(NewsTarget) People of the world, the US Government is planning to poison more than two million people, in California, using an untested biological "pesticide" this summer. The chemical to be sprayed is classified by the EPA as a "pesticide" and the plan is to douse cities with this chemical designed to stick on everything for 90 days or longer. This application is not a one time event, but will continue every 1-3 months for as long as five years. The pesticide to be sprayed is not designed to harm the light brown apple moth's who it is designed for, but merely to confuse its mating habits. While harmless to moths, the pesticide has been documented to harm humans.
Side effects range from vomiting and flu like systems, to male and female reproductive cycle disruption. One child nearly died from the exposure, and some people have developed asthma from being exposed to this chemical concoction. It is cause for
alarm that a chemical being labeled as harmless and "safe" even in minute doses, causes severe health effects in some people. The government is racing to cover up and hide the dangerous health effects so that they can continue their aerial spray plans this summer. Your attention and action on this subject is needed in the most important way.
On January 24th, 2008, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Chuck Conner announced the availability of $74.5 million in emergency funding to combat the light brown apple moth (LBAM) infestation in California (1). President Bush's recent budget proposal sent to Congress sets aside $330 Million to eradicate plant pests, like the Light Brown Apple Moth. With crime, prison crowding, pollution, poverty, budget problems and the like, why should the government go through the effort to try to control the reproductive habits of a moth? While most
people say the answer is money, a far more sinister plan seems to be at hand. It is unprecedented to design a long term plan to spray chemicals on people, which are untested for safety. This plan violates a myriad of state, federal and international laws.
On February 13th, 2008, the CDFA and USDA, in conjunction, announced their action plan for
aerial spraying untested poison on people. This is from the CDFA Press Release "Aerial treatments are expected to begin June 1 in the infested areas of Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, with subsequent aerial treatments expected to begin August 1 in San Francisco, Daly City, Colma, Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville, Albany, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Tiburon and Belvedere. The treatments in these areas are designed to be reapplied at 30- to 90-day intervals while the moths are active." (4)
In late 2007, there were 643 documented health complaints ( from the aerial spray program conducted in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. Keep in mind that this documentation is a mere fraction of the real health effects, as no legitimate effort was made to inform even doctors on how to recognize pesticide poisoning. Many doctors also refused to report suspected pesticide poisoning as required by law, and in order for a report to get officially filed, many times the patient had to insist upon it. These health injuries are not being honored in any way, because if they are honored, this sick
chemical spray will be seen for what it is. It is a poison to many humans and likely to many other animals as well. I have a difficult time swallowing that a chemical compound designed to disrupt a moth's mating cycle can accidentally create reproductive health problems.
There are many who believe that this spray is not directed at the moth population which the government says is the goal of the spray, but rather that it is directed at humans. There is a growing body of evidence to support this claim, considering that the moth itself does not cause any crop damage. It is similar to the government deciding that we must eradicate all the ants, because ants cause millions of dollars of damage. Like ants, the light brown apple moth is a harmless pest. Another strange observation is the name of the mating disruption chemical Checkmate. In order to pull off the deployment of this biological chemical, a hoax, or reason for aerial spraying had to be created. That reason is called the Light Brown Apple Moth infestation. The second requirement to pull off releasing a massive chemical cloud of disease, is to trick people into believing it is safe. This whole aerial spray program depends on the belief that the
chemicals to be sprayed are safe.
Since the chemicals planned to be deployed have never been sprayed over cities before, and are even being developed as I write, and thus have not been proven safe for humans, this is by the facts a large scale experiment. The question people should ask is, "why?" While it may be just coincidence, a recent article displays this headline: "Top-secret Livermore anti-germ lab opens." (2) This same lab, has routinely exploded thousands of pounds of lethal, chemically toxic, and radioactive Depleted Uranium in the greater San Francisco Bay area's air for the past fifty years (3).
When people hear about this aerial spray, many people experience a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach. This is truly a sickening action. The government is willfully breaking countless laws in order to combat a stupid leaf rolling moth that curls up into the leaves of some plants and that doesn't cause any crop damage. It has not caused crop damage or embargo's in Hawaii over the past 100 years, so why would it cause damage in California?
