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Originally published August 24 2011

Radiological protection - Natural supplements prevent radiation sickness

by Richard Stossel

(NaturalNews) With the situation in Fukushima, Japan actually being much worse than reported by the mainstream media, more and more people are concerned about the increasing possibility of a nuclear accident, terror attacks or other radiation release event. In light of that, this article will explore some effective natural supplements to protect yourself from dangerous and deadly effects of radiation sickness should it occur.

Radiation damages the cells via both direct and indirect damage to the DNA itself. This occurs via the production of large quantities of free radicals which can damage many areas of the cell, especially the DNA. When these radioactive particles pass through the cellular fluids, they produce superoxide and hydroxyl radicals: the latter being most destructive.

Radioactive particles in cells overwhelm the protective actions of various DNA repair enzymes due to the sheer volume of free radical production. Another reason that adding digestive enzymes to the diet can once again prove to be life saving is because the more enzymes you have, the greater cellular reparations will be. (

It turns out that most of the antioxidant vitamins and minerals that are so effective at keeping you healthy also have powerful anti-radiation effects by virtue of their free radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation inhibiting properties.

Here are a number of excellent supplements that will not only help protect you from natural or man-made radiation, but will also boost your overall healthy and immunity.

Main Supplements for Radiological Protection