Originally published September 10 2015
Planned Parenthood uses same tactics as communist China to harvest human organs from prisoners
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) While the debate continues to heat up over a series of videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress purportedly showing Planned Parenthood clinic workers discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts, concern has also been expressed over the ethical issues of organ harvesting being used as a motivating factor to push women who are on the fence about getting an abortion to go through with one.
As reported by The Blaze, this is exactly the issue that was brought to light recently during an interview with a woman named Nancy Tanner, a Virginia coordinator for Silent No More, an anti-abortion group, and Live Action News, a group that is pro-life.
In the interview, Tanner recalled how she once had serious concerns regarding a "tissue donation" form she was given to complete and sign as a precursor to getting an abortion some years ago at a Washington, D.C.-area Planned Parenthood clinic, something that left her with great remorse.
"I was second-guessing my decision to have the abortion," Tanner told Live Action News. "And as I was filling out the paperwork, I saw a permission slip that dealt with the disposal of the 'products of conception.'"
'Where are all the parts?!'
Tanner says a clinic nurse told her that donating aborted fetal tissue was like being an organ donor. However, Tanner says that didn't really convince her, adding that she initially did not want to sign the form.
"I said I didn't want to sign it and they said I had to or I couldn't have the abortion," she said. "I didn't want my baby to be used for scientific research and I was told, 'Don't worry, it's not a baby.'"
Tanner responded, "I told her I had two daughters already and I knew what a baby was. She said, 'We don't think its a baby.'"
Tanner eventually did sign the form, a decision she now says she badly regrets.
"[The nurse] said that I should give honor to what I thought was my 'child' by signing the form," Tanner told the pro-life news organization. "In my very confused state I listened to her say it was a 'good' thing to do, and I caved."
Though she signed the form, she said she was nonetheless looking for a way to get out of having the abortion at all.
"I was on the table, but wanted to leave and I was pushed back down. They said it was too late to change my mind," she said. "The cramping was horrible... after the machine was finally turned off, the doctor took the jar and right in front of me, he dumped the contents onto a tray and started looking for the pieces."
She then said that the doctor was impatient with her during the procedure as well.
No different from China
"I can't find all the parts. How pregnant were you?" he allegedly said, with Tanner continuing, "He yelled at me! 'If you get an infection it's not my fault.' Then he turned the machine back on and vacuumed some more. That was worse than the first time."
For more breaking news on Planned Parenthood's organ harvesting operations, check out Abortions.news, powered by FETCH.news.
Following the procedure, Tanner said she stopped at the front desk and attempted to obtain the form she had signed but was told it was no longer in the clinic's possession.
In many ways, what Tanner says she experienced is no different from what has happened to political prisoners in China, as well as mothers in a bid to enforce Beijing's "one-child" policies.
As recently as 2013, The Washington Post reported that while "officially" Chinese government authorities don't condone forced abortions via the one-child policy, they still occur:
In July 2012, for example, a 23-year-old mother became pregnant with her second child. Local officials arrested her, seven months into her pregnancy, and demanded her family pay $6,000 in fines for violating the one-child policy. When the family couldn't get the money together, the officials gave her an injection that killed the baby, whom the mother delivered stillborn while in police custody. ... In China, it generated a national debate over the question, Why is this still happening?
In addition, a recently released documentary described how Chinese authorities gruesomely harvest organs from political prisoners, many while still alive.
While it may be unclear why such atrocities continue in modern-day China, it is obvious why they occur in the United States – the baby body parts trade is an industry, and quite a profitable one at that.
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