No ounce of sanity can explain why the government must insist on violating countless laws to spray people with never before tested chemicals, except as to realize a deadly game is being played.
Unlike the horrible malathion spraying over 20 years ago, which was a one-time ordeal with chemicals that evaporate, this spraying is a time release microscopic device, which will be continuously applied, short of the winter months, for up to five years. Even five years of spraying will at best reduce slightly the moth population, as pest control experts explain that mating disruption technology is used as a small part of an overall pest management plan. Pretty much any pest control expert, except for those on the government take, will tell you that the light brown apple moth cannot be eradicated, and that even if it could, the mating disruption technology is not the best means to do it. Since aerial spraying is to be the sole method of controlling the light brown apple moth in many locations, then even after many years of spraying, the moth will still be alive. It is not sane to spray people with chemicals. That begs attention, there is not any hard evidence that the spray even works at all. In fact on the EPA's own website, there's an article about pheromones released from microcapsules, it states: "The studies show that only a small proportion of the microcapsules actually release any pheromone." (5)
This is now clear and reprehensible evidence of State and Federal Governments attempting to commit a large scale crime against the American people. Let us forget about supposed terrorists for a second whose propagandized images are placed on the television, and lets pay attention to this biological attack planned on our fellow neighbors. The presence of a minuscule pest, is no excuse to douse millions with chemicals. There are NO CROPS IN CITIES! So why are they going to spray cities?
This is a Cover-UpThe LBAM infestation is a monumental hoax designed as a cover for an operation of devious goals to expose people to dangerous chemicals over several years.
Following is a link to a recently published proposal of spray boundaries, the yellow lines indicating the proposed spray zones ( . More than two million people who live in these and other targeted cities are scheduled to be exposed this summer to chemicals that that have never been tested on humans or animals before. Let me repeat: the government of the United States is conducting a human biological experiment, on a massive scale, breaking State, Federal and International laws. Children, pregnant women, and the sick and elderly will be most as risk to this increased exposure to long lasting chemicals. Chemicals which are newly designed, chemicals which have not been proven safe. Just like the reproductive health effects reported from the spray, it is important to realize that a large team of "experts" working on this project do not mistakenly douse people with chemicals. This is done on purpose, with a purpose.
Does it make sense to douse over two million people with literally hundreds of billions of microscopic balls of volatile chemicals over an extended period of time to try to limit the mating habits of a few thousand moths? Is it legal to do this? Is it ethical? Is it moral? Yet rather than halting the spray plans to investigate the damage it has done to many people, the spray plans continue to grow exponentially.
To see this insanity clearly, let's examine the moth population. In San Francisco County, 3,501 moths total have been trapped and killed over an eight month period. The entire city of San Francisco, whose population is 744,041, is in the proposed spray boundaries. About 744,000 people are to be exposed to 'never tested safe for humans, microencapsulated pheromones' for several years. This is really a needle in the haystack approach to pest control. Keep in mind, each moth found is a moth that has been trapped and exterminated (6). In Alameda County, 431 months have been found in the past 8 months out of 2,327 traps. The moth population in Alameda County is thus sparse at best. Just look out your window. Imagine how many insects are in the tree, the yard, or the local park. I have seen more than 431 ants crawl into my kitchen on a rainy day. So in a giant area of 141 square miles, and the tens or hundreds of millions of insects in that zone, to try to eradicate a few hundred moths by just spraying chemicals everywhere is both ludicrous and unsafe.
When I learned that Santa Cruz, my previous hometown was to be aerially sprayed, I was in a state of shock. This was followed by a long period of disbelief.
Apparently the CDFA or the USDA, or both, decided that the previous chemical formulas used, Checkmate LBAM-F and Checkmate OLR-F were not good enough, which really points to the fact that the past two aerial sprays in Monterey, and the one in Santa Cruz County, were a waste of time and money. Not to mention the tragedy of the many severe health reactions experienced by thousands of people from chemical exposure. It doesn't matter to those in charge at the CDFA, EPA, or USDA, if a new chemical is needed to be used, because the goal is not to stop the moth, the moth cannot be stopped, it can only be controlled. This is known. The goal may be to coat people with a toxic mesh of disease causing microcapsules.
