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Originally published May 29 2015

Warfare document predicts 'aerosols' will be deployed as bio-weapons

by Natural News Editors

(NaturalNews) Republished story from

NASA: Future Strategic Issues Future Warfare [Circa 2025] (PDF)

Much more than geoengineering to alter the climate -- the "chemtrails" operation is now being revealed in it's full agenda as a weapons war against humanity and the natural world.

Not Just Spraying Aluminum and Barium Any More

Investigator, Cliff Carnicom identified self replicating Morgellons filaments as a fallout of geoengineering aerosols (chemtrails) ten years ago. How many more toxins are being sprayed today?

Is the airborne version of EBOLA envisioned in this document already being sprayed over populations?

The presenter of the 2001 Power point is Dennis M. Bushnell (Bio) -- Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center who has authored several books (Amazon)

Bushnell nears his 50th year at the center having come to NASA Langley in June of '63, drawn by the allure of the Apollo program and with an interest in high-speed gas dynamics.

"Today, he spends a good part of his time thinking about air traffic control systems and low energy nuclear reactions."


TruthStream Media: This PowerPoint/PDF file was presented by Bushnell in July 2001 - just a couple months before the 9/11 attacks. But much of the information that looked like science fiction in 2001 is now realized as a demonstrated, military operation against the American people and global population in 2014.

Drones, microwave and frequency weapons, nano weapons, binary bio weapons in food, AI, robotics and more are discussed. But this isn't a science fiction horror movie...these operations are now being deployed where decades of scientific research has been turned into a weapon against humanity and the natural world. -- - @TruthstreamNews - Facebook TruthstreamMedia

Deborah Taveres

Published on Jun 22, 2013 -- Deborah Tavares presents her interpretation of Bushnell's ominous forecast of advanced warfare technology as that's becoming more apparent thirteen years after Bushnell made his presentation.


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