(NewsTarget) If we can use a metaphor... but not really, to describe a phenomenon that just about everyone is experiencing, we shall talk about the true body and the false body. In our metaphor, the true body is built from live food nutrients. It is under the influence of order, life, joy and peace. It is healthy -- in fact it does not age. It is vital, energized, insightful and intuitive. It taps into Higher Power and knows the unknown. It is properly formed and full of quantum and life energy. It is formed with love and confidence, peace and focus.
On the other hand, the false body is built from processed food, fast food and fast living. It is the product of disorder, toxic thinking, fear, anger, hate, resentment, sadness and loss of joy and faith. It is poisoned with environmental toxins, radiation, microwaves and discontent. It is built from dead foods that were abnormal when consumed. It was fed with distress and fear, irritation and violence. It is incongruent with nature, with the spirit and with high values and even other people.
Cells in the false body are too fat or too thin, diseased and cancerous, toxic and acidic, weak and abnormal, dead and dying.
The false body is dead weight while the true body carries that weight.The false body and true body both crave, but the false body is the indulgent one. The false body wants food at the worst of times, while the true body wants to fast and meditate at those times and find the perspective of the eternal spirit and the Higher Power.
When the false
body becomes excessive and heavy, the whole body will begin to show signs of disease. Symptoms will appear to the conscious mind.
Every mortal lives with both a false body and a true body. For many, the false body actually has control of their life, their thinking, their relationships and their
health. Even their worship is more like superstition under this influence (if they happen to choose to worship their Higher Power).
For some, the true body prevails. This does not make them omniscient, or even totally free from disease and discomfort, but the prevailing true body leads to health, makes easy course corrections and is easily taught, when the individual is ready to be taught. This is as true with mundane subjects as it is with spiritual enlightenment.
For those who are struggling to make a change in the winds, this article will be helpful.
There are five points of value that will help us make the change from the death of the false body to the life of the true body.Before discussing those five points, it is important to disclose the thing no one wants to disclose these days because it is not sexy and does not make them look like they know it all. Still, it is as true for the pursuit of wealth or health or peace or great relationships or fitness or faith or changes in character.
This thing needing disclosed is this: That for every real change in your experience in life, there are certain components of that change that are hidden deep within the deepest chambers of your soul. These are things you do not understand or know how to change or alter or overcome. Your wisdom is insufficient and they are so layered in any adult life that no person outside of yourself has any hope of scratching the surface of them.
Because of this point, all I can really do is provide you with landmarks. That is all anyone can do and anyone who says otherwise is willing to take your money to tell you lies. The real change is up to you to work out.
Real change is a test of the deepest kind of character: are you willing (and in some cases,
able would be a better word) to deny yourself, including your urges and wisdom, for some other alternative in life? Do you even want to go through that?
If you decide that you do, you will find the landmarks and tools I and others give to be helpful to guide your thinking and to give you direction and ideals to put your trust in.
Hiding behind all the things we think this life might be about, we find the one thing that this life really is about: faith.
Faith in ourselves and others, faith in our Higher Power, faith in some ideal like living off of living plants or treating illness with the herbs and remedies that Nature provides us.
Every step in any direction that really forms our lives is based on faith and choosing to believe in something enough to structure our lives with it. Behind this lies all the rewards of life.
Now that we have placed that subject securely out there, we are ready to explore the five points of changing the power from the false body to the true body.
Point One: The False Body is a Glutton with Poor Quality CellsThe easy conclusion from this is that it will easily starve to death, or at least into weakness. It will starve if you eat less than you want and eat
food that tends to feed the true body better (such as organic food and raw food or food that is only lightly cooked and whose life energy is preserved).
Point Two: The False Body is Afraid and Wants to Medicate, Rather than Face its FearsThis is also an easy conclusion. The true body will begin to take power almost immediately when fears are faced. This feels a lot like imprisonment to the false body and it will protest, but the true body wants to be responsible, focused, in charge and in control (not controlling, but not out of control).