The chemicals that were sprayed, and that are planned on being sprayed, have not undergone thorough safety evaluations. And they won't undergo such evaluations in a legitimate way, because if they did, they would prove only one thing - that these chemicals are potentially deadly.
The chemicals planned to be sprayed will no doubt be similar to the ones used in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in 2007. They are a plastic encapsulated microtechnology, a microscopic plastic dust. The reported microcapsule size of the aerial mating disrupter is as small as 10 microns and averages 25-35 microns in size for an undeployed moth spray. For comparison, a human hair is approximately 70 microns in thickness. The size of these chemical containing plastic balls comes suspiciously close to micro-sized particles that are used to evade the body's defensive systems for biological weapons, those are reported to be 3-4 microns in size. Miniature particles between 2.5-10 microns in size, especially from pesticides, are known to cause both short term and long term health effects, including decreased overall life span.
A University of California at Davis report confirmed that some unsprayed and undegraded microcapsules are indeed 10 microns in size. The small particle size explains the severe reactions, that I, along with countless others have had when being exposed to minute dosages of the chemical. Minute dosages of chemicals designed for moth's, advertised as harmless,
do not accidentally make people sick. In other words, the people who designed these chemicals and manufactured them had to have an intimate understanding of what each chemical does, and how they react with each other. So, too, should the EPA have this understanding. It is not unreasonable to assume that a chemical designed to stop moths, that is being sprayed on humans, would have such drastic health effects, but it does. The only conclusion is that this is intentional in the design. Imagine someone designing a "safe" car. If this "safe" car had no brakes, then nobody would assume that the car accidentally had no brakes. Likewise, chemicals designed for moths, in minuscule doses, cannot accidentally harm people. It is more than just chance.
Again, nobody in the public as of yet knows how small the degraded microcapsules are, or how this will effect people in the short and long term, because no such testing exists. Once sprayed, these microscopic balls can easily enter deep into the mouth, eyes, skin and lungs. Even after 90 days and several rains, some people in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties are still experiencing symptoms of spray poisoning. When they leave the counties, their symptoms many times abate. This aerial program is a real sword through the heart of democracy and decency. The government has really gone too far and it must be stopped now.
I must inform you that through a freedom of information request, a local newspaper has learned that the CDFA has hired media spin doctor extraordinaire Porter Novelli at the tune of almost $500,000 tax payer dollars to convince the public that it is okay for the state to dump chemicals all over them, their gardens, their pets, and their neighbors. The state of California is in a budget crisis, and this is one example that explains why. Here the state is using tax payer dollars to lie to and mislead the public, to try to convince the public that the state should be spending millions of dollars of resources on polluting the air, sea, and land with chemicals that the public in general does not want or need. Since a majority of spray funding is coming from the federal arm, know that your tax paying dollars are going to a government sponsored large scale crime.
Originally, the USDA announced that the moth might cause $100 million in crop damage if allowed to multiply. Then they keep expanding their figures to create false reasons to justify this unethical chemical assault. The most recent estimate of LBAM damage is $160 million to $640 million just in California. Mind you this moth has a hard time finding its way into crop fields and seems for some very bizarre reason to live only in cities. The estimate of this level of crop damage is absurd. The figures used to estimate the damage came from one particular year in Australia and have little meaning in California, as the climate is different. Even if this $160 million crop loss did come true, one has to consider that $90 million has now been ear marked to contain the moth, primarily the funds are for aerial spraying chemicals on cities which contain people, and not crops like apples, oranges and grapes. One expert estimates that if the CDFA stays on this track, by the time the aerial treatment is complete after five years, close to $500 million will be spent on aerial eradication. With little to no impact on the apple moth population.
The pheromone being used, (E)-11-Tetradecen-l-y Acetate is identical to pheromone's which many native moths and perhaps other species also contain. So this spray will effect other non-target species. The pheromone only represents between 10-20% of the ingredients of the aerial spray.
Now, organizations like the Breast Cancer Fund, Center For Environmental Health, Calpirg, and the Sierra Club are issuing statements opposed to aerial spraying.
