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Cow's milk

Nutritionist says too much milk can promote cancer

Thursday, December 21, 2006 by: Jerome Douglas
Tags: cow's milk, dairy products, casein

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(NewsTarget) Drinking an excess of cow's milk can promote cancer growth, according to Dr. T. Collin Campbell, Emeritus professor from Cornell University. After 27 years of animal research, Dr. Campbell came to that rather surprising conclusion which he revealed in his book, "China Study."

Dr. Campbell wrote a book on diet and cancer in 1982 that shocked U.S. medical authorities, as he organized an epidemiological study in China seeking associations between diets and diseases. The New York Times called the study the "greatest in the world" of epidemiological studies.

In Dr. Campbell's experiments, two groups of rats were exposed to equally high doses of highly carcinogenic aflatoxin to induce cancer. The rats were then fed a diet either with 20 percent gluten from plants, or 20 percent casein from animals. After a certain period, cancer cells did not increase in rats on the gluten diet, while the number of cancer cells in the rats on the casein diet drastically increased.

Dr. Campbell's conclusion was that when casein -- which comprises 87 percent of milk protein -- reaches or exceeds the level rats need for normal growth, casein starts to promote proliferation of cancer cells. His research and experiments demonstrated that low intake of plant protein can inhibit cancer induced by aflatoxin. In fact, he found that even after a cancer has already developed, low intake of dietary protein can significantly suppress the progression of cancer.

Dr. Campbell's research also showed that milk can induce chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis as well.

Dr. Campbell's studies showed that safe proteins come from plant foods such as wheat and soybeans. Even at high doses, these plant-derived proteins will not induce cancer. Upon publishing his results, Dr. Campbell pronounced the traditional Chinese diet as the only healthy diet in the world. He suggested that the intake of milk and meat products should be controlled.

"We've known for a long time that consuming animal products promotes many serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease," said Mike Adams, author of Grocery Warning. "This epidmiological research conducted in China provides overwhelming evidence to support the idea that one of the best ways to reduce your risk of cancer or other deadly diseases is to sharply reduce or completely eliminate your consumption of animal-based fats and proteins," Adams said. "While the traditional Chinese diet does include some meat, it is based predominantly on vegetables, sprouts and fruits, with very little meat or milk consumption."


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