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Originally published August 1 2015

Eat Your Ethic art installation showcases sustainable living in New York City

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The idea of trying to eat healthier and avoid junk food is a great start, but it's even better to make conscious, informed purchasing and consumption decisions that reflect an acute awareness and sensitivity to how food is grown, who's growing it, who's supplying it, and ultimately which entities it supports and enriches along the way from the farm to your dinner plate.

The "Eat Your Ethic" art installation that recently took place in New York City's Lower East Side drew attention to these and other important food-related concepts, encouraging spectators and participants to practice mindful consumption in every area of their lives. The idea is to think critically about the foods we all eat, the clothes we wear, the products we buy, and everything in between.

The brainchild of Elana Langer, Eat Your Ethic celebrates the art of ethical eating with various concepts and exhibitions designed to challenge patrons to reflect on their daily food consumption habits and consider ways to improve them. Participants are guided through a series of questions that Langer says are meant to spark an enlightened concern for transparency in food sourcing and production.

"If we are what we eat, why not use food as a way to know better what we are?" asks Langer. "This installation is a chance to pause and sense into the way we make decisions; the way we treat our bodies, our wallets, our earth, and ultimately each other."

"Our decisions, like our beings, change, but our truth is constant. Our choices matter, what we choose affects our bodies, the way we feel, not to mention the earth and others. Eating, like being, is an art that can be, if not mastered, at least made conscious (and in that more alive, dynamic and fun)."

Eating conscientiously goes a long way towards improving quality of life for everyone

One exhibit asked the critical question, "Why do we try to eat as inexpensively as possible?," challenging a commonly held view, especially in the United States, that food isn't really a priority when it comes to money well spent. Many people seem to believe that whatever costs the least and fills the belly quickly is good enough.

Another exhibit featured three cups of coffee: one sold by Starbucks, another by McDonald's, and the last one by a local coffee brewer. The challenge was for spectators to consider where each company sources its beans, how much farmers are getting paid for these beans, and which corporations are profiting from the sale of the end product.

"We were immediately drawn to Elana's concept," stated Shelley Golan, co-founder of Our Name Is Farm, one of Eat Your Ethic's exhibit presenters. "We love what we do, and feel very fortunate to be able to share our appreciation for sustainable food in such a unique way. We've come a long way in understanding the entire process -- from farm to table -- and are happy to share what we've learned with others."

Below, you'll see spectators perusing a wall art exhibit promoting conscientious eating habits:



The month-long exhibit ended on March 31, 2015, but it's sure to pick back up next year, presumably with even more exhibitors and likely many more patrons in attendance. The project is an ongoing, formative endeavor to teach the public about the value of conscious living, by the people and for the people.

"We hope that people walk away from this experience feeling like they've gained a new appreciation for all of the collaborative work that goes into making something as simple as your morning coffee," added Liz Vaknin, another Our Name Is Farm co-founder.

To learn more about Eat Your Ethic, visit their website.

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