What to Expect NextThe CDFA, USDA, and EPA will do anything and everything to convince, lie, cajole and get people to agree with the plan to spray chemicals. The facts of this situation are irrelevant to those in charge because the goal is to spray people, not to operate under the laws of this constitutional government of checks and balances. They are going to go to meetings, pretend it is safe, have doctors testify it is safe, pretend to listen to the public, ignore any health complaints, and try to lull people into complacency on the matter. They have even gone as far as promising an environmental review, which will contain a giant pile of documents again to try to prove that it is okay to spray people with chemicals. The CDFA will continue to find more moth finds, and create more fake evidence of how much harm the moth will do. They will get more money from Mr. Bush's pesticide funds and continue to enlarge their aerial spray program. Strangely the moth will continue to spread, finding its way into other cities, and in the coming years, cities like Los Angeles and San Diego will be targeted.
Knowing that the government is actively lying, hiding evidence, manipulating the public, and that they are spraying chemicals illegally on people should be enough evidence to convict these felons under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws.
Freeing Yourself From the Government's Pro Spray PropagandaThese 643 health injury reports represent a fraction of the real injuries. The actual spray has surely caused thousands to be poisoned from this biochemical formulation. See my related article ( . Despite these reports which include 330 official illness claims filed with the CDFA, the CDFA states the following lies on their website, "Pheromones are extremely safe" and "Public safety is the primary concern." The statement that pheromones are safe is a misleading distorted truth. Sure, pheromones can be safe when used responsibly, for example a benign moth sticky trap in an apple orchard (away from people) that contains pheromones to attract the moths. But when you create a microscopic biodegradable ball of volatile chemicals, and then place within it a synthetic moth pheromone, which itself is described as an explosive chemical, you have more of a drug which can interact and create changes within the human body, than a pesticide. Furthermore, no thorough investigation has been done of these 330 official illness complaints, and some of these people have not yet recovered. And a further investigation won't be done, because a legitimate investigation would find that the spray made people sick, and thus, the aerial spray program would be halted.
One must realize that any documentation regarding the safety of pheromones reported is from non-aerial applications, such as a moth sticky trap that is scented with pheromones and stuck on a tree, or a pheromone laced twist tie applied to apple orchards or vineyards. These safety assertions also do not relate to the aerial method of application. A sticky trap laced with pheromones is a different entity than a microscopic ball that can easily enter the body and then biodegrade and release chemicals within the body. Part of the less dangerous aspect to pheromone laced traps is the fact that the pheromone is so volatile that it rapidly evaporates, so the chemical won't travel too far. The microcapsules are the opposite, they are designed to stick around in the air for months. They are infinitely more dangerous than sticky traps, and you cannot really compare them. It's like saying that a tank is the same as a motorcycle because they are both vehicles. Microcapsulated pheromones are a different beast than pheremone laced moth traps.
The newly designed chemicals, which are scheduled for June and August deployment will not have their ingredients disclosed to the public. We do not even know what this stuff is? How can the government say the chemicals are safe, and then hide the ingredients from scrutiny? If these chemicals are so safe why not tell us honestly what they are? Clearly the intention of the CDFA, USDA, and EPA, is to cover up the real nature of this biochemical assault. They are trying to hide what they do from the public's eye. They do not want you to know the truth. The truth is people get sick. Not everybody gets sick from the moth spray, but many people do. Its effects can be strong and violent. The truth is, the US Government is a vehicle being used to poison us.
The CDFA reports that they want their newest moth weapon deployed this summer, to be even longer lasting, which to me means that the microcapsules will be even more dangerous, possibly indefinitely sticking in the environment, and irritating people's sensitive ducts and glands; much like allergies from pollen. In each aerial application, spray planes are contracted through Dynamic Aviation ( , which has other specialties beyond aerial application of pesticides. They also do "Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance." The spraying is conducted at a height of between 500-800 feet and residents in the sprayed area report feeling like they are in a war zone. Once in contact with residential neighborhoods, parks, and playgrounds, the balls slowly disintegrate over time. The hope is that during this time, they release pheromones and limit the moth's mating patterns. Again, this is a whimsical hope because no legitimate studies exist proving this new technology is effective at either releasing pheromones, or at stopping the moth's mating habits.
