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Coffee enema

Whole Body Detoxification (Part 4): The Coffee Enema

Sunday, March 30, 2008 by: Mary Laredo
Tags: coffee enema, health news, Natural News

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(NewsTarget) There is no respite or escape anywhere on earth from the toxins that stifle our planet and overwhelm our bodies. Even our best efforts to eliminate or restrict exposure are often not adequate to the task, and as our toxic load increases so does our chance of developing chronic illness and disease.

As explored in the first three parts of this series there are several methods for releasing the stockpile of chemicals and other toxins from the body in order to maintain or regain health. An alkaline diet devoid of processed foods isn't always enough, and sometimes extreme measures are necessary to provide the level of cleansing required to keep up with the toxic onslaught.

The little understood and much disparaged coffee enema is one such method of purification that cleanses the liver – the body's largest filter – and provides a multitude of health benefits to the ailing body. Acceptance of the coffee enema's value may result from an understanding of its history and therapeutic benefits.

Historical Use of Enemas

The use of therapeutic coffee enemas began during WWI; however, water enemas have been used for detoxification throughout the ages. In fact, the Vatican holds a third-century Aramaic manuscript in which enema directions are graphically transcribed. In the book The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson, daughter of famed cancer specialist Max Gerson M.D., and Morton Walker, D.P.M., these ancient instructions for detoxification are recorded:

I tell you truly, the angel of water shall cast out of your body all uncleanness which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall flow out of you... I tell you truly, holy is the angel of water who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor...

Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleanness and abominations...

Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground...and pray to the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things... And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and uncleanness which defiled the temple of your body... tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam...

Coffee Enemas for Detoxification

The time-tested water enema evolved during WWI when German medic supplies – including morphine – were in short supply and nurses were desperate to find ways of alleviating the post-surgery pain of severely wounded soldiers. Water enemas were routinely used, but anxious to find a more potent pain reliever, one resourceful nurse intuitively used leftover brewed coffee and found it to be highly effective.

Reports of the coffee's analgesic benefits prompted two German researchers to study the properties in coffee that produced these effects. In the 1920s, after experimenting with rats, they published their findings that the caffeinated enemas stimulated the opening of bile ducts (Bile is formed by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and secreted into the intestines - via bile ducts - carrying waste for transit from the body).

Dr. Max Gerson became familiar with the research and eventually adapted the use of coffee enemas into his detoxification therapy. Gerson observed that cancer patients didn't die of the disease process itself, but rather because of the liver's inability to detoxify and process the barrage of dissolving tumor masses and other metabolic toxins released in abundance as a result of his nutritional therapy. The addition of coffee enemas into the protocol resolved this dilemma.

His patients learned to self-administer the enemas up to four times daily to facilitate the continuous release of toxins from the body. The high success rate of the Gerson Therapy with terminal cancer and other serious illnesses is a testament to his nutritional protocol and the coffee enema's detoxifying and restorative benefits for the liver.

In addition to its uses for pain relief, treatment and detoxification, the coffee enema is also a highly effective method of disease prevention and health maintenance.

Detoxification Mechanism of the Coffee Enema

The Gerson Therapy explains that caffeine and palmitates (chemicals in coffee) work synergistically to stimulate and cleanse the liver and blood. Without entering the digestive tract the caffeine is absorbed through the bowel wall, via blood vessels, and makes its way directly to the liver.

The caffeine exposure causes the liver's portal veins and the bile ducts to expand which increases the release of diluted toxic bile. The enema fluid triggers peristalsis (intestinal muscle contractions) and the efficient removal of wastes from the body.

Palmitates in the coffee stimulate and increase the production of a liver enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase (GST), which removes free radicals and cancer cells from the bloodstream and facilitates detoxification of the liver. As a result of the enema the liver becomes less congested with debris, which makes room for the filtering process of yet more bodily toxins.

Ideally, the coffee enema should be retained for twelve to fifteen minutes during which time the body's blood supply circulates and passes through the liver approximately five times (Every three minutes). Since the blood serum is detoxified as it flows through the caffeinated liver, the enema is essentially a form of blood dialysis (filtering) across the colon wall. Drinking coffee has no such therapeutic benefits and is in fact counter-productive.

Enema Procedure

As described in The Gerson Therapy, the enema coffee is made by adding three tablespoons of drip-grind (organic) coffee to one quart of boiling distilled water. After boiling uncovered for three minutes, the mixture is covered and simmered for fifteen more minutes. Hot water is added to replace what was lost through boiling. The quart solution is then strained and allowed to cool to body temperature.

The individual should have a comfortable place to lie down for the administering of the enema. It's best to lie on the right side with legs pulled up towards the chest.

Caffeine-sensitive individuals can easily use the enema without ill effects provided the enema bag or bucket is not placed more than eighteen inches above the end of the insertion tube, to prevent systemic absorption of the caffeine.

If retaining the enema for twelve to fifteen minutes is too difficult, then a series of two or three enemas of shorter duration may be tried. Over time, it becomes easier to retain the enema for the full fifteen minute interval. Holding for more than fifteen minutes is not recommended since the caffeine may be absorbed systemically.

Enema Tips

At least one therapeutic organic coffee blend has been developed for the sole purpose of enemas and may be found at (http://www.sawilsons.com/) .

For a milder effect, or if one has a sensitive colon due to chronic illness, herbal teas such as chamomile or Essiac may be used instead of, or in conjunction with the coffee enema. Prepare a quart of the desired tea following package instructions and proceed as with a coffee enema.

Alternatively, an enema of one-half quart tea may precede a coffee enema of the same quantity. Individuals who are unsure if the coffee or tea enema is an appropriate detoxification method for their condition should consult with a health care practitioner.

For nearly nine decades the coffee enema has proven itself to be effective at cleansing and restoring the liver, reducing and eliminating cancerous debris, and relieving severe pain from countless origins. It is yet another tool in the detoxification arsenal that should not be dismissed by anyone determined to prevent disease, reclaim their health or otherwise impede the ill effects of living in a toxic world.


1. Gerson, C. and Walker, M.: The Gerson Therapy. NY, NY: Kensington Publishing Corp., pp. 156 - 172, 2001

About the author

Mary Laredo is an artist, educator and gallery curator who lives and works in Detroit, MI. As a breast cancer survivor who shunned conventional treatment, she is writing a book about her experience with natural therapies and nutritional healing. Visit http://marylaredo.blogspot.com

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