored medical textbooks.
Her ebook on Natural Remedies for the Flu is available at:
Follow her blog at

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