Typically a drug takes many years for the Food and Drug Administration to approve for safety for humans. Under an emergency declaration, the EPA can exclude new chemicals from rigorous testing. The catch to this exception is that these laws were designed for agricultural emergencies and are being violently misused because they are planning on spraying large urban populations and not agricultural zones. These laws cannot lawfully apply to cities. Among other things, we have legal control and authority of our bodies, and our properties. We can say "No" to the spray, and if necessary, defend ourselves from this highly toxic assault. The EPA and USDA have flagrantly crossed legal and ethical boundaries by applying laws designed for agricultural fields to densely inhabited city centers.
Further, consider that the testing of these chemicals is not done to make sure that it is safe for humans, as the safety is merely an untested assumption. As an example, it took several months after the first aerial spray of Monterey County for the CDFA to pay the University of California Davis to see if the Checkmate formula was toxic to certain very small ocean insects. It took several months for this first test of the Checkmate formula to be conducted. This test only happened after the chemical was sprayed on well over two hundred thousand people. The testing being conducted in New Zealand is not to ensure safety for humans, but to see if the mating habits of the moths are disrupted. This spraying is illegally approved by the EPA because Congress passed legislation to legally prevent the EPA from conducting human experiments. "EPA's rules make it clear that all pregnant women, all nursing women, and all children are excluded from all studies involving intentional exposure that are intended for submission under the pesticide laws." (
If the EPA cannot test pesticides on pregnant women, nursing women, and children, then under what jurisdiction and authority can they simply endorse and approve the exposure of pregnant women, nursing women and children with untested pesticides?How many more children do we need to see poisoned by these indefensible government actions until we wake up and say,
enough! How many more of our friends, relatives and neighbors do we need to see develop chronic health conditions due to exposure to aerially sprayed chemicals until we take effective action to stop this insanity? How much longer are we going to allow the government that is created for the people, to represent the people, to break its own laws and poison its own people and then disregard any reported health concerns?
I call for the arrest and trial of the appropriate employees in the CDFA, EPA, and USDA, for conspiring to poison people of the State of California, for lying and deceiving the public, and for polluting our environment.
Here's How I Suggest You Take Action:* Share this information with your friends and neighbors.
* Ask your California representative to support the following bills -
1) AB 2765, (Huffman) sets new limits on the emergency powers of the Department of Agriculture.
2) AB 2763 would enact the Invasive Pest Planning Act of 2008, by Assemblymember John Laird.
3) AB 2764 (Hancock) will prohibit the Secretary of Food and Agriculture from approving the
application of a pesticide in an urban area, unless the Governor has proclaimed a state of
4) AB 2760 (Leno) would require the completion of an EIR before any pesticide could be applied in
an urban area.
Also, State Senator Carole Migden plans to file for a moratorium on aerial spraying.
* Don't be fooled when the CDFA says that the "pheromone" is safe. I have been poisoned myself by these microcapsules, and so has my family, it is a terrible feeling. Ask for test results to show it is safe for humans, you'll see they have none.
* Demand accountability. Ask your local California representative why they are continuing to allow the state to spray chemicals on people, even though the state has laws, like the state constitutional right to personal safety, and legislative laws such as the California Environmental Quality Act, meant to prevent such actions. Your state representative can amend or modify the LBAM law that went into affect that gave the CDFA the unanimous green light to eradicate the apple moth. Surely your representative does not support aerial spraying? Each county has to have their local agricultural commissioner or someone to that effect to sign a permit to allow the state to spray. Stop these people from signing the permit!
* State and Federal representatives can also design an independent committee to come up with non-biased recommendations. The CDFA created such a working group, but they strangely seem to believe that aerial spraying people to stop moths from mating is a good idea.
* Gather your local city council members' support. Use local resources to conduct research, and file lawsuits against the state.
* Ideally the city attorneys and mayors should file legal suits against CDFA, the EPA and the USDA for polluting the air and water, for violating State and Federal laws, and for planning to create large scale poisoning.
* Contact your US Senate and House Representatives, and ask them to stop or at least investigate federal funding from the USDA for the aerial spray program. Federal officials can also declassify this tiny moth from a class A pest. Ask them to strengthen protections so that populations cannot be aerially sprayed unless there is a grave and immediate danger to public health.
