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Originally published August 29 2015

Subway's Jared Fogle paid $100 to have sex with a 16-year-old girl, phone records show

by L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

(NaturalNews) According to a shocking new report from Business Insider, long-standing Subway icon Jared Fogle secretly arranged to have sex with a 16-year-old girl, paying $100 for the encounter through a Craigslist advertisement.

Jared, remembered for his Subway-inspired weight loss claims, has come under FBI scrutiny. Just two months prior, the FBI raided his foundation and arrested executive director Russell Taylor for producing child pornography. Taylor was charged with possession of child pornography and child exploitation. During a search of Taylor's home, investigators found more than 400 videos of child pornography. Expressing shock at the allegation, Fogle said he was severing all ties with Taylor.

However, whatever the FBI found on Taylor's computers led them straight to Jared's own home.

According to evidence obtained by the FBI, Taylor wasn't the only child predator scheming behind the computer screen. Phone records showed that Jared himself was involved. According to text messages sent from Jared's phone, the Subway superstar not only cheated on his wife, but also planned sexual adventures with a former Subway franchisee and paid off teenage girls for sex through Craigslist.

Upon hearing the news, Subway officially ended their relationship with Fogle and removed all references to him on their website.

Texts reveal dark side to Subway superstar Jared Fogle

Fogle, who is married and has two children, schemed to have sex with minors. Fogle's texts reveal a corrupt relationship with a former female Subway franchisee. Fogle used the former franchisee to arrange a meeting wither her underage cousin. The texts, which dated as far back as May 2008, showed an abusive dark side to the Subway superstar.

"When can we find a time for me to talk to your cousin?" Fogle asked. On the following day he pressured, "Any more news with your cousin?"

"Tell me what u think about when u think of the three of us all together???" he boasted.

The texts come from an affidavit obtained by subpoena from the FBI. According to the texts, Fogle is looking for some sort of sexual adventure that involves abusing a minor. He asked the woman, "How young would you like?... Would you want to have an adventure like that?"

The texts reveal that Fogle asked the woman to advertise herself on Craigslist. She responded, "Is this the same website you found that 16 year old girl you that you f*****? ...I still can't believe you only paid $100 for her."

Fogle responded, "It was amazing!!!!"

Trying to catch on to the sex selling scheme, she asks: "What part of her ad made you think she was selling sex?"

Jared responded, "U will have to read them to see."

The disturbing realization of 21st century slavery and the child sex trafficking industry

As Fogle's secret life is brought to light and his reputation shatters, the world must wake up and realize that slavery still exists in the 21st century and continues in its most disturbing form. An estimated 300,000 children are forced into prostitution and child pornography every year. In Washington, D.C., alone, child sex trafficking is an estimated $100 million industry.

Andrea Powell, the Executive Director of FAIR Girls, reports that the average age of kids being captured and sold into this dark world is 13. She says that "kids as young as five, six, seven" are being captured and sold.

"A child who's a victim of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation cannot go to school, is most likely not able to speak unless they're asked to speak, they can't even go to the bathroom without getting permission," she says. "They're probably having sex with 5 to 10 men a night."

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