I'd like to introduce you to an "underground" information source I subscribe to in order to stay up to date on cutting-edge nutritional information. It's a newsletter I've read for years, even long before I started writing for NewsTarget, and I find it to be a wellspring of information about practical, yet powerful health solutions that simply aren't covered in common magazines or the mainstream media. Here, I'll review this publication and reveal why I think it's a tremendous resource for learning about the latest nutritional breakthroughs that can literally cure serious disease while enhancing your health far beyond what you might have thought possible.
The people who produce this publication do much the same thing I do: They go to health trade shows and scout the vendors with some detective work to sort out what's new and genuine vs. what's just hype. I had the opportunity to sit down with these folks in California earlier this year, and we got to talking about all kinds of fascinating new discoveries in nutritional science, superfoods, product formulations, and more. They really get this stuff! And they get excited about finding new product solutions for consumers, just like I do.
Each month in their publication, they introduce one or more nutritional discoveries, complete with details on how they found them, where they come from, how they work and what they're good for. And just like me, they don't pull any punches when it comes to telling the truth about what these products can do for your
health. I find each story to be well researched, expertly written and ripe with A-ha! realizations that make you want to thank yourself for subscribing to their newsletter in the first place. What they put together in each monthly issue is, quite simply, a masterpiece of nutritional reporting that frankly deserves some kind of award for courageous journalism (except they'll never get a reward because they don't conform to the limited, mainstream thinking about health and medicine -- they're truly on the leading edge, and the leading edge is never mainstream).
The bottom line is that
if you like my writing, you'll love this newsletter. And just like me, they don't take money from the product companies they write about. Each story is honest, independent and written solely for the purpose of informing consumers.
What's the name of this publication?
Health Sciences Institute, or just HSI for short.
An exceptional health newsletter that's worth every penny... and then some!
HSI has been publishing cutting edge health information since way before I was even thinking about writing for NewsTarget. They consistently beat almost everybody to the punch on breaking
news about promising new products, and their writers have a way of cutting through the typical nutritional confusion and getting right down to what matters most, like curing a health condition, eliminating pain, and teaching you how to make your mind and body simply perform better!
I like their newsletter so much that when I got the opportunity to chat with Jenny Thompson, HSI's Director, I insisted we find a way to make this newsletter available to NewsTarget readers. But since NewsTarget readers are already extremely well informed about health issues, and since they're such discerning consumers who are truly an honor to have as customers,
I suggested that NewsTarget readers should get a substantial discount when subscribing to the HSI newsletter. I'm always looking for a better deal for you, our valued readers, especially when it involves ways to introduce you to exceptional
information that's 100% aligned with my own philosophy about nutrition and healing.
So Jenny and I worked out a deal. Here it is: Normally, a customer off the street pays $149 for a two-year subscription to HSI (issues are mailed out monthly). Through direct mail offers, some people end up getting
two years for $79, which is a good deal (it's nearly 50% off the cover price). But HSI and NewsTarget have worked out an exclusive NewsTarget offer where
you can get a two-year subscription for just $49, which is a deal so good that you won't see anything else like it publicized anywhere.
To get this special price, simply click the following link: your two-year subscription, you also get unlimited access to nearly
ten years of HSI back issues that you can download and print to discover a wealth of information about the best natural cures available today.

Oh yes, by the way, Jenny promised me that HSI would send three bonus reports to each new subscriber who signed up through this link. Those three are:
The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today - contains more than 70 pages of specific cures for conditions like heart disease, pain, cardiopulmonary conditions, decreasing bone density, diabetes, obesity, cancer, prostate, and much more! And it includes complete contact information to allow readers to find every one of the cures mentioned.
Secret Germ Antidote Knocks Out Flu in 8 Hours - A guide to beating the flu and enhancing your ability to defend yourself against future influenza pandemics.
Today's Most Vital Health Secrets - An overview of some of the best-kept health secrets yet discovered by HSI, distilled into an essential guide for smart consumers.
To get the two-year subscription for just $49, PLUS the bonus reports, simply subscribe to the HSI newsletter:
One more thing: HSI also supports NewsTarget's mission to educate and empower consumers with life-enhancing information, and as a show of their support,
they've agreed to send a donation to our non-profit Consumer Wellness Center equal to 50% of every new subscription! That means when you purchase a subscription to HSI right now, you'll not only be getting what I consider to be the top nutritional discovery newsletter in the business, you'll also be supporting our
Nutrition For Expectant Mothers program that aims to deliver honest nutritional reference guides to one million expectant mothers over the next few years. It's an important program, and it's not often that you can help others while helping yourself at the same time, but this is certainly one of those opportunities.
Why I'm recommending the HSI Newsletter
You already know I'm a skeptical, hard-nosed health journalist who's very careful about who and what I recommend. There are very few sources of information that have the credibility, humility and philosophies that resonate with my own, and many of the more popular, "conventional" health newsletters are just watered-down alternative medicine rehash attempts that never tell you what natural medicine is truly capable of.
Most newsletters sold on the market today would never earn my recommendation. I'm only interested in
the best information I can find -- information that I know can help my readers make significant, lasting changes in their health and happiness. That information is hard to find. But when you do find it,
grab on to it and soak up as much wisdom as you can while discovering new ways to apply it in your own life.
I've never recommended another newsletter before. Some might even wonder why I would recommend another publisher that could be perceived by some as a competitor. But they're not a competitor, they're an ally! They do what I do: search out the best nutritional discoveries from around the world and bring that information to customers in an honest, straightforward format. I do it on the web, they do it with a printed newsletter. We're both doing important work, I believe, and we both share the same philosophy of putting the health of our readers first! That's why I support their efforts and hope to see NewsTarget readers discover just how good the HSI newsletter really is.
Get your subscription started today by clicking this link:
Simply fill out the
form and your bonus reports will be on their way to you! I think you'll really enjoy your subscription to the Health Sciences Institute, and when each new issue arrives in your mailbox each month, just remember one thing:
I'm reading the same issue myself! That will be one more thing we'll share in our collective journey towards a healthier, happier world.
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