* Additional Note: If the aerial spray does occur, take samples. Put a turkey baster-sized aluminum tray in your back yard. Put the tray out on the night prior to the aerial spray, and another on the night of the aerial spray. Seal each tray well. Each city should organize its own tests of the chemicals, including tests for biological agents, contaminants, radioactive substances, and a microscope analysis to see how big the microcapsules are, and to see if the microcapsules contain miniature microcapsules. Analysis ideally should also include a detailed chemical profile of the substance sprayed, since the government won't tell us what it is.
Finally, the way I see it, it is a crime to poison children and our fellow people who live in California. Just because the people who are polluting and poisoning the air with chemicals work for the government, should not make them immune to criminal liability and prosecution. Unfortunately, no city officials, yet, have the decency and standards to attack this matter for what it is, a crime. Crimes require criminal investigations, and criminal charges.
People can be alarmed, and if cities take equitable action, we do not need to be afraid. For example, we pay taxes so we can have a fire and police department to protect ourselves from crimes. Why not use the police force to protect residents from government sponsored crimes? Many of the actions of the CDFA fall under the category of illegal activities. The police force are the people on the local level, given the right and authority to protect people from crimes.
The media creates a false fear about some hypothetical terrorist releasing chemical weapons in the United States. Meanwhile, the US government is doing something very similar, releasing potentially deadly chemicals on its population, for no good reason.
I pray for grace for everyone, so that people in the proposed spray zones remain safe from harm, and that those who are inspired to take action to stop this be inspired to act effectively, with humility, strength and compassion.
Take ActionIn Santa Cruz and Monterey, local residents have started the California Alliance to Stop the Spray (CASS). This alliance is developing evidence and documentation to stop the aerial spraying for the Light Brown Apple Moth. Just because this alliance is formed, does not mean the moth spray will be stopped. Each area needs to form their own groups, and work together to defeat the real pest, State and Federal governments who are performing illegal operations.
Important websites were you can learn more and take action include:
( – On the right hand column of this website is a portal to CASS. You can find many ways to participate and help the cause. Also this contains the most relevant information. In the CASS section of the site, there are resources and people you can contact.
( – My LBAM site.
( – Lots of documentation and recent news postings.
( Related website against pesticide spraying.
For those who are taking community action, two generous people have volunteered to provide further resources:
Roy Upton, California Alliance to Stop the Spray (CASS)
[email protected]Bonnie Keet, California Alliance to Stop the Spray (CASS)
[email protected]When Governor Schwarzenegger says he supports the health and welfare of children, he is lying to you. Governor Schwarzenegger supports biochemical spraying which has been documented to cause life-threatening harm to some children.
Call Governor Schwarzenegger and tell him what you think of his policies.
Voice: (916) 445-2841 2841 (press #1, #5, #0)
Fax: (916) 445-4633
Alert Senator Diane Feinstein
San Fransisco Office - (415) 393-0707
Alert Senator Barbara Boxer
San Fransisco Office - (415) 403-0100
Alert Democracy Now!
They want to hear our stories, (
As a final addendum, many people have written to me about mosquito fogging, about chemtrails, and about large scale chemical sprayings which occur in the United States unmonitored in more rural areas. While my article does not address these concerns, those concerns are valid. The government cannot ethically, legally, or morally expose, or allow for the exposure of people needlessly to chemicals. There are volumes of evidence about how chemicals in our food, water and air can cause short and long term health effects. Your concern about chemical exposure is vital. Listen to it!
1. (!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1...)
2. (
3. (
4. (
5. (
6. (
About the author
Ramiel Nagel is the internationally published author of
Cure Tooth Decay and
Healing Our Children In "Cure Tooth Decay" Nagel, reveals how your teeth can heal naturally because they were never designed to decay in the first place! Now there is a natural way to take control of your dental health by changing the food that you eat.
Receive 19 free lessons on how to stop cavities"
Healing Our Children" explains the true causes of disease conditions of pregnancy and childhood so that you can avoid and prevent them. It provides essential natural health programs so that mothers and their new babies can optimize their health during the times of preconception, pregnancy, lactation and early childhood.
Receive a free chapter of Healing Our Children Free health information is also available on the topics of:
A Program for preconception health based on indigenous wisdom. The cause of disease and the end of suffering of humanity.