(NewsTarget) Urgent Action Needed - Petition Seeks to Have Nano-Silver Regulated as a Pesticide. A coalition of environmental and activist groups have been inundating their members with emails and other messages to garner support for a misguided petition to have the EPA regulate nano-sized silver particles as pesticides. Regardless of what the intentions of any of the groups behind the petition may be, make no mistake that what is really behind this effort is the suppression of colloidal silver because of the threat it represents to billions of dollars in profits of the world pharmaceutical empire.
NOTE: The deadline for public comment to the EPA has been extended to March 20th. That is still only a month away. See the contact information at the end of this article and take action immediately if you want to make your opinion count.The petition actually sprang from the International Center for Technology Assessment which enlisted its sister organization and several other environmental and activist groups to support their logical appearing yet misleading petition.
Requiring colloidal silver and colloidal silver generator makers to perform needless environmental and other safety studies at costs of several million dollars each would result in the elimination of colloidal silver from the market, which, as noted is likely the main desired result of the petition, even though many who advocate it may not be aware of it.
In 1997, the mainstream medical tool we know and love as the FDA made
colloidal silver a number one target due to the threat it represented to the billions of dollars in profits from patented and approved antibiotics. Even since, the campaign against colloidal silver has been waged both openly and behind the scenes.
The Utopia Silver Supplement Company was singled out as a test case to see just how far the government could go in suppressing colloidal
silver, natural supplements and commercial freedom of speech when the FDA sent a letter of complaint to the Texas Health authorities. According to the FDA complaint, the Utopia Silver website contained "
health claims" which made colloidal silver fit the FDA`s arbitrary definition of a drug. However, that case ground to a halt when Utopia Silver owner Ben Taylor and noted constitutional activist Al Adask refused to accept the non-constitutional authority of the FDA or the administrative color of law courts they employ to enforce codes and laws that are in violation of constitutionally protected unalienable rights as declared by our forefathers in the Declaration of Independence.
See this article:
"Utopia Silver`s Fight for Health Freedom" this must read interview series at Natural News:
Part 1: 2: 3: 4:, the famous blue man, Papa Smurf Paul Karason was paraded around to talk shows and media across the United States. Despite his declaration that silver had saved his life the message was that ingesting colloidal silver turns you blue and is dangerous. What was not told was given little attention was the fact that Karason made his own ionic silver and contaminated it with salt, and then drank over 14 ounces a day for years.
What was given even less media attention was the fact that Karason got a complete physical at Mount Sinai at the request of the Today Show after his appearance there and was given a clean bill of health. Probably no one has taken more nano-sized silver than Paul Karason and he took an improper form. His clean bill of health should stand as stark testimony to the LACK of danger of nano-silver.
In addition to Karason, blue woman Rosemary Jacobs was resurrected and sent on her own series of interviews and speeches, talking about the dangers of silver in language that was obviously coached from behind the scenes. She claimed she took colloidal silver, but it was a solution not a colloid. Jacobs took an MD prescribed nose drop product containing silver nitrate decades ago. Silver nitrate is a solution not a colloid. Silver nitrate is the highest concentration of ionic silver that exists. The silver nitrate used by Rosemary Jacobs was about 10,000 ppm, which is why it causes Argyria.
To put that in perspective, regardless of the fact that colloidal silver and silver nitrate are not the same substance, 10,000 ppm compared to a typical 20 ppm colloidal silver product would be like taking 500 to 1000 aspirins at one time. Try that and see if it turns you blue! What it would do is turn you grey and put you six feet under.
For a good idea about the truth about colloidal silver and mainstream medicine`s use of blue people and the media to try to suppress and discredit it, see:
"Colloidal Silver has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues", we see what appears to be a well orchestrated end game to abolish colloidal silver by the absurd idea of classifying it as a pesticide because it kills such pests as bacteria, viruses and fungi and thus is an anti-microbial agent and falls within the
EPA definition of a pesticide. That sounds far too similar to me to the FDA`s arbitrary definition of anything that implies health benefits as a drug, and conveniently allow the FDA to suppress and persecute natural supplements and even fruit growers who tell the truth about their products health benefits. If anything that has "anti-microbial action" is to be deemed as a pesticide, should we not regulate bleach, germicidal soaps, household disinfectants, alcoholic beverages AND mainstream antibiotics in the same way, to name just a few?
How about the vegetables and fruits we eat? They ingest elemental silver and convert it into nano-sized particles too. Of course, the same people who are really behind regulating colloidal silver would love to regulate vegetables and fruit, as well as all vitamins, minerals and natural health supplements. Colloidal silver is just one of many targets intended to force us into GMO foods and into the hands of the managed illness industry wrongfully called healthcare, with its side effect laden drugs created in the lab which are not found in nature and have side effects in over 95% of the cases. One might point out that those compounds are themselves delivered in nano size molecules and groups of molecules, and that studies HAVE proven the harm to aquatic and other life from the volume of antibiotic and other drugs that is flushed into our water supplies from urine in vastly larger quantities that colloidal and other nano-silver will ever be.
Silver is a natural element that has been found in the soil for millions of years as mankind and animal and vegetable life have developed and flourished. Recent studies in Hungary have discovered silver receptors on human cell tissue, which means that silver is in fact an essential element for health in humans.
The EPA conducted its own study on silver a few years back and found it to be non toxic in any but huge amounts far beyond what anyone would ingest in a colloidal silver product. NASA conducted tests to find the best and safest product for water purification and guess what they chose? Yep, silver. And they continue to use it in many applications, including the International Space Station, where they use none other than nano-sized silver.
Finally, nano-sized silver does not remain in that form for any length of time after being re-introduced to the environment anyway, as demonstrated in this recent study: here who values health freedom and continued access to a supplement that has saved untold lives and suffering to do the same.
Where to Send Your Comments and Have Your Opinion CountAnyone who wants to post to the EPA comments system can do so at this web address: wishing to email EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson with their comments against the petition to have silver regulated as a "pesticide" can do so here:
Additionally, faxes can be sent to EPA, addressed to Administrator Stephen Johnson, at: Fax: 202-501-1450
All comments must reference Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650.
Also, comments should reference the "Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides."
About the author
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts
The Best Years in Life website for those who wish to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "
Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published later this year. He is also a contributing author for the worldwide advocacy group "
S.A N.E.Vax. Inc" which endeavors to uncover the truth about HPV vaccine dangers.
Mr. Isaacs is currently residing in scenic East Texas and frequently commutes to the even more scenic Texas hill country near Austin and San Antonio to give lectures and health seminars. He also hosts the CureZone "
Ask Tony Isaacs - featuring Luella May" forum as well as the Yahoo Health Group "
Oleander Soup" and he serves as a consultant to the "
Utopia Silver Supplement Company".
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