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Chia seeds

Chia Seeds: The Ancient Wisdom of the Aztecs

Sunday, November 30, 2008 by: Sheryl Walters
Tags: chia seeds, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) Recently I have been putting chia seeds into everything. I have always been into flax and hemp, but I find chia seeds so much more versatile and easy to use.

Chia seeds are an ancient super food that has been used by the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. In fact, Chia means "strength" in the language of the Mayans, and was considered running food because messengers could run all day with the help of these tiny seeds. Chia seeds were considered medicine and were actually prized more than gold due to their incredible health enhancing properties.

Independent and government researchers have studied chia seeds to identify its nutritional composition as well as its benefits to overall health and well being.

*Chia seeds are a complete source of protein. They actually have 2 times the protein of any other seed or grain.

*They are one of the best sources of fiber. They are fabulous colon cleansers and actually clear out the digestive tract so that you absorb more nutrients and eliminate waste more efficiently. It also prevents indigestion and heartburn without risk of harmful side effects.

*This is a super food for diabetics because they help stabilize blood sugar levels.

*Chia seeds are great for weight loss because they easily bulk up the food without changing the taste. Because the carbohydrates re released incredibly slow, it make people feel full. They also bulk up and cleanse the body of old "junk" so the body can detox and lose weight.

*As well as improving endurance and physical fitness, they also help keep the body hydrated and the electrolytes balanced, so they are the perfect foods for athletes.

*These tiny seeds have are packed with calcium, and they also contain boron which is a trace mineral that helps calcium get into your bones.

*This super seed is a seriously potent antioxidant; in fact, it has 3 times more antioxidant activity than blueberries. Not only does this help you to fight disease and defy age naturally, it also keeps the chia seeds from going off like other seeds such as flax.

*Chias have 3 more iron than spinach, which is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs into the muscles and organs.

*These little super food seeds have incredibly high levels of omega 3 and omega 6, both of which are essential for brain function, reversing depression, and overall health. Because of its high amount of good fat, it manages to survive and thrive without any chemical interference. The bugs never touch it and so it needs absolutely no pesticides.


Improve Diabetes

Research done at St. Michael's Hospital in Canada has concluded that the use of chia seeds significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems in people who have type 2 diabetes. Among these results was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure while maintaining good blood sugar control. Head researcher Vladimir Vuksan said of Chia: "You add this to any food, even bad food, and it will improve your health."

Lowers Cholesterol

In a study conducted at the University of Arizona chia seeds were fed to chickens and other livestock, significantly lowering the lipid content of the products produced from these animals. When the same study was done with flax seeds, there were fewer eggs produced, and when fish oil was used, there was fishy flavor in the eggs; neither problem was an issue in the chia seed research.

In another study done The University of Arizona, cholesterol levels and other heart disease risk factors were significantly lowered in rats that were fed chia seeds for a period of thirty days.
Chia seeds can be used in jams, smoothies, cakes, or just about anything else you can think of. They are incredibly versatile and they don't change the flavor.

Chia Seed Chocolate Cake

Melt coconut butter in a double boiler (add boiling water to one pan, and then put the pan with the coconut butter inside). Add chia seeds and let stand for 5 minutes. Then add raw chocolate powder, Lucama (a powdered fruit), goji berries, and agave nectar. Stir it up and put in the refrigerator until it is hard. It is incredibly delicious and packed packed PACKED with super food goodness!

About the author

Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous. You can also find some of the most powerful super foods on the planet including raw chocolate, purple corn, and many others.

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