Wednesday, February 21, 2007 by: M. T. Whitney
Tags: the brain, neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer's
The research may yield new information for fighting Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and preventing strokes.
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• The stem cells divide and convert themselves into other types of cell, which allow them to move to areas of the brain containing destroyed and damaged cells.
• Humans have a cellular pathway that cells use to get to areas of the brain that need new cells, suggesting it repairs itself.
• The cellular pathways had previously been seen with rats.
• The research was conducted in part by using donated human brains and utilizing MRIs.
• The study will be published this week as the cover story in the journal Science.
• "The challenge is to understand what makes these cells divide and migrate down the pathway. How can we increase that; how can we help stimulate the cells to travel to areas of brain damage. We know that in a rat, if it has the equivalent of Parkinson's disease or stroke, cells leave this pathway to go to areas of damage. The pathway in humans probably has the same facility," said Dr. Richard Faull, one of the study's lead researchers.
• The human body is a self-repairing mechanism, and conventional medicine has for a long time grossly underestimated the ability of the brain to repair itself.
• Alzheimer's disease is often a reversible condition that can be cured with detoxification protocols, nutritional therapies, daily superfoods consumption and diligent avoidance of brain-damaging chemicals such as aspartame.
• "The more science looks closely at the human body, the more it will realize that the drugs and surgery approach to treatment is irrelevant to genuine health. The only way to achieve health is to support the body's own natural healing and regenerative processes." - Mike Adams, author of Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them
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