One can begin to avoid beer or ice cream or rich food or movies when a little stressed and can begin to do something constructive and creative and healing instead. One can decide, right now, regardless of the discomfort and sense of imprisonment, to face up and deal constructively with relationships, money, health and habits. One can get outside help if needed. One can start working at life with a willingness to be wrong, to trust others, to love others and to even feel uncomfortable.
One can begin removing foods and substances and habits that are totally unnecessary and totally beneath where they wish to be. This is not easy, but it is simpler than most people think. Generally, people know just what these things are, they have just tuned them out.
Point Three: The True Body will Meditate and Face its Challenges with Confidence and Willingness.It knows that it can choose to love and like whatever serves it. It is not a victim of past tastes.
Meditation is easy to start. On the downloads page of ( , you can get free access to information on both meditation and changing one's taste and thinking.
Standing up in a non-obtrusive way (the false body is obtrusive), choosing to believe and choosing to make a choice to like and love the things that really serve a person is one way to take all the power away from the false body, and cells from it will die almost instantly.
They will be easy to rebuild with foods that feed the true body, meaning they get replaced, if needed, with true body cells.
Point Four: The False Body Must be Regularly Cleansed Out.The true body will always, in today's world, pick up some false cells and toxins that lead to the construction of false cells.
The fastest and best way to remove these is regular cleansing. This can be a fast one day per week, an intensive cleanse for three days each month, a five day cleanse each season and a seven to twelve day cleanse one time each year.
During these times, cleansing herbs are used and fresh juices and herbal teas are the only medium consumed (or a few other things like green drinks, slippery elm and supplements).
Whenever the false body dies, the toxins are freed up and become very dangerous to your true body again. These must be accelerated out of the body.
The false body can make new cells from toxic debris, while the true body requires healthy building blocks to make cells.
On this note, there is an interesting story about what was once called "The Great Grape Cure." On this program, only concord grape juice was consumed, along with a few herbs and supplements.
The person would often begin to waste away and get thinner and thinner. They would, after a few months become a bag of bones.
Then, at the very bottom of weight, when they looked like death happening, they would start to put weight back on. This would happen without changing anything and without adding any foods.
This would continue until they reached a healthy weight. This was the signal that the grape cure could be discontinued and a healthy eating program could be re-introduced.
This was nothing but an example of the false body dying off and the true body taking over. In this case, the true body would live fine off the reduced fare that was full of life and just the false body would die. This was not really threatening anyway, because the true body was carrying on all the life processes even when the false body was there.
Point Five: The True Body is Strong and GentleIndeed, one who can be kind and gentle is showing signs of strength. Still, one can get meek in such an imbalanced way that they are unable to stand strong. This can come from disease and malfunction and the individual may need to see an appropriate health care practitioner to help them restore normalcy.
The abnormal flow of meekness or harshness is a sign that the false body is ruling the true body.
The false body will lose its power when only an appropriate balance is insisted on. One may need help with this process from those who are wise or who know how to balance the brain and the body so that it can think clearly.
The first and vital step, though, is the individual deciding that they will only be satisfied with
both the characteristics of strength (integrity, honesty, faith, focus, optimism, power, control, etc)
and the characteristics of meekness (gentleness, kindness, empathy, love, wisdom, support, service, etc.).
Now that we have landmarks and ideas to ponder and act upon, we are in condition to do something about our false/true body balance of power if we decide that we want that.
I believe the reward is more than worth the difficulty, but I also do not blame anyone for shrinking back at the daunting task. It is up to you and I will help you if I can.
Thank you for reading,
Kal Sellers, MH
About the author
Kal Sellers, MH currently operates and teaches a 2-year curriculum for Natural Medicine, via live teleclasses.
Kal is a Master Herbalist and holds several other certificates and licenses for hands-on healing modalities. He maintains a current practice in the Atlanta area.
Kal and Traci have six children, the last four of which were delivered at home. They live now in Powder Springs, GA where they teach live classes on food and medicine. Kal is also a full time Chiropractic student.
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