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Chia seeds

How to Lose Weight with Chia Seeds

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 by: Matt Monarch
Tags: chia seeds, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) What are chia seeds? What we know as chia seeds are the seeds from the Chia plant, which is a member of the mint family of plants. They do not have a minty taste, in fact they don`t taste of much at all. The benefits of chia lie in its nutritional value; it`s high in omega-3 fatty acid (ref: http://www.therawfoodworld.com/product_info....), has plenty of fiber, and is abundant in various other vitamins and minerals. It can be added to just about anything you want to eat: salad, smoothies, deserts or savory foods. And that`s not all; chia can actually help you lose weight.

How to lose weight with chia seeds? Firstly, all of the nutritional value in chia seeds will result in a healthier body, and therefore more energy. It`s quite easy for someone who is slim and full of energy to go for a run in the morning, but for an overweight person who feels fatigued all the time, the prospect of getting out of bed earlier than necessary is quite daunting. Chia is abundant in omega-3 oils, protein, calcium, soluble and insoluble fiber, and antioxidants, and adding it to your diet will feed your body with nutrients that it may otherwise lack. Better health equals more energy which equals more desire to expend energy.

Also, one of the unique things about chia is its ability to soak up water. If you mix one part chia seeds with nine parts water, and leave it for about fifteen minutes, you`ll get a mixture with a gel like consistency. It has little taste, but plenty of nutrients. It also is very filling because of the amount of expansion. Furthermore, the chia gel slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the system, so you stay satisfied for longer, without peaks in blood sugar. Feeling full for longer, without peaks and lows in energy, will certainly lead to weight loss.

Finally, the chia running through your system acts like a broom, cleaning out your intestines as it goes on its way. This helps clean the body of toxins, as well as food stuff which may be slow to pass through, like meats and dairy. Even if you eat healthily on a day to day basis, there may still be remnants of unhealthy food in your system from past bad food choices. A cleaner body is a body that can send clearer signals; you may find that you won`t get so many cravings for chocolate, pizza and ice-cream because your body is cleaner and just doesn`t desire such foods.



About the author

Matt Monarch has been on a 100% Raw Vegan Diet since 1999; he eats only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and seaweeds. He is currently the owner of three different health-promoting websites.
In partnership with Raw Food Pioneer and Nutritionist Dr. Fred Bisci, Matt has co-created www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, which sells support tools to help people live free of degenerative disease. Matt's other websites are www.RawSpirit.org and www.LivingNutritionals.com.
After eight years eating a 100% Raw Food Diet, Matt has written two books on the subject – Raw Spirit, and Raw Success. In recent years he has spent much of his time touring the United States, presenting well over 200 Raw Food Lectures. He is widely sought out as a speaker and gives talks worldwide on how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Matt has appeared as a key speaker at events including The Raw Spirit Festival and many other festivals and expos. He was featured in a Raw Food TV Spot that aired over 15 times on Al Gore's TV Network, Current TV. This TV spot can be viewed at www.RawSpirit.org. As 6-year owner of The Raw Food World and Living Nutritionals, he is well versed in people's needs and concerns about health.

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