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Originally published October 18 2015

Americans denying organ harvesting from aborted babies mirror German citizens of the Third Reich denying Holocaust

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) The Hollywood Reporter published the results of a disturbing poll recently, one that casts a worrying light on a very dark part of history in the last century, but one that also highlights a paradox of human nature.

As part of the marketing campaign for "Return to the Hiding Place," a film about Christians hiding Jews from the Nazis during World War II, producers conducted a survey asking Americans if they would have done the same thing those Christians did, had they been alive during the period.

One-third answered they would not hide Jews (presumably even if they knew what fate awaited their Jewish compatriots).

"It's a moral dilemma that we've never had to face, but you know those kids did, and their families did, and a lot of them lost their lives because of it," the film's star, John Rhys-Davies, said during a Hallmark Channel appearance, in reference to the true-to-life characters in the film.

Like Hitler's death camps, abortion mills are denied by many

The survey results come at a time of rising anti-Semitism, especially in Europe, where the Holocaust took place. But it also comes at a time when Holocaust denial is rising as well, with more people than ever claiming that Hitler never really ordered the extermination of some 6 million Jews during the war.

And it's this latter trend that is most disturbing, especially because it is being mirrored today in the United States — over the issue of abortion.

Some months ago, an organization known as the Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of undercover videos which clearly showed that: a) Planned Parenthood officials have engaged in the sale of fetal body parts; b) that such sales were conducted with an eye toward earning a profit (which is a violation of federal law); c) that at times babies were born alive, but that harvesting of organs continued; and d) that often mothers were not asked to sign fetal tissue donation consent forms, which again is a violation of procedure and law.

And yet, despite the clear evidence presented in a dozen undercover videos, which were meticulously produced over the course of a few years, a large number of Americans — mostly liberals — still keep denying the truth behind them (even if some admitted to have never seen any of these videos in the first place).

What's more, the denial is reaching the highest levels of power in the U.S., almost as if to provide cover for an organization that is politically favored by the current administration.

Admitting the existence of the problem is the first step

A recent compilation of Obama administration interviews includes the White House Press Secretary telling CNN he has never seen the videos, but nevertheless doesn't believe that they show what they clearly show. Others included in the compilation are Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton; House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. (a self-professed Catholic); Silvia Burwell, Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services; hosts on liberal news network MSNBC; President Obama himself (through Josh Earnest, his spokesman); and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

Others have simply denied that the videos are accurate, calling them "edited" and thus taken out of context. This list of notables includes long-serving liberal Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, who wrote them off as "doctored;" Newsday columnist Ellis Henican, who said the harvesting being done was no more "gross" than an appendectomy; Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., who wrote the videos off as inaccurate because they've been "edited" (which they were, but for brevity, not for context), and who also admitted he'd not seen the videos, edited or otherwise; and Pelosi, again, who said in a separate interview, "I don't stipulate that these videos are real."

All these denials sound a lot like what some Germans, who were very much aware of what Hitler was doing, did — choosing to either deny it was happening or to ignore that it was.

The only way to prevent this kind of evil from continuing is, of course, to admit that it happened, and that it will continue to happen if nothing is done to prevent it. That was true during the reign of Hitler's terror and it is just as true now, as it pertains to what Planned Parenthood can no longer